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3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

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Everything posted by 3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

  1. LOL, Wise leading off. Sox fanbase collectively says 'I'm sorry' after yesterday and Ozzie says 'Oh yeah? Prove it'
  2. Bob Brenly was the Dback's manager who said Ben Davis was chicken or horse s*** Last year Kapler ruined Chris Young's perfect game in the 8th with a HR (Kapler hit the ball in the 9th that Wise made the catch on) Anyone buying newspapers to remember the occasion? Which one's better? Trib or ST?
  3. Holy s*** Brian, looking back, could your timing have been any worse?
  4. The hatred towards Wise was never personal or about his personality, but seeing his face light up on MLB Network when they're interviewing him and bringing up the situation '9th inning, the manager calls on you...' was really cool to see Another fun fact to throw in, Wise was on the Braves team in 04 that Randy Johnson threw a perfect game against
  5. Buehrle = White Sox legend Check out the official box score and all that empty space under the Rays' side http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/news/wrap....me&c_id=cws . It's no mistake! This is surreal.
  6. I have a feeling the Sox lose this game. Good teams don't let you blow golden chances like the Sox had these past 2 innings. And now Linebrink in a big spot? Oh jeez...
  7. Crede has a great look, I have this image of Crede as this pimp rockstar, doing that look after being done with the groupies after the show. 'oooh yeah, just banged another one'. Mauer has been emasculated by the epic shot, another victim of Joe Dirt Dog Crede. That dbag's umpire face is priceless too. It just screams of Chris Berman doing the commentary 'ohhhh noooo!'. It would make a great cartoon or anime type show. Rest of the Sox on base come by and all jump/stomp on Mauer's boys. Sox win, Hawk flies around the park with a big smile as the fireworks go off, cut to Kenny Williams in a tuxedo in some lair sitting on an office chair, with an evil 'Yes, I am great' smile on his face.
  8. Sam Adams, nasty. Molson Coors FTW!
  9. This could be one of those classic Norman Rockwell type pictures they hang up all over the place 50 years from now. So much going on, almost too good to be true
  10. This pitch speed thing seems weird. WGN removed any sign of pitch speed on their telecasts, people were complaining about it on the Score the day after the first Cubs game. Or I could just be over thinking it and it could be nothing. The new thing I might try is the brisket sandwich and these freshly roasted peanuts I read about on whitesox.com, but as long as they keep my elotes stand and some alcohol, I'm cool with food.
  11. Just because someone taps their foot doesn't mean you have to accept
  12. StubHub is a MLB wide thing by the way, probably just their way of saying 'Sold out' (even though some always end up getting released)
  13. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Mar 25, 2008 -> 04:34 PM) Every year I go on, needing just one ticket (we stand in a group on the concourse) and for a long time until opening day it will say you must buy the Ozzie plan or bigger to get opening day. If you wait it out, like last year, a few days before I got in and literally purchased at face value (well, plus the $12 in TM charges) a ticket. Today I go in and the plans are gone and it directs you straight to... Stubhub! Anything on the lower level starts at $80. Everything below that is UD. What... the... Keep checking TM at random times during the day. Lower deck popped up on me about 3 days ago when I searched.
  14. Aside from letting him do nothing, it's going to get to the point where it costs the team. Can't have the other team running wild over you like they would be, hope they do the smart thing here...
  15. Burn more calories than you take in
  16. If I'm home and feeling kinky I like to use a swirling motion If you're not circumsized, do you pull back your skin? I'll hang up and listen for my answer
  17. Just heard this on the Score. wow wow wow Best to Singleton, I think he already sounded better this spring, got some potential (not at PBP though), I think the bigger issue is Farmer doing PBP, but Stone is a real nice positive to try and offset that
  18. No, it's your choice to not get caught into all of the stat crap and act like you'll ever be a GM in your life. Fantasy baseball doesn't count. You can still like Joe Crede because he once had killer sideburns. I like it, gives me increased coverage of both my team and other teams to the level I want. I don't hate stats, but I don't go crazy over them. I can follow spring games, and I'd be a different person if I couldn't bring Gameday or Gamecast around with me to follow the games, so hell no for me!
  19. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Feb 21, 2008 -> 12:27 AM) I think that's more schools than you realize. And I wouldn't characterize them all as "idiots," since that would classify me as an idiot. I get drunk almost every weekend, enjoy my life, go to class and do well in college. Over the last two semesters, I've managed a 3.4 GPA and I don't see any reason for that to stop this semester, and I'm getting drunk probably more often this semester. For some, that's apart of finding yourself. For others, it's not. But just because people party doesn't mean they don't care for their education; they are going to school and not living at home for a reason. I don't really drink (well, socially, not the allnight drunk type though), and I agree, can make the same argument with drugs (which I don't touch) but to that last sentence, here I know there are plenty of idiots who could care less about the education part of being here. Probably just here because they're 'supposed' to in this stage in life, and that's what mommy and daddy would want, and are charging to their bank account. It's a time to party and they're going to take advantage of it. And even if people care about passing, a lot of them still don't really put much into the classes, 'just give me enough to get by, give me that piece of paper type', which is cool, until I have to be assigned to some group with you Reminds me of the Chris Rock bit about 'black people' vs 'n*****s'. "Man I don't know that s***! Keepin it real!" (good stuff, by the way) The people that kind of annoy me are those types that you know would be losers, so to try to change that they go over the top with something like drinking or drugs, and try to mention it in every conversation, or have a ton of tshirts mentioning it, etc. I think that's the annoying thing to some of the anti-drinking/anti-drug people, probably the huge flaunting of it all. While some do, there's probably a lot who don't even like the taste of a lot of alcohol or any of that, but forced their mind into it for the PP aspect, fit in, be cool, go out with people, pose for a good pic that would fit a 's***faced!' caption, then make sure everyone sees it on Facebook. Actually the people that annoy me are the people that can't handle themselves, mainly shows at the sporting events, give everyone else a bad name, leads to sales having to get cut off and higher prices for the rest of us
  20. I saw Shoot Em Up, it was awesome
  21. Ronnie Woo Woo, even when watching Obama speak I have to see this douche! They pan the room, and there he is in the corner cheering
  22. That's the one thing that annoys me about most of the sellers I've dealed with. I pay with Paypal, very quick too, they should leave me feedback, I put up my end of the bargain, instead they always wait until I give positive feedback, if giving any back at all. I guess it makes sense on their part, but if I'm the one who has a problem with the product, that annoys me that they give themselves the right to wait and use the negative if they want to, even though I already paid
  23. Months old, but here's a link where the 2nd wife says he told her he could kill her and make it look like an accident. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/c...hi_tab01_layout I also remember a family member of the 3rd wife that died saying she was told that she feared similar things. Don't know the chance of being found though if he's a cop (knows all the tricks of the trade, I suppose) and he's got people covering up I also think I remember an interview saying Drew was the controlling type where he'd monitor every call, wherever she was at every minute, etc. Yeah, I'm sure that type of guy is all smiles after his wife runs off with another guy
  24. QUOTE(shipps @ Jan 27, 2008 -> 08:04 AM) The thing that bothers me is,why does Drew not seemed very worried?One,either he did it and he knows he covered it up so well no one will find out.Secondly,he didnt do anything wrong so he just doesnt have anything to hide.Third, he did it and he is such a sick man he doesnt care about one day to the next.And lastly maybe he thinks he is invincible from his history of being in charge and his history of getting away with his previous wifes murder. Yeah, he does seem very happy, kind of weird, but you could give all those sick man characteristics if this is already a guy who killed his last wife. Even if I didn't do it, I'd be a little nervous that everyone is pointing at me, just seems too weird with all the letter findings and texts that pop up. I always feel bad speculating because I know multiple people who were wrongly accused for something (not this serious, but things that affect your life), but it looks too obvious, someone already mentioned the part about the ways there are to track people down today, plus if you just do something like this, running off and leaving your husband, why aren't letting family or anyone know, what's the benefit? Also, wouldn't doubt the coverup stuff, read similar stuff on another board months ago. It was a 'friend of a friend' type thing over some coffee meeting, but the message was similar.
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