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3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

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Everything posted by 3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

  1. Let's just end all the controversy and call all Seinfeld fans KKK members. But seriously, it's not racist when a black comic rips on white people in general and in the audience. I think this is more of him trying to use that type of angle to respond to a heckler, but it comes off nothing like that because he's inexperienced or just bad at standup. That's also a touchier subject. Maybe under the influence, maybe not used to being heckled and it put him over the top, or maybe didn't think it'd be a big deal since swearing and being offensive (including to the audience) is the norm for a lot of standup comedy/in comedy clubs. He's not right, but someone can't be that dumb in this day and age to be serious about comparisons to slavery or go on and on with those slurs and not fearing for his life. And if he was, I don't see what benefit he'd have from backtracking, crying, or apologizing (to say it in public and really mean it probably would give him no fear or issue with admitting to racism). That's just how I see it How ironic, today's Seinfeld on TBS was the one where Jerry buys the black and white cookie, I just realized that like 10 hours later lol.
  2. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Nov 20, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) It remains to be seen whether or not it will be the best choice for sports games overall, but Madden Wii beats the pants of any of the other versions. So how does that work, you hit the button for a snap and do the arm motion to throw the ball? I haven't really followed the Wii, but remember hearing about how the controller had some motion sensors
  3. I don't care about the word, with all this crap exclusivity about who gets to use it, same with the whole Borat/Jewish thing, whatever where he crossed the line was the '50 years ago you'd be hanging upside down' or whatever the quote was. But then again, if you go see standup or goto a comedy club, don't know how valid it is about being offended (there's some girl comic who does this with every group possible), I guess his took the more serious side, but that could also go with as mentioned above, people expecting Kramer as if that's who he really is, so he can't joke around on a serious subject.
  4. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Nov 19, 2006 -> 02:18 PM) I hate having to face him 6 times a year, but I love this signing. Embrace another era of K's and poor defense. Maybe the Trib wasn't far off in advertising Sammy's come back. hey man, better than facing him more in the league/division
  5. I know it's a stretch but I probably would have gone for that 50 yarder, there's the game
  6. Jets worried me more than the Giants when the schedule came out, I predict a Jets win
  7. Maybe call ahead, but I would try some place like a Sears or Kmart that might get a small number in but are irrelevant to people.
  8. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Nov 18, 2006 -> 11:56 PM) Or are these letters and numbers appearing randomly and you want to count how many times they appear? Yes
  9. Is there some kind of computer program that can count how many times something appears. Like, let's say I was conducting some kind of electronic survey, and had the choices be letters or numbers, and I just wanted to copy and paste them all into one document and have something count how many times they appear. Make any sense?
  10. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Nov 18, 2006 -> 09:49 AM) I'd like more info on this as well. I'm assuming this would be the core version. yes, it is the core. go to amazon.com, you should see the info (i'm logged in)
  11. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 08:51 PM) So, I didn't camp-out for my pre-order. And I don't want to camp out to get a video game system. Anyone with experience know where the best places to go would be? Any stores with midnight launches? Also, the editor of IGN called Zelda: Twilight Princess "The greatest game of all-time" today. I can't frickin' wait. Do you have Meijer near you. They're open 24 hours and they're doing the 12:01 release (though for the PS3 they said this and gave out vouchers way earlier, but I wouldn't think it'd be as bad as the PS3)
  12. I went last year. Left around 3, went to Bloomingdale area, didn't think there'd be that many, ha, the Best Buy went around the back of whole shopping center itself (pretty big). I was thinking of getting one of the computers, but that was one of the bigger doorbusters, so no chance. We chilled in the car until everyone got in the store, and then went in. Still got some good deals, like USB drives, DVD Box Sets, great for gifts, I saved a ton of money with people thinking I spent a lot more on them. But yeah, if you want one of those frontpage doorbusters, you'll be pushing your luck after 1-2 am It was actually a real fun experience though, 5 am, seeing everyone run around like madmen. Then go get some breakfast and sleep til the afternoon. If you go earlier, you can try to cut or look for people to and see the near brawls and riots.
  13. Just curious, did anyone actually buy one to play it lol. I don't have much interest since I hardly play my PS2 (except some sports games once in a while), but was near the Schaumburg store, and was thinking of stopping by to ebay it up (I wonder how many of the $3000 bids were even real. Yeah, time/life constraints, but if you want a buggy one at launch so bad, I'd think you'd probably camp out) The smart people went to Meijer. Since the store is open 24hours, you could 'camp out' inside, and they ended up giving up vouchers to everyone early.
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Nov 16, 2006 -> 03:56 PM) I know this has probably been mentioned, but the last time the Cubs and Sox made a deal, we came away with some guy named Garland. I think he turned out OK. What does that have to do with anything?
  15. I'll reserve opinion on the deal to wait for the grand scheme of things in the spring, but man do i haaaatteeee crosstown trades. I had been a KW fan before the championship year, liked how he had balls and went for it, but last year there were a couple moves that made me go 'eh' when they were made, and didn't turn out too great. I sure hope he's not slipping
  16. I like DeRoas, but IIRC he looked good hitting the fastball when I saw him but had issues with the breaking ball
  17. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 11:58 PM) So the Red Sox are cheaters now? haha. Here's a cookie: Zzzzz, when the Red Sox were rumored to get ARod, their fans had no problem with it. When they Yankees got him, they went on their little raves how the Yankees were ruining baseball and the evil empire and all that. More like hypocrites
  18. QUOTE(chimpy2121 @ Nov 14, 2006 -> 10:51 PM) So, I went to Best Buy today to get something and I see a tent. Not even thinking about PS3 because it doesnt come out til Firday, I asked what the people were doing. There were 10 of them already camping out for the system. I would kill for that kind of free time, and if I got it, I sure as hell wouldn't be camping out for a video game system. Same thing happened to me at Circuit City this afternoon, insane, at least 8-10 people. What the hell? I wonder how stupid these people feel when the system is available everywhere? Factor in there will be more games then, the price, and problems the system is already having...this is worse than some Star Wars nerds, I have a feeling some one will drive by with some eggs or something
  19. when can we preorder the DVD. PS3/Black Friday type lines expected?
  20. Damn, I had entered a Hawks contest for tickets on their site last week, forgot about it, and for some weird reason (crazy week), didn't check my email for the last few days. Check tonight and there were 2 tickets attached as Ticketfast I won for the game that had just ended that night, what a crappy feeling
  21. So, how likely that it acutally happens, let alone in 30 days QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Nov 5, 2006 -> 10:27 PM) If you don't think pressuring leaders of Iraq to issue a verdict before Tuesday didn't happen, you're incredibly naive. Seriously though, who is dumb enough to let this sway their voting decision?
  22. My hype came from the early Ali G show days, just browsing an HBO free preview bored one Sunday night, and laughed my ass off. Heard about the movie a while ago and it was definately worth the wait! Yes, he is advertising a lot, a little surprised about all the hype (but it delivers with the movie, so the reviews show that), but it's not like you had to watch the episodes to get it. I want to see it again. Here's some epsidoe flashbacks to wet your appetite
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