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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 17, 2005 -> 09:41 AM) Anyone thinking about "making the pilgrimage to the Promised Land" and buying a SRO ticket for the Cross Town Series? If we have some nice weather, I think I'll be in attendance for at least 2 of the 3 ballgames. Call me old fashion, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to an opposing ballpark and talking some smack--we have the best team in baseball and I don't plan on letting my "fellow Chicagoans" forget that. ...perhaps I'm still young and vigorous enough to enjoy these shenanigans. Be sure to piss on the old rusty b**** for me!
  2. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 17, 2005 -> 09:40 AM) 1 - It starts the arbitration process early. 2 - Would Ozzie actually play him everyday over Dye or Timo? No. 3 - It's his 1st season in AAA. Only 137 AB's there. 4 - Joe Borchard showed what happened when you promote people too early. 5 - K/BB ratio needs improving still. 39/15. We're panicking...we don't want common sense! Actually, I'm not panicking....
  3. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 17, 2005 -> 09:33 AM) There still 27-12, which still boggles my mind. Everyone take a step back. And take a step forward....and another step back...and now we're cha-cha-ing!
  4. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 17, 2005 -> 08:54 AM) Borchard? LOL. He's hitting .190 for Charlotte with 8 walks and 48 strikeouts... http://www.minorleaguebaseball.com/app/mil...milb&pid=400021 He is garbage. He's done...the guy's confidence is probably zero at this point. Joe Borchard, we hardly knew ye!
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ May 17, 2005 -> 08:23 AM) We're going back again also.. I would probably go back again tonight, but I'd turn into an alcholic...I can't resist those $5.50 beers...so yummy and what a deal!
  6. tonyho7476

    2005 E3 Thread

    This XBox fanboy says the PS3 sucks...no doubt! Actually, as much as I wasn't a fan of PS2, I will be going with whichever system or systems bring me enjoyment....hopefully both!
  7. QUOTE(Steff @ May 17, 2005 -> 08:19 AM) Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Sometimes I feel that if I'm not watching, they can win. So I turn it off, or leave the park, hoping to hear cheers and get in the car and hear they are starting to rally.
  8. QUOTE(Steff @ May 17, 2005 -> 08:15 AM) You left the game early..?? After the Mench homerun that almost hit me in thehead, I felt it was over...eternally pessimisstic...what can I say?
  9. QUOTE(marsh @ May 17, 2005 -> 08:08 AM) The way Dye is hitting right now has me pining for joltin joe borchard. That is not a good thing. How about Brian Anderson? Drop Timo's useless ass and bring up Brian Anderson...any takers?
  10. Obviously I'm the only person keeping this alive.... UPDATED on 5-17-05 4-4-05: Sox 1, Clev 0 4-18-05: Sox 5, Minn 4 4-29-05: Det 3, Sox 2 4-30-05: Sox 4, Det 3 5-5-05: Sox 2, KC 1 5-12-05: Sox 3, Balt 2 5-15-05: Rangers 7, Sox 6 (AJ hits Grand Salami) So far, 5-2 when I'm in attendance.
  11. The game last night had a great start and I was so excited...the stands were hopping....and then El Pukeee gives the runs right back....then Iguchi has a great at-bat with that opposite field homerun...sad.... ...then I left...
  12. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 16, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) Exactly! We are going to lose quite a few times before the season's end. There is no reason for people to get so damn angry over each one. I didn't say my anger was justified...just how it is.
  13. QUOTE(UofIChiSox @ May 16, 2005 -> 10:19 AM) days after wins I read everything I can about the Sox and the game the night before, days after losses I look at the boxscore, and try not to think about the Sox until the next game starts. Yeah, a lot of times I won't read the paper a day after a loss.
  14. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ May 16, 2005 -> 09:24 AM) I'm undefeated...and yes I'm in attendance tonight Well, now its a win for sure.
  15. Well, on saturday I felt that Politte should have come in for the 7th, with the game tied and Freddy looking like he was sleeping. Instead, Ozzie leaves Freddy in, walks the first guy and he brings in Cotts. What?
  16. I get so angry every time they lose. Its ridiculous. My girlfriend gets upset because I get so angry and crabby. Don't worry, I don't beat her or anything. I guess I need to start remembering this is just a game and not life or death. How do others cope?
  17. So far the Sox are 5-1 when I go to the game...tonight they will make it 6-1.
  18. QUOTE(SmokeandMirrors @ May 13, 2005 -> 02:20 PM) I've got to agree with whitesoxfan13. I mean honestly, what is the sense in getting all worked up over video games and consoles? While I can understand that perhaps some cannot afford to have 2 or 3 consoles and be able to enjoy them all, I am unable to understand why many are so easily worked up over a certain game/console. I'm not trying to make this arguement worse, but the first thing that always pops into my head in these situations is jealousy. Though I doubt that to be the real reason.. at least for many. Anyway, in an attempt to cut this down, they are just games.. entertainment. They should be treated as such. There is absolutely no reason to get so worked up over them. I just like starting arguments.
  19. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 13, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) Ok, gold boy. Nice spelling. I'm a businesss major, what do you expect? And Gold was rejected.
  20. QUOTE(El Piervizdyeguchansodnik @ May 13, 2005 -> 01:26 PM) Xbox fanboys are laughable. See, at least I am providing you with some entertainment.
  21. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 13, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) Good for you. I wasn't good for me..by the way, I went ot MArquette...so now I must say, DePaul sucks.
  22. The amount of hours I have played Halo2 live is more than I have played all video games my entire life. Plus I love the controller...I use the big old duke...I don't like the controllers for the other systems. I am obviously one of the few to say this. I must have big hands.
  23. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 13, 2005 -> 01:22 PM) Gamecube, buddy. Some of us like playing quality games instead of the next generic EA game. :headshake I also owned one of those for the first few months it was out...after there were no gamss to play I got rid of it...I've had all 3 systems...X wins...
  24. QUOTE(whitesoxfan13 @ May 13, 2005 -> 01:21 PM) Somehow, I expected you to say that... :headshake WEll, I am a fanboy...
  25. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ May 13, 2005 -> 01:15 PM) X-Box has the least great exclusive games. After Halo and Halo 2, I really can't think of anything that stands out... As far as exclusives, I gotta go with Nintendo... Who the f*** still plays Nintendo?
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