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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. I think its dumb...and why did he end up on the 'L'?
  2. Go get 'em Freddy! I won't be watching...but good luck!
  3. And he always has to take swipes like this... 'Never mind that the Sox are the biggest overachievers in baseball' Mariotti, you're a cocksucker :fyou
  4. Its Ozuna Time! At least for a couple days.
  5. To make up for not watching the current series...I will be at next monday's game.
  6. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 25, 2005 -> 07:59 AM) I wished we played on the West Coast all the time. The games are actually on at a good time for me. Bite your tongue!
  7. QUOTE(beck72 @ May 25, 2005 -> 07:41 AM) you should turn in for tonight's game. Washburn is due to get lit up, their 2 top bullpen guys have been used, and the Angels aren't hitting. I'm too afraid
  8. QUOTE(Pastime @ May 25, 2005 -> 03:15 AM) It took me an hour and a half to get out to the park tonight. And that was in light traffic. I guess you didn't take Route 5 - I don't think that stupid highway EVER has light traffic. What a joke - it took me 3 hours to travel from LA to Ventura - at 8 PM!!! You guys need to leave the land of the fake and come join real people here in Chicago. Who the f*** wants to live in LA?
  9. I am not watching this Angels series for several reasons. First, its too late and I got to bed at 10pm. Second, I am starting to get too emotional over every single game. I need to calm down and realize we are the best team around. Third, our history on the west coast is not the best...so losses are possible. I will return to my watching friday when McCarthy shuts down the Rangers. Go Sox....See you soon!
  10. Words of advice...Never mow your neighbor's lawn...unless he is out of town!
  11. I concur...he looks very lethargic....we need a good Frank back...
  12. In my opinion, none of our pitchers are 'aces'....Roger Clemens, Randy Johnson, Curt Schilling...these guys were/are 'aces'
  13. I don't think Willie should play anywhere but 2nd....and only if Iguchi dies. OTher than that, put Ozuna at SS to give him a day off. Then put him at 3rd and give Crede the day off...
  14. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 22, 2005 -> 04:29 PM) Prove that I can end my horrible curse of being in attendance at Sox games. I'll be there Tues, Wed, and Thurs Maybe we'll win the next three due to you...I hope.
  15. what crazies voted for Farmer or DJ? I went with Hawk...with Rooney not far behind.
  16. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 23, 2005 -> 01:16 PM) I think that is part of the grand master plan of re-designing the US Cellular experience. From what I keep reading about what they areplanning to do, bars are on the way. You can only hope that the people who own the property around the park are smart enough to capitalize on the gameday traffic. It seems like it is way too obvious for me. Open a bar to cater to the fans. Duh. I hope you are right...but I've never heard this before...
  17. QUOTE(TheDybber @ May 20, 2005 -> 04:16 PM) Looks like poop on wheels. Or a ho-ho. I was thinking meatloaf! I guess, what's the difference.
  18. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ May 23, 2005 -> 11:44 AM) He probably realizes he isn't getting re-signed after this year. He'll want too much money and we won't give a one-dimensional player that much. Ouch!
  19. QUOTE(Steff @ May 23, 2005 -> 11:36 AM) Paul calling out a teammate in the public.. not surprised at all. Yeah really...Paulie should not have said anything about this...good thing is, Juan probably can't read english, so he'll never know.
  20. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 23, 2005 -> 11:17 AM) Is anyone else worried about Frank coming up. I just hope this doesn't ruin the team chemistry. I doubt it will but I also hope he doesn't get into a terrible funk and bring this team down. He's not going to bring the team down...Ozzie won't allow it.
  21. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 23, 2005 -> 10:53 AM) He needs to retire here. Agreed...love the Frank. Hope to see him back in uniform, helping the Sox win...more!
  22. QUOTE(BigNDfan80 @ May 23, 2005 -> 12:39 AM) I wonder if the dumb Cubs fans thought that MB was actually the pitcher called up from AAA to pitch Sunday's game. Probably...that dumbness is on their level.
  23. QUOTE(jimb408 @ May 23, 2005 -> 10:24 AM) He should have made that catch - he said he makes that catch "10 OUT OF 10 TIMES". . . . . . WHAT? We said he has a good glove...not that he is smart!
  24. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 23, 2005 -> 08:52 AM) The whole point of this thread is to show that the Sox still do have homerun power. Before the season, most of the sportswriters wrote about the "Sox loss of power" and predicted that we wouldn't be able to hit many homers after losing Magg$, Lee, and Valenstache. Obviously, they were wrong. Exactly...there was a lot of talk of 'loss of power' which was all bulls***. We still have plenty of homer power...but now we have other ways to score runs...we added more elements to the team...speed and defense were greatly improved.
  25. I understand Ozzie's decision. I also don't have a problem with him yelling at the media, especially a bullet-head like Brad Palmer. The Professor...whatever. Ozzie is going to be Ozzie. You take the good with the bad. As Dusty Baylor would say 'Chill out dudes!'
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