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Posts posted by Rowand44

  1. 15 minutes ago, South Side Hit Men said:

    He and Jerry suck ass.

    I don't believe it was about the money as much as it was dealing with Brooks Fucking Boyer, Jerry and all the bullshit roadblocks and unnecessary grief they threw his way during his time here, including not paying for their travel in 2021 and blaming bullshit covid for their cheap ass ways.

    I don't pay for garbage TV including Jerry's broadcasts and his absolute shitshow of Ozzie and Garfein in the studio, but I really hope Len did come here because he wanted to stay on radio. I really enjoy him and DJ, perhaps the primary reason I followed games first during the Tony La Russa era and then the brutal Hahn final season. 

    If it's Connor and DJ or gasp DJ leaves, I may take some time off from Sox baseball until jerry dies, Boyer is gone, and solid broadcasters want to work here.

    It wasn't Brooks.  It was Jerry and money.  He got a big raise from Detroit and Jerry wouldn't give it to him.  He also felt that he wasn't treated right by the organization so there ya go.

  2. 2 hours ago, Highland said:

    They went beyond saying he was their top prosect. They had him walking on water. In addition, when he first came up, he even had worse command than he does now. His fast ball was over the place, and he nearly took a couple guys' heads off. When he did get his fast ball over, it was knocked well into the seats. Then he needs Tommy John surgery after pitching in the major leagues for a month. Forget your lol. 

    I stand by what I earlier stated. Putting unrealistic expectations on a young player isn't wise. In the end, Kopech has never lived up to the hype. And he never will.

    There are 8 billion things to destroy the White Sox for but this is a bizarre one.  All guys that highly touted get that type of hype.  Hell, Keith Law had him as the number 1 pitching prospect in the game.  That's just what top prospects go through.

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  3. 1 minute ago, whitesoxfan99 said:

    If he does find a way to better his approach and take walks the Sox will end up losing this trade by a mile.  

    100 percent but we all know that s%*# wasn't going to happen with the Sox anyways cause White Sox.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 9 hours ago, GreenSox said:

    I'm past the anger at the lazy, self-serving and incompetent management; now it just makes me sad.

    I'm past the anger and sadness at this point, I just don't care which is so much fuckin worse.

    • Like 2
  5. Ya, I think unfortunately we just need to bleed this season out and hope somehow/someway we finally get a front office change in the offseason.  There's just no good answers here until Rick is gone I'm afraid.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Texsox said:

    Since you don't seem interested in selling, pack your bags and get a deal in Charlotte. Maybe folks there will engage enough to keep a beat writer. But Chicagoans are tired of your horrible mismanagement. Maybe in a couple years a real team will move in on the Southside or share a new stadium with the Bears in Arlington Heights. 

    You've worn out your welcome. Your threat to move got you a new stadium, this time go. Just when we think this is the low point something comes along to realize it will just keep getting worst. 


    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Greg Hibbard said:

    if Oscar Colas is playing 5 out of 7 games, and pinch hitting in a sixth, is he "platooning"? 

    The way he's been used so far is quite literally the definition of a platoon.  But yes, it's only been 7 games so no reason to freak out about his usage yet but hopefully he starts playing against lefties soon.  It was only a 100 PA or so sample size but the guy killed left handed pitching in the minors last year, no reason whatsoever to platoon the guy.

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    He said he thought he was just missing his spots, but there is a feeling he may have been tipping his pitches. 

    I definitely believe he's done that in the past so wouldn't surprise me if that's what was happening yesterday.  

  9. 25 minutes ago, raBBit said:

    Not to worry, Romy won't even make the team.

    That said, it is going to drive me crazy when Leury starts in RF against LHP and Sheets gets starts in RF against RHP. 

    Haha fair enough.  

  10. My only issue is having Colas as a platoon player out of the gate.  The dude is one of your top prospects and smashed left handed pitching last season(only 115 at bats but still), why would you be platooning him for Romy Gonzalez?

    • Like 2
  11. 34 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    I'm excited as hell.  Its all about what you make of it.  This is nothing more than a hobby of watching grown men in goofy outfits running around on grass playing a game on a daily basis, after all. If you cannot enjoy it, probably best to step away (not directly at you really, but just in general). 

    I certainly understand your point and I don't disagree but if I could just step away from caring about this stupid organization I would have done so years ago.  Unfortunately I'm here until I die.

  12. On 1/26/2023 at 4:08 PM, Iwritecode said:

    Anyone else watch That 90's Show? 

    I enjoyed it for the most part but it still wasn't quite as good as the original. You can tell they are doing the same basic characters over again even though 3 of them were gender-swapped.  

    There are a ton of homages and call-backs to the original show and the set looks basically the exact same. It reminds me a lot of what they did with Fuller House.

    Most of the original main cast have at least one cameo appearance minus Danny Masterton for obvious reasons. They even make mention of Laurie but not by name.

    Should be interesting to see if the come back with a season 2 or not since they left the ending open for one.

    I enjoyed it too.  Nothing spectacular but it kept me entertained through out and hit me in the nostalgia feels.

  13. 39 minutes ago, Dominikk85 said:

    Not giving him the QO was a huge mistake by hahn, should have at least gotten the pick. 

    That being said I think 6 years with his injury history is rather stupid by the yanks. 

    But I'm happy for Carlos that he got paid. 

    I’m sure they know the Rodon and Judge contracts down the road will be rough but they’re trying to win the World Series in the next few years and they’ll worry about the other s%*# when they get there.

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