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3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

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Everything posted by 3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

  1. Too much of this philosophy and potential talk, there's a lot of 'ifs'. Positive is opening a spot for McCarthy? Pssh, after you took it away last year (and gave away a prospect and bullpen help at the same time). Let's just hope he's not another one of our kids we've ruined by using them wrong. Freddy wasn't going to be resigned anyway. So? Wait it out, there will be a lot more desperate teams before then who would jump all over that value, I'd take that chance more than more prospects. Same Freddy who even coming in overweight and not caring since he won a championship won what? 17 games? And got his fastball back towards the end of the year and got a new devastating pitch. KW has been right on prospects which have turned out nicely, but he's been wrong too. Acting too risky for me for a team that was supposed to be in the top position with some luxury this offseason
  2. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Dec 7, 2006 -> 12:35 AM) And yet, we are STILL basing Floyds numbers on half a season with Philly, as a 23 year old, with 108 IP career in the majors....Awesome foresight!! Not about his numbers, more about him being their version of Borchard.
  3. Damn, I guess I skimmed over it at first but thought he was implying that the Sox were showing those type of signals with that move, but now I see the part you guys are talking about. Man what is going on? Is Ashton Kutcher behind this? I thought Kenny looked a little high during his Comcast interview yesterday.
  4. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Dec 6, 2006 -> 10:32 PM) Can we get this pinned? Yeah, and I heard Kenny/Ozzie say that they felt no need to move anyone unless the perfect deal came along. This was it?
  5. I hate the deal, but where does Phil get that there is no chance of bringing back the other starters?
  7. Kenny cancelled his interview on Mac Jurko and Harry. Busy working on a deal? It is a Wednesday
  8. David Ortiz goes the Palmeiro route
  9. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Dec 5, 2006 -> 12:40 PM) I'll never forget a game last year. Bottom of the 9th, we are down 1 run, and AJ lines a shot into section 114 and breaks a guy's nose. If the guy had ducked, it would have smacked me square in the nuts. During all the commotion to help the guy, Pablo smacks a dinger to go into extra innings. Ahh, the smell of bleach perfuming my section (to clean the blood off all the seats), as the Sox won it in 11. Nice. Haha I remember that, got good tickets to that game cheap on Ebay, was sitting a few sections over. That was a pretty sad game until a great Anderson catch and then Pablo (!) puts the team on his back and ties/wins the game, good stuff.
  10. I didn't get something sent from class, so I decided to test it out with some other addresses, and keep getting an error message with the 'mail failure' email: "Access Denied. To request removal, send the complete error message, including your ip addresses, in an E-mail to removeme@sbc.sbcglobal.net". That doesn't make sense to me. It's blocking people from sending me mail unless it has their IP address?
  11. and then sell the cone on ebay after use for the big bucks. Not really new though, saw it years ago
  12. I would like Rowand in left, but then we need to reexplore finding a leadoff hitter, hence my Rollins thread last week that got crapped on
  13. I could see the deal happening, it was the same exact one I proposed when the offseason started (w/ Yankees helping out with the salary), but now that I look at it, it doesn't make that much sense. Offense wasn't our problem last year. With ARod that improves but you lose a pitcher and still have the Boras issue, payroll will prob go up anyway, and all the same question marks your team had going in. Or else, you have Crede for a couple years if you don't do anything with him, could spend the extra money for the rest of the team or trying to keep Crede, if not, you sure as hell weren't going to keep ARod after his is up (not sure when though, prob even later), and you keep your SP which you can keep or trade for the question marks instead.
  14. perezhilton.com has them too, like 3 or 4 sep occasions white trash at its finest, modern day beverly hillbilly
  15. hilary banks meets eva mendes? things got awkward when I asked to see her bra
  16. Michael having to hold back Dwight when he tells him a convict is in the office, then him going near him with all the money hanging out of his back pocket The 'i'm horny' phone call "You show me a white man you trust and I will show you a black man I trust even more" Danny Glover lmao. Definately some funny moments, but the whole 'prison isn't better than work' thing kind of dragged
  17. Oh Pods came back, damn insomnia and waking up at 2, that hurts my trade idea a bit
  18. Any chance at all Phillies deal him? Our roster definately has what it takes to trade for anyone
  19. I first guessed it; the prospect, indirectly taking BMac out of the rotation, and getting rid of middle relief that gave innings. boourns
  20. Does anyone mask their ip addy. I'd really like to this. I mean, all those creeps with those sigs that know what browser I'm running!
  21. I think I'm gonna pick up this new Snoop CD. Paying for a CD, ehhh, hopefully someone will have some Black Friday specials
  22. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 07:33 PM) Thank you. Is this the whole package, (as in a controller) or is it JUST the box?
  23. Guess he better not pilot a plane anytime soon Too many choices of douchebags, but I probably would've given it to Ortiz, he's a beast, but it depends on what you go by to vote. Of course, the DH and team record part would hurt him, but I don't interpret it as all this 'most valuable to a winning team blah blah blah', I see it as best stats. If you want to factor in defense, then go vote for a gold glove
  24. I love fatwallet.com, just got a DVD burner under $15 for Staples Just installed it, it's both DVD+ and - R, is there a better one? Will DVD players play either one?
  25. This all could have been avoided with 'serenity now'
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