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Everything posted by PoohIss

  1. Maybe they wanted chocolate. :banghead
  2. PoohIss


    Hollow Point(?) donald sutherland very cool.
  3. I want one that says "i did not want a dead parrot"
  4. John-Wesley snipes- to wong foo Snipes-Chris Christofferson-blade chris-mel gibson-payback mel-madeline stowe-we were soldiers mad-bruce willis-12 monkeys bruce- milla-5th element milla jo john clease- rita wilson
  5. PoohIss

    Yankee or Dixie...

    52% dixie! Wow, that was close.
  6. PoohIss

    Weird stuff.

    That is really interesting. My mom used to have to eat a spoonful of sulfur to deal with bronchitis. :puke
  7. PoohIss

    New Bush stuff

    Valpo-Lan I thought you might like this.
  8. I bet they find a market and sell it....
  9. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 09:52 PM) Nah, Republican kids are perfect, only the children of DEMs get in trouble. Only the Dems get that sort of media attention.
  10. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 01:50 PM) Again context is everything. Slashing tires of GOP workers is a direct & obvious act to undermine the democratic voting process of the USA. Maybe it was because of the type of vehichle.....
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxmatt @ Jan 23, 2005 -> 04:40 PM) To start i would buy the Sox and the Cubs. I would turn the Sox into a world champion team by getting whoever KW wanted. I would be the worst owner in history for the cubs. I would keep them to a $19 million payroll. Then i would purchase illinois and change its name to Mattopia and change chicagos name to Mattopolis. I would buy CTA and buses will be called MATTS. The sears tower would be my mansion. I would build an airport called Matts Field. I might buy outer space if i have some extra cash. AH Vanity. Why stop at Illinois. Buy the whole northwest and make it a country. Mattopia!
  12. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 09:14 PM) No Nuke. I'm saying that to proclaim that O'Reilly is some sort of bastion of righteousness is bulls*** -- just as dropping MOAB's is "compassionate conservatism". The fact that you tear things into "sides" is an act of partisan hackery. I remember during the election, you were one of the ones trumpeting the fact that Bush was God and everything against him was just lies etc. while everything that came out against Kerry was somehow valid. They were both softheaded, incompetent, moronic boobs that deserve to be beaten to death with woks. If you're gonna whine about one side pulling s***, then do it for both sides when they are in the wrong. Gay marriage amendment? Cabinet position of Homeland Security? Increased drug war? Etc. -- Sure sounds like a conservative less government program set-up to me! I really like the wok idea. Do you think they could turn that into a reality show. "Beat your Politician!" I'd watch every week.
  13. I closed my car door on my finger once. That hurt
  14. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Jan 22, 2005 -> 11:09 AM) Maybe she was trying to get a vanilla shake? He was showing her the Special sauce.
  15. QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 11:55 PM) Welcome to soxtalk! Monty Python rules! Thanks, I think so too.
  16. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 22, 2005 -> 11:04 AM) God and W are tight. What, they hang out? Please. :banghead
  17. QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 02:48 PM) I don't believe it does automatically make you a better President, but I agree with Yasny, that I'd rather have a Pres that does believe. Can you see the difference. Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I'm commenting about Grahams comments about God guiding elections. I tend to believe that. That's not to say that God only wants Bush as apposed to Kerry this time. I believe it goes further. I believe God guides the men that run for the presidency. Kerry wasn't going to burn bibles or anything like that. I do believe that in a leadership position as influential as President of the United States believing in God will make you a better leader by making you humble. Geroge Bush believes that there is a higher being that he must answer to at sometime and therefore will be less likely to believe that he is God himself. If I remember correctly, Kerry believes in God as well. What's the difference?
  18. QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 02:15 PM) My accountant isn't the "Leader of the Free World." Maybe you need a better accountant. Low achiever!
  19. So instead of just doing the homework, they spent money complaining about it? That's rather silly. I bet the judge loved that one.
  20. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 19, 2005 -> 09:07 PM) Oh Jeez, I just had a long-lost memory come screaming back. I completely forgot that there was a Captain Crook pirate guy prancing around McDonaldland too. I remember his deal was looking for and hoardimg a treasure of golden flakey apple and cherry pies (from back when they were fried and not baked and the insides were molten hot and could calderize your mouth...). There sure were a bunch of marginal societal elements back in McDonaldland back in the day. Here he is. Why are most of the characters in mcdonaldland criminals of some sort? This isn't good role modeling for tyhe youth of America or the World.
  21. QUOTE(Chisoxmatt @ Jan 8, 2005 -> 09:10 PM) 4,000 people are injured by teapots every year. I thought i should just warn you. They should have warning labels
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