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3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

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Everything posted by 3 BeWareTheNewSox 5

  1. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 09:05 PM) Two words: viva Viagra But it does work: Yeah, I really hate those too. If you can't make junior high kids laugh anymore, then just get out of the game
  2. QUOTE(Rooftop Shots @ Jan 17, 2008 -> 10:48 PM) The other one that shreaked me when it came on, was last year during te Sox games. It was for a hotel, I think it was Red Roof Inn, but can't remember. Anyway, it was thyat idiot who was "multi------tasking" And asked if he was working, he replied 'Remote!!" I would have loved to put on a pair of the old fashioned pointed "Beatles boots" and give that guy one swift shot in the crotch.
  3. Meh, 30 pages is nothing Had that for an elective last semester and easily went over that limit. Not that it was a breeze, but yeah, wish that was my last hurdle QUOTE(Disco72 @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 09:37 AM) What school are you at? I've played the BSG and currently teach it. Not much advice on it except to put your time in and read the Players Guide. The best thing you can do is have a solid strategy to start out and make minor adjustments rather than get halfway through and realize your strategy sucks. Roosevelt. The class doesn't start until next week, but we got the guide emailed to us, about 10 pages through, my head hurts already. Again though, don't have a syllabus yet, so not sure if it's just this game or if things are added on to it that make it really bad (supposedly you're in trouble if you're working and still bad if you're taking other classes). Also just got an email to clear up a Saturday for an 'all-day boot camp' relating to this game. I guess it relates to practice before it goes live? That's the thing that kind of annoys me though. I know the school won't jump out at anyone on a job interview, but I get good grades and have been challenged every semester. Not every prof is great, but everyone's got good industry background (some former CFO's of public companies, and alumni of good schools like NW or University of Chicago. end school advertisement). Just a few more months of hell I guess, then I can really test the rep QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 20, 2008 -> 10:05 AM) These sorts of projects and classes are a b**** for the marginal students, and usually not to bad for students with some organizational and study skills. Rarely have a heard of one that was a huge leap from what was expected in other classes alkong with the way. It was a tying together and a logical next step. I also think it catches some people off guard who may have though they would be coasting their last semester. You got to wait until the diploma is in hand to exhale. Yeah, I know it's not going to be breeze, and I am good with the work, organization, and all that. It's the other students I worry about and don't always trust. Not sure how the grade is measured, or how reliant it's going to be on others, but the whole thing is basically a small group thing where each person has some "big position" in the company. Plus, it's a school where there's a lot of older people and the working crowd, so I know a lot of people have a lot less time commitment.
  4. I'm taking the 'capstone' class this semester, which mainly involves this business strategy game http://www.bsg-online.com/ . (you and a group form a company and have to make all the relevant decisions/compete with your class and other universities) . Everyone says the class is hell and the workload drives you insane, especially if you take any other classes or work . I know there is work in addition to this game/simulation, so I'm not sure if the class is hell because of the game, or just this specific instructor who adds on an insane workload on top of it. Anyone ever participated before?
  5. Last semester, taking my capstone class, which is supposed to be hell, so I decided to skip out on a finance minor (off by a credit, but didn't care about it that much, and the class missing would be the hardest one) and replaced it with an easy 100 level course.
  6. Wouldn't a change hurt a lot of jobs too? Don't know how big an impact it would be, but it seems like there's a lot of positions dedicated to helping others file taxes or advising on business decisions?
  7. I'm finishing up my undergrad, I've done most of my classes while living at home, so it hasn't been the real crazy college experience, just a big focus on the work, so I was looking around at some things that would be really interesting. I'm Italian so something in Italy or around there would be really cool, I saw St. John's has a Rome campus where they do a MBA program. I'm going to research that and consider it.
  8. I was excited when I heard this, but after reading up on it, realized I've never seen him play, read the Cuban league is comparable to A ball, and that multiple clubs looked at him and this was the contract that he got could be telling, so now I've come back down to earth as I think my expectations would've been a bit higher
  9. Weird but in the last week I've seen a lot of good looking girls working at multiple Menards
  10. Brian Daubach : Enjoyed strawberry ice cream Freddie Mitchell, LOL, I forgot he existed, quick 15 min of fame
  11. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Dec 4, 2007 -> 11:30 PM) First of all, quote the source and the paper. Secondly, I do not believe it said he was mad. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/baseball/wh...120407a.article . The Levine version said he was mad
  12. A couple different reports that Dye called up Kenny this afternoon, mad that whatever Kenny promised when Dye signed wasn't getting done. I'm sure he probably guaranteed Hunter. I think it was Cowley and Levine who were near Kenny at the time and reported on it
  13. I might get a Mini soon, I saw they have a free option to change to all season tires, I'm guessing I'll do this, think it will make a big difference?
  14. Online $99 GPS and then a digital camera Then went out a little, got some little things that would make good gifts, got breakfast and slept til 3
  15. I am worried about the years and how he pitched with Mil, but I guess this is our only choice after the sad state of the pen. Seriously though, I can't get over the 4 years, we saw after 05 how quickly a reliever can change in 5 minutes.
  16. Also, if you heard the KW interview after the Cabrera trade, this wasn't that much of a shock, he was directly asked about Hunter on a TV interview, and he said that the majority of the time the things you hear about the most never happen. Also talked up Owens a little, but also then gave a little backhanded remark comparing his situation to Uribe, meaning it's not likely he'll be starting. Still think we'll sign some OF and then trade Crede for some pitching. Of course it could go the other way around. Coco? Uhoh
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Nov 22, 2007 -> 01:42 AM) I think it's a brilliant move by the Angels, as they have the money to make big acquisitions, but they needed to find a way to free up some prospects in order to acquire someone via trade. For their interests, I hope it's not to trade for Tejada. I agree, they have the money, so the more power to them. They don't have to worry about 'terrible value!' as much. ARod's not out there, and they have the chips to go get another big bat like Cabrera, with a great staff
  18. That was one of the funniest episodes I've seen in a while
  19. Michael's commercial was awesome. I kind of got lost into it and forgot that he had the resources of NBC
  20. Called it when that George ultimatum came out. I told my NY friends, stop wondering 'will they bring him back?!?!', because if they do offer him something, he'll tell them to shove it, no way he wants to put up with that crap anymore. Now it could also be an embarrassing offer that they made to save face Either way, I'm still surprised Cashman gets no heat. The Boss called him out in the middle of the year and said this year was all being placed on him, but I guess it's true that the Boss is now a loon and doesn't run things anymore
  21. Agreed, the pizza kidnapping part was bad. No one even wanted that pizza, just don't pay or take it. Guess they felt they had to fill the hour, better off to do 45 min Rest of the episode was great though
  22. Watching Kid Nation On Demand right now. Seems almost scripted, the way they tried to make the religion thing all dramatic
  23. QUOTE(29andPoplar @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 10:06 PM) The facts according to Phil Rogers. Hmmm, I wonder why Phil decided to trot this little tidbit out right now, instead of when the trade was made, or any time between then and now? He's been in Arizona, maybe he just asked them now
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