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Everything posted by Rowand44

  1. We just need someone to slap him around and tell him to throw his fastball, then he'll be fine.
  2. Probably because of the amount of homeruns he's given up this year and we know how homerun friendly the cell is.
  3. Pavano is a top flight starter, imo.
  4. Garland.....yes but I still think he's a good 5th starter. I think Jose is going to be fine, jmo.
  5. Niners Skins Broncos Ravens Falcons Lions Packers Titans Panthers Seahawks Cowboys Raiders Pats Jets Dolphins Eagles
  6. Very solid post. Can I also say that for a while now pitchers have basically been getting work in because the games haven't meant anything. Freddy and Buehrle are a very solid 1-2 punch that I'm sure most teams in baseball would love to have. Now if you can add add a pavano( ) Clement, Perez, Radke, Pedro, or whoever to that and having those guys as the top 3 and Contreras and garland as the 4 and 5 starters, we'd have one hell of a rotation.
  7. Can we just sign pavano to make me happy? Wite, your right about Russ Ortiz, I definitely see the sox pursuing him, his walks really frighten me though. What do you guys think his value will be in the market?
  8. I really hope Pavano is with the sox next year. I do agree we need to add another starter, no thanks on milton, I'd be all for derek lowe, odalis, clement, radke and obviously pedro if the money was right.
  9. I think most of us here really did like cwsox. But I really trust the admins on this site, they've done a great job and why wouldn't you guys trust them when they'd have to make a tough decision?
  10. Well tonight my step brother was driving me back home from sportmart and some ahole just turns right into our lane and the car got pretty badly damaged, we were both in left turn lates and this guy just completely cut us off. If that wasn't bad enough this ass hole ends up just driving away from the accident, so now my step bro has two huge dents in his car, he'll have to pay for that and his insurance has a chance of going up all because of some jag bag. Some people are honestly just jackasses. Sorry to even start a thread about this, it just pissed me off.
  11. After I posted that, I knew you'd take that out of context ace. Soxace: soxtalk's one and only two year old.
  12. I agree 2k4 for more then one reason. First off I hope we sign another starter in the offseason making it not even necessary to even think about bringing bmac up to start the year. Second, the sox have to handle him right for once, this kid is to special to have his confidence go to s*** if he's rushed up to the bigs.
  13. Some people are just sick. I really don't have a nicer way to say it but some people just derserve to get the s*** kicked out of 'em.
  14. Yes I'm a teenager, so what? Both trades last year weren't losses at all, Everett was very good here and so far all texas has to show for it is relief pitcher that throws chairs at people, and yes I know Rupe has a chance to be solid but he still hasn't done anything yet. We gave up absolutely nothing for robbie last year and this year so how can either of those be bad? The berry/barry wasn't good but once again we gave up Baldwin, we didn't lose anything. The garcia trade was very good. The shoney trade definitely wasn't bad.
  15. This is why the twins kick our ass every f***in year. I'm out for now, I don't want to watch the sox get dominated by Johan and lose.
  16. I try to ignore all your posts ace. Just kidding, ya I saw you said that.
  17. I'm trying to do the opposite of that and hope the loss doesn't come true. I don't have DJ's powers though.
  18. Does anyone see a no hit loss coming? I really wouldn't doubt that.
  19. Freddy is getting really squeezed. Gotta Calm him down.
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