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Posts posted by Rowand44

  1. 13 hours ago, Tony said:

    This is wrong on a lot of levels.

    - I have a closer relationship with my dad because of sports. It’s something we can always talk about with each other. I have many friends who aren’t as close with their fathers as I am, because they don’t seem to have a lot to talk about. I also have really good memories with him around 2005 and the Hawks Stanley Cup run. 

    - I’ve been in a fantasy football league with 11 guys I went to high school with. I probably wouldn’t be in contact with probably 8 of those guys at this point in my life, but the fantasy league keeps us in touch and the main reason we’ve kept it going all these years. 

    - I’ve won a good deal of money from said fantasy league, because I stay up on the NFL, so there literally is an ROI associated with that

    - Sports are communal. When the Hawks went through their from 2010-2015, the city was buzzing, especially during the playoffs. It was awesome going to the bars to watch those games with a packed house and everyone invested. It also brings us together. The country is incredibly divided politically where everyone thinks the other side is the “enemy.” But when you’re the fan of the same team, that stuff goes away and you’re on the same side/team. 

    - The actual payoff to your team winning can’t be matched by much. The Blackhawks went through a huge sexual assault scandal and it turned me off of the team for a while. But the memories I have of celebrating those cup wins didn’t change. Same with the 2005 White Sox. It became clear over time that team had a horseshoe up its collective ass given their lack of success in future seasons, but that doesn’t change the way I celebrated with friends and family in 2005. 

    I could keep going, but yeah…you’re wrong

    And you got to meet me through sports so I mean how could you not love them.

    9 hours ago, TaylorStSox said:

    The communal benefits have nothing to do with a tangible ROI. Sports owe you nothing and your loyalty to a specific entity owes you nothing. By nature, following sports and expecting a return is objectively irrational and stupid.

    You seem like a lot of fun.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Kyyle23 said:

    Keep em comin


    10 minutes ago, Tony said:

    There isn’t a single thing he said in that article that isn’t incredibly easy to believe. Based on what we have all seen and heard, it all checks out. And we should all be furious this is how they have run things for this long. 


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  3. 18 minutes ago, Harold's Leg Lift said:

    He scouted for the amateur draft this spring.  He saw all the players in the mix for the 1st round pick most multiple times and a few of the guys in the mix for the 2nd round picks along with players in the Chicago area.  He also frequently flies to Arizona and Kannapolis to work individually with young hitters specifically George Wolkow.  Calling a guy like Jim Thome useless is one of the most asinine things I've ever read on the board and boy is that saying something.  

    Been a long time since that Kelenic thread has been posted in.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Green Line said:

    The age of a plane has literally no bearing to the interior and comfort.  There are tons of old United planes that have been refurbished recently and you would never know how old it is from the inside.


    rosenthal needs to retract

    Quite the strange hill to die on.  New players were literally making fun of the damn thing when they walked in it.  Don't really need to say much else.

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  5. On 9/12/2024 at 10:24 AM, Tony said:

    It's also old school gate keeping. He doesn't like Barstool. Eddie didn't do anything to Bernstein, and the station he is employed by decided to bring Eddie in to co-host. He decided to act tough (while Eddie was on a remote btw and not in studio) and put him in an uncomfortable spot, for absolutely no reason other than he's an old cranky asshole. I can be a giant prick to people when I think it's deserved, but there is no way anyone can make a coherent argument that Eddie deserved any of that. Just a shitty thing to do, and quite frankly the heat Bernstein is getting is long overdue

    Absolutely on all of this.  Look, there’s plenty of things to not like about barstool but Eddie isn’t one of them and Dan is just an asshole.  Hope the stoolies make his professional life rough going forward.  

  6. 6 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    They kept them on through the trade deadline and didn't replace them beforehand, so they valued their feedback enough to keep paying them.

    Yup.  So if Chris thought these guys were good enough to help him through the offseason and the deadline why in the hell should I have any confidence he's going to hire anyone that's actually...good?

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  7. 3 minutes ago, WestEddy said:

    I carry water for logic. 

    People who think this of themselves are almost always wrong.  And you told us this team would have 45 wins by the end of July so we got to eliminate that carrying water for logic point real quick.  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Boopa1219 said:

    I'm going to wait and see how he does in the job. 

    Year 1: Absolutely f'n horrific in every way possible.  Almost every move has been terrible but hey he's fired people

    Can't wait to be told to wait and see next year cause it was never going to get any better this year either.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, SoxAce said:

    If this was Getz call then I like him a bit more. He's been brutal in trades but he is fixing the front office personal issues I'll give him that. 

    He hasn't fixed anything yet though.  I'm not going to give the man any credit until improvements are actually made.  All this could be like firing Rick/KW and hiring...Chris Getz.

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  10. 47 minutes ago, Milkman delivers said:

    I have at least two blank jerseys. Should they break the record, I’m definitely having the number of losses sewn onto the back of them.

    Love it.  You know they’re going to go on a “hot streak” and only get to 119 though just cause.

    • Like 2
  11. 34 minutes ago, 2Deep said:

    Steve Stone is still here.  So you think Jason was that polarizing that he warranted the high rating himself?

    Sox were still considered contenders at the start of last year.

    They were considered dog do do at the start of the this year and had a circus clown (Jerry) alienate the fanbase and national media over this past summer.  

    I mean if we're calling them contenders then the deep level of disappointment that team had should make the broadcast a whole lot worse.  I'm not here to bash JS as I quite literally haven't watched enough games this year to do so but Jason absolutely made the broadcasts enjoyable.  He's that good imo.

    • Like 2
  12. I don’t know enough about this draft to say yay or nay on the pick, I just don’t love the mindset of hey we suck at developing hitting anyways.  If we’re not going to learn to develop hitters then this thing ain’t going anywhere anyways.  

    • Like 2
  13. 19 hours ago, Milkman delivers said:

    I guess they are some of the few employees that are attempting to do their jobs. I got an email from them today trying to get me to buy tickets.

    It did not work. Stopped reading and deleted it as soon as I realized what it was.

    I don’t even think I unsubscribed to their emails, I think I just marked them as spam.

    • Haha 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, SoCalChiSox said:

    I dont know what star level would be but I would say Montgomery needs to be 3 WAR or more and the Top 10 player they get for Robert also needs to be 3 WAR or more.

    I think between Quero, Ramos and the other couple Top 100 bats they get in these Robert, Crochet, Fedde etc trades, they can hopefully get 1-2 2.5 WAR guys. 

    It shouldn't be extremely hard to produce an 85 win team when you probably will have a decent pitching staff.

    Just cause Birmingham has an awesome staff doesn't mean that's all going to translate to Chicago.  Once again, you trade Crochet and we're literally starting with nothing at the major league level.  To assume that the pitching is going to be good is an assumption I'm not ready to roll with it yet.

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  15. 2 minutes ago, T R U said:

    Helps when you have a top 10 pitching staff.

    And despite that offense being mediocre or whatever we want to call Detroit they've still already scored 81 more runs than the Sox just to show how far we have to go.  Look, is it possible for this team to be decent in 2-3 years?  Sure I guess anything is possible.  That said, when/if we trade Robert and Crochet we're literally going to be starting with nothing, nada, not a damn thing in the major leagues.  We're going to need everyone that has been discussed in this thread to not only hit as a prospect but hit right away and somehow not go through early struggles for the first few years.  Like I said earlier, anything is possible but the safe bet is this is going to take many years before this is a passable ball club.

    • Like 1
  16. 7 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    Considering 60 games in, they were down to 2 starters, it probably wouldn't have ended well.

    And they were fading at the end of that short year too.  The 2020 season was super fun for what it was but that team would have been toast in a 162 game season.

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