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3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

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Everything posted by 3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

  1. You're silly if you think this is over, especially with Remlinger warming last inning
  2. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:13 PM) Our manager is trying to get a player something instead of the team. So much for grinder baseball. Probably just trying to stretch out MB since the bullpen is a little thinner if Hermy isn't 100%, I don't think he cares about giving him the win
  3. I'd like to see a max of 3 preseason games, this is why I hate preseason games in football, though that may have not helped this situation...
  4. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 07:03 PM) Cotts is a VERY good idea. Even in a tie game and Hermanson possibly not being available due to his back (I don't know his situation, I was Hawk DJ would pass on info)? Damn Paulie, Pods would've gotten to 3rd on that
  5. Sweet, Remlinger is warming, he's been horrible in his short Red Sox stint Break on that pitch on Carl!
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 06:46 PM) It's a 4 inning game now. Hopefully Ozzie won't leave Buehrle out too long. Not looking at the game stats, this is the worst he's looked all season. Oakland and KC ring a bell
  7. Maybe Crede should've caught the foul ball on the bounce and hope to get lucky
  8. NBC is replaying it again at 2 am and NFL Network is replaying it Sunday morning, Sox for me! EDIT: The NFL Net replay is Sunday, I had originally said tomorow
  9. I think the back is finally getting to Crede, I don't know how you can play with 2 herniated discs in the first place, that's why we got Blum Carl!
  10. QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 05:16 PM) well that one went way over your head No, it was just incredibly lame Typical Manny
  11. Yes Hawk, they booed Carl because he doesn't have success against Wells...
  12. Nice, I like this lineup and defense. Idiot Paul Sullivan on Tribune Live described the Red Sox as the best team in baseball and World champions. Last year has nothing to do with determining their team this year, this just in, we are the best team in baseball. This city and its media is full of dopes
  13. I think when they released the list of minor leaguers a while ago someone had like a 100 game suspension remaining because he got caught so many times
  14. You definately don't 'throw the game', but I am all for fixing the rotation towards the end of the year to get the guys you want to start the ALDS. Oakland's on a hot streak right now, everyone sees this year's sweep at home and says "typical, the Sox can't be Oakland", well for the past month and on, no one can beat Oakland, hopefully they'll cool off, I mean, this team used to be 15 games under .500
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 01:06 PM) The other is Sid talking about how good a-row is. Dimaggio-esque, I love it! Thanks for the links
  16. I have Italian satellite and this has been a top story, saying that there is a new video where Chicago is actually named as one of the cities (along with NY and LA). I couldn't understand it all that well, but I'm not sure if they said it'd be around Sep 11th or worse than Sep 11th, but I'm guessing the latter because I doubt they'd give away the date
  17. QUOTE(Kogs35 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 10:11 PM) directv is the way to go for all ur tv needs. f*** the cable company's. there no good anymore. I used to think like you/agree, and i probably still do, but then I discovered HDTV, where DirecTV blows chunks: has bad HD picture quality because it compresses all the channels together, small selection of channels (no locals), and charging at least $300 for a receiver ($1000 for hd dvr) I used to hate Comcast, but have switched so I can now see the Sox and Bulls games in HD, free HD-DVR, free Hbos, for cheaper than DirecTV
  18. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 10:52 PM) I'm not sure what government benefits you have in mind that gays are taking advantage of. The "benefit" of being singled out for consideration in a possible marriage ban amendment? The "benefit" of not having to worry about adopting or being a foster parent in most states? The "benefit" of not being able to access to death benefits of your partner under public pension programs and the federal social security system? The "benefit" of self-identified gays to be denied the right to serve in the armed services? Please expound on the government benefits the damn gays are abusing. I didn't say enjoying benefits exlusive to gays, and I didn't say abusing, benefits that everyone in the country uses that they would not got in another. I know you are talking more about the marriage factor, but no use in trying to convince me, I believe marriage is defined between a man and a woman, and that's who gets marriage benefits. If you're gay and in America, you're on the short end of the stick, just like if you are single and don't get the benefits or are straight and live with a life long friend, you wouldn't be able to get them without tieing the knot. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 10:52 PM) Based on your post, I also gather you think gayness is something that can be readily changed, as opposed to skin color. Well, I know Michael Jackson is now whiter than me. And I know there is no evidence supporting reparative or healing and prayer techniques for "fixing" gay people. In fact, the founders of one of the ministries established specifically to 'heal' homosexuals later described their programm as ineffective and conceded that "not one person was healed." No, I don't know whether being gay is a choice or something one is born with, but that a black person is in disadvantage if they walk in to an or anything with someone racist. I doubt it's a company's buisness of sexual orientation, and they wouldn't know unless you went and told them or unless you walk into an interview with a gay pride shirt on (exceptions of course, doesn't mean your gay if you support it I suppose), which serves what other person than saying, 'that's right, I'm gay'. But I don't get why you bring up the healing thing, I said I don't have a problem if someone is gay, there's no need to 'fix' anything, I'm a little irked by the feeling that society feels that everyone must support the movement or else they are inhumane. How would the "Gay Games" help legalizing marriage? You want to live your lifestyle, fine by me, (though people would be mad at cannibals or nudists exercising their rights), but I don't have a problem with the current laws, and for those who do, they are not being forced to go across the border where the laws will please them. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 10:52 PM) As far as 'just living your life like the rest of us if you don't want controversy'... There wouldn't be organizations like the NAACP (which you seem to support) if there were not people willing to be controversial in demanding civil rights reform for blacks. Discrimination based on sexuality will not change unless the discrimination is pointed out and aggressively fought. That is, by definition, controversial and confrontational. Again, bad comparison, for reasons I already brought up. You aren't refused schooling, jobs, etc for being gay and there is no outside 'tell' to it. I see your side, you have your reasons and think discrimination is happening, I don't. And I'm done for tonight, gnite. EDIT: What is the point of the poll? What does that prove? That's the issue I have, the need to point out gay people everywhere they are, who cares? I don't have a problem with them, and they don't want to be discriminated against, but I see gay people having the parades and all the stickers as a way of saying that they think they are different or not normal, which is where I see the hypocricy.
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