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3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

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Everything posted by 3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

  1. I think everyone has the mind set that the NY and Boston series are measuring sticks, that is, except our team. This team knows its good, it has faced the same opponents as the Twins and the other Major League teams and has had the best record far and away. Also, anything can happen in short series. 2000 was a fun year, and that Sox team put a whipping on the two dominant Major League teams when they swept the Yankees and Indians at their ballparks, but we all know what happened in October that year. EDIT: Main point of the 2000 sweep story, it's about getting hot at the right time
  2. QUOTE(GBlum27 @ Aug 13, 2005 -> 06:48 PM) WHY IS GARLAND STILL IN? This game is just about over, save his f***ing arm There's a real good chance you'll need the bullpen tomorow and on Monday. That's why I have no problem with leaving Buerhle in last night.
  3. Hawk is too excited about the young girl Sox fans
  4. I was just watching Bob Costas, and Dock Ellis (that dude is nuts! A no hitter on acid, are you kidding me?) would talk about how he'd load himself up with speed/amphetamines and many other pills before every start to be sure he had an advantage/get the hitter scared. According to different reports, including things I've heard by many media people in the clubhouse, even reported by members of the BBTN crew, that many of the baseball players currently take amphetamines/speed/greenies (I have used these different words used, I'm assuming they're the same thing) , and say that they need them if the season is going to be 162 games (more widespread than steroids), but no one seems to care. Again, I'm not a doctor and don't know extensive information on the subjects, but I think there's a general misconception of steroids that you can take a steroid, be magically inflated, and suddenly learn how to effectively put the bat on the ball, learn to pitch, or even add MPH on a pitch, when that's not the case (many retired pitchers have reported trying steroids to add MPH and it didn't work). It does give an advantage though, it makes you work out longer and recover from injury/prevent short term injury(giving you more energy, becoming more aggresive), where in turn the extra working out and gained endurance will help with lasting throughout the season or a pithing outing or the added muscle mass of working out more may help your power numbers, but again, you need the talent to put the bat on the ball in the first place or to know how to pitch effectively, and there is no proof to how much it does/doesn't help. So it seems that becoming a better player is more of an indirect result of taking steroids. Now to the amphetamines. Again, I don't know much about them, so I quickly went to the Wikipedia, and noticed they are also classified as 'performance enhancing' grouped together with anabolic steroids. Here are the short term effects listed "Short-term psychological effects can include alertness, euphoria, increased concentration, rapid talking, increased confidence, increased social responsiveness". The alertness and concentration would definately help in the game of baseball, no need for an explanation of that. There's different reports and books about how it is widespread in baseball, along with other stimulants. Now, steroids indirectly help with baseball, so what's with the huge outcry, because it's illegal? Speed is also illegal, and it's common (possibly may be in other forms) in the league, though it may not give the direct advantages of steroids, but it seems it would help with getting through games when tired, which is a big reason steroids are taken. I don't know, it's just that these days, people hear about steroids, and think it's some forbidden fruit, and I used to feel the same way, and thought about it, and tried to break down what steroids really were. I could take them and still not even be able hit college pitching. An advantage is obvious, but unfair advantages are used in baseball all the time (do we need to go back in the HOF to get those 'secrets' out?), and in the case of speed, there are some that are illegal as well. Even though I still follow all the steroid stories and the witchhunt because I'm interested in who's on them, I'm not as apalled as I used to be (Raffy is a jag though for the way he arrogantly denied it and lied his whole career. At least Canseco and Caminiti admitted it). These are grown men, they know the risks, it just shows me that they're dedicated to being good or making a living as to deal with the consequences, since it is an illegal act and there's a great chance of shrinking of the testicles, a massive heart attack years later, breaking down to the point where they'll career will end after a short good run, and being looked at as a 'cheater' (which are the reasons you kids reading this out there should not take them, still not condoning the usage) It's the proffesional athlete's life, if they are willing to go through all that to gain that undefined advantage, then more power to them. Again, no extensive information on the subject, so let me know if something is completely wrong or makes me look stupid. Discuss and such.
  5. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 11:13 PM) All going to the playoffs, right?? Teams go through streaks, Baltimore and San Diego were going through hot streaks like the Red Sox and A's are going to now, and the Angels have a damn good chance of playing in October. Either way, those teams have good offenses (if not going to the playoffs, it's due to their pitching, something MB doesn't face), and he man handled them. Whatever though, difference of opinions I suppose. Garland has been damn good this year, but he still has instances where he puts himself in spots because of walks, and he's been able to get out of them this year, but that will kill him in the playoffs against playoff teams. I like our staff in the postseason though
  6. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 09:03 PM) Buehrle's 3 year splits against the 4 teams who have dominated the A.L. as of late: Red Sox: 3.64 era Angels: 2.74 era Yankees: 4.13 era Twins: 3.89 era Ownt. I'd say give up since there's no convincing, but I don't see how he can still question MB being an ace after all these years, and the stats you posted help show how dumb his argument is. The bashers always only look at the negative stuff. Here's some stuff from this year. May 13th vs Baltimore. W - 8 IP , 3 ER, against the hottest team in the bigs at the time, and easily the best offensive team at the time. One of the 100 'must wins' that have been claimed this season to 'see how we would fair in the playoffs' May 18th vs Texas, W - 7.1 IP, 0 ER, another great offensive team. May 24th @ Anaheim, ND, 9 IP, 1 ER, Anaheim obviously good offensively, and impressive to do it at a West Coast team. May 30th vs Anaheim, ND, 8.1 IP, 3 ER, not bad for them seeing you for your last start. This was the famous Jeff Brantley/Memorial Day game. June 11th @ San Diego, W, 7.2 IP, 0 ER, maybe not the best offensive team, but they were the hottest in the NL at the time, and good again to do it at their ball park. What more can you ask for? I'd say the All Star Game is a preaty big game as well, must be doing well to start that too. Other honorable mentions are complete shutdowns of the offenses of Cleveland (even after facing them so much), Seattle, Dodgers, and KC, and another one at Baltimore that was ended early, but I didn't include them since they wouldn't be seen as big games since the offenses aren't top tier (Cleveland and Seattle's aren't too shabby though). Sure, there are bad games, just like other pitchers, including aces. Roger Clemens is rare, this stuff happens, and he just seems to be going through a little iffy stretch lately. I don't care, think what you think, I still trust MB, and it's nice to have Garland and Freddy to back him up just in case.
  7. Nice pitcher's duel in Oakland. Santana vs Haren. Currently 1-0 in the top of the 9th with both pitchers still in, not sure if Santana or Nathan gets the 9th EDIT: Santana out to pitch the 9th. Looking for the CG Shutout, starts the inning with 89 pitches, retiring 19 in a row Double EDIT: 2 quick outs for Santana, and now the A's are making it interesting. Kotsay with a double (2nd man to reach 2nd base on the night, furthest an A hitter has reached). Crosby walks. Chavez up. Nathan is warming. Final Update: Chavez flies out, Ford and Stewart almost bumped into each other for it, but it was caught. Twins win 1-0, Haren a tough luck loser.
  8. Haha, NBC interviewed people at Haray Carey's and someone said 'We have Krenzel so hopefully we'll be okay'
  9. Cardinals, Astros, and Brewers fans feel the same
  10. I was going to say this no matter the outcome, even if we won 8-0, Hawk, please STFU with the offensive comparisons, I don't give a s*** about the stats, I still get irregular bowel movements everytime our pitchers go through that top 6. Horribly managed game at the game. I don't mind leaving Buehrle in, since he is your ace and he gives you innings and Dustin isn't 100%, but then to waste Cotts like that? Then pinch hitting for Juan after his confidence is probably sky high after having a good game and owning Rivera on Wed? All that made those 2 HRs even worse, but it's nice to know for the future that we can score on Schilling, I suppose
  11. I think Schilling is distracted by the guy in the blue
  12. Dammnit Ozzie, Uribe probably would've gotten on too
  13. I heard he has a changeup as well, either Farmio or AJ said it, but they said he doesn't need it as much (in their opinions)
  14. Enough with the L/R matchups, just leave Uribe in, I'm sure this will really help his confidence after he owned Rivera on Wed
  15. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:49 PM) Why's that? Jenks was supposed to be our closer if Hermanson was hurt. Since he's in here, it seems to me that Hermanson would be able to go tonight. I didn't read the article, but wasn't it just the SunTimes writer who suggested that Jenks close? Ozzie has used Politte and Marte when not using Hermanson this year
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if Ozzie put Jenks in more for a 'tryout' so to speak to see if he can fit in as a closer during pressure situations and if he can be counted on with pressure on the road in the playoffs
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:45 PM) Really is mind-boggling, isn't it? He trusts our starters more than he does our relievers. As great as our starters have been this year, our big 3 relievers of Cotts/Cliff/Dustin have been 3 of the best in baseball. It tells me that Dustin is not 100%
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:28 PM) Yep, f*** that coach for making the smart baseball decisions during a game. It's a good thing Ozzie doesn't have any real specialist pitchers, because I don't think he'd know how to use them. It's not always the smart decision, Ortiz could've easily hit one off of Cotts as he did Buerhle, but I hate it as a fan because it really slows everything down.
  19. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:26 PM) Yea, you are right, but Buehrle didnt do that well today. but the defense didnt help him well if joe gets his head out of his ass buehrle wouldnt have given up the single And if Buerhle doesn't throw it right down the middle to Varitek, things are different as well. It was a bad start, it happens, the blaming game won't fix anything.
  20. God, I hate a Francona managed game, he's all about situational matchups, even if it means 5 pitching changes in 2 innings. Let Crede swing the bat or PH?
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