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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(Finkelstein @ May 3, 2005 -> 08:59 AM) On another note, I am new to the site and love what I see so far. It will be nice to have somewhere to "SoxTalk" with fellow fans. Welcome aboard!
  2. Buerhle, Garcia, Contreras....I call sweep....but I realize we need to win tonight to do that...so go get 'em Mark!
  3. I wanted to see them trade him in the off-season, when his value was high. That being said, I'm not all that concerned about bringing him back next year. There are so many first basemen out there...including several on our own team. Gload could definately be an everyday player there.
  4. What a coincidence...I used to be Steff and Steff used to be Tonyho7476. Crazy.
  5. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 3, 2005 -> 08:22 AM) I know I am as well. The impressive thing about his offense is who he is getting hits against. It always seems like his hits come against the tough pitchers. I remember he hit Santana like a pro, and a couple of other guys. Tads is solid. he had two solid hits off Santana....I love this guy....Kenny took a low-cost risk and it has paid off big time. And now we have a nice sub in Willie.
  6. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ May 2, 2005 -> 06:44 PM) WHY WOULD THE SOX DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? ALL THIS DOES IS PUT MORE ASSES IN THE SEATS Exactly....it means more money on parking, food, beer, merchandise....
  7. QUOTE(BigNDfan80 @ May 2, 2005 -> 11:28 PM) I wasn't worried about SoxTalk getting blamed, I just wonder if they're going to try and do something at the gate when these tickets are scanned. Yeah, I'm sure the FBI is all over this!
  8. Sweet...I just bought some tickets...nice work.
  9. QUOTE(Jake @ May 2, 2005 -> 01:10 PM) He fails to mention the inconsistency of last year's offense. We scored a lot of runs yes, but we might pack in 10-15 in one game. And if we win 15-3, 9 of those runs aren't needed. They're needed when we lose the next game, 3-1 or 2-0 or something like that. Here's an example: 5/11/04 - White Sox win 15-0. Buehrle pitches brilliantly. 5/13/04 (the next game) - White Sox lose 0-1. Garland pitches brilliantly, but is offered NO run support. None. Not a single run. 14 of the runs the day prior were not needed that day but were most definitely needed this day. Or another example, just days later. 5/14/04 - White Sox lose, 2-3. No run support for a good pitching performance. 5/15/04 - White Sox lose, 1-4. No run support for a decent pitching performance. 5/16/04 - White Sox win, 11-0. Mark Buehrle is awarded 11 runs of support when he only technically needs 1. Those extra 10 could have been used to win those other games. That's exactly what I'm talking about. I second Southsider...very good post. We are not this team anymore.
  10. This couldn't have happened to a better team. I love it....
  11. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ May 2, 2005 -> 12:25 PM) Just saw this statement by Rincon, "I thought it was flaxseed oil." "Barry Bonds gave it to me for my arthritis."
  12. tonyho7476

    Cousins Wed....

    This is too f***ing funny...I'd love to see what they look like....I'm sure they were both beaten severely by the ugly stick.
  13. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ May 2, 2005 -> 10:30 AM) I saw a commercial for the movie--and it sounded to me like she was doing a really bad PeeWee Herman impression..... Like she has ever been that much of a talent? That TV show she had was unwatchable. That just showed we have too many house frows in this country. How people can sit at home and watch the daytime garbage, I have no idea.
  14. Look at her eyes....she looks f***ing crazy....That said, I'd bang her.
  15. We are now a more sound team...speed at the top of the lineup...better pitching(starting and bullpen)....more ability to manufacture runs...and still able to blast the ball out of the park. That is what I know...and I think we're going to be fine.
  16. What is his status? Can he leave after this year? Or will we have him again next year? Does anyone think we can sign him long term? What will that cost? Why am I so full of questions?
  17. Carl is a DH/1b type...he cannot be put in the outfield...not regularly...Dye better come around...we need his bat.
  18. I haven't been here long enough to get 'classified'....but I was never a hater, just frustrated by him...and I'm loving seeing him kick ass now. Go Jonny Boy!
  19. This is exactly the type of plan they need...and good for FRank to agree. I saw other players dance around it...*cough*Giambi*cough*
  20. We definately would add a bat, unless there were a couple injuries to our pitchers. Plus we're going to have Frank back....
  21. I love that you guys do this stuff. Thanks...
  22. I can't stand this broad. What's with the giant head? Sorry, I went Howard Stern on ya. Don't flame me!
  23. I weight 270 pounds...maybe they should charge me for 2 tickets...that would help boost attendance. OH, but I'm 6'2" and carry it well.
  24. QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Apr 29, 2005 -> 12:35 PM) But but they said Detoilet and Cleveland were soooo much better than the Sox though!!! :banghead We get no f***ing respect!
  25. I didn't find it all that hilarious...but I would like to bang the chick with the beard.
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