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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(T R U @ Apr 26, 2005 -> 11:41 AM) Holy s***, thats awesome.. At first I looked at it and was like what the eff then I just started reading it.. HOly s***, that's awesome, Mario banging the princess! Nice. Sorry...I mean....Hloy siht, tahts amosewe, Mirao bagning the pncesris! Ncie.
  2. I thought we have a good bench...I didn't get that.
  3. Buerhle will shut these strokes down and we will win this game. Lefty power baby! I love this element of our team...having lefty bats....Remember when it was Frank, Maggs, Lee, Kong...every day!
  4. I like it better when they talk s*** about us....then I just wait for us to prove them wrong.
  5. Jonny boy looks like a different person out there...he just looks so confident. I love it.
  6. All I know is that I love watching this team so much, that I don't care what's going on with anybody else. So let them all say what they want to say. I'll be busy watching the Sox win!
  7. QUOTE(ptatc @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 03:47 PM) I was listening to the game on XM. They use the home team broadcast. the tigers broadcasters were commenting on the hot start of the Sox. They said the hot start won't last because Contreas and Garland won't be consistent, Hernandez won't make 25 starts and they have bad infield defense especially that shortstop. :banghead Apparently we should change our team motto to 'No Respect'....
  8. QUOTE(ISF @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 03:46 PM) I think we should just start a "We Suck" thread and merge the House of Cards topic into it with this one. Apparently so....lets just enjoy the team and root for them to keep it up.
  9. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 01:40 PM) Yea I know. All good things must end. At least the Packers got away with one in the draft, getting Aaron Rodger with the 24th pick. That is like a freebie pick, if he fails, who cares...it was only a wasted 24th pick in the first round, better than taking him with a top 5 pick and having him fail. The Packers got lucky with that one because with Brett around, you don't get high draft choices ever. I agree, if he fails, at least you didn't waste a top pick on him. Personally, I'm not all that impressed with this guy. In fact, the whole QB class was weak.
  10. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 01:33 PM) Yea, that's what Brett Favre does, he makes excuses. He's only a first ballot HOF'er with 3 MVP's and a superbowl ring. Stop being stupid. He has nothing left to proove in the NFL, therefore he need not make excuses. After giving the Packers winning seasons since he started and taking them to the superbowl twice and winning once, not to mention the countless playoff appearances and the nearly endless smackdowns he put on the Bears, Brett can do whatever he wants until he decides he wants to retire. Enjoy him while you got him...his time is almost over...Thank God!
  11. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 12:02 PM) Well, we certainly aren't going to maintain a .750 pace. Ok, not quite that...I meant we can win enough to win this division.
  12. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 25, 2005 -> 12:05 PM) I hate to say it, but I'm worried about the same things. There's no way the pace can be kept up - we're going to have to find some other ways to win. I'm not as pessimistic as this, but I do think we're over-achieving right now - look at the schedule. Everyone we have played is - to be candid - terrible, save Minnesota. Now as we start to play some real teams, we'll see if this holds up. The west coast trip should hold some better answers. I thought the only terrible team we played was the Royals...the other teams are expected to contend for their division...
  13. Jesus Christ, you'd think we were 0-19 and it was already time to pack the season up. We have had good pitching, clutch hitting, and good defense. If the offense gets on track, I think we can maintain this type of winning play.
  14. I hate to hear this....I have always loved Frank. I miss him in the lineup. If we don't get him back this year, hopefully next. Get Well Buddy!
  15. QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 23, 2005 -> 08:43 AM) Maybe the site got ANthrax. Hey Oh....
  16. 1st Sweep of the year coming up....El Duque is going to mow 'em down, and give the bullpen a needed break. Lets go Sox! :fthecubs
  17. QUOTE(qwerty @ Apr 23, 2005 -> 09:45 PM) 19 more for you until you reach a majikal feat. Holy Avatar Boobs! I love it.
  18. This is the greatest pitching staff ever assembled.
  19. The way he said it, it was as if we sucked, and we're just getting lucky so far..anyway f*** him...and I agree, its the Twins division until we take it away from them
  20. I want Mike Williams bad...I think he'll be a f***ing stud, immediately. 1000 yards, 10 TDs for his rookie year. I think Cedric Benson is the worst potential pick.
  21. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 02:56 PM) Brad Biggs has been saying JA is desperate to move down. He rates Mike Williams over Braylon Edwards and thinsk he could maybe move down and grab Williams. Thats obviously risky, but the Bears have quite a few guys that rate similarly. On a sidenote, I've seen a few places say that the Skins would include Rod Gardner with the 2 1st to sweeten up the deal. I don't know what you guys think, but I'd be damn tempted. You get two 1st rounders which could go to Derrick Johnson or Williamson/Williams or Benson (one of those guys will be there at 9) and then you can go with Heath at 25 and go RB or Kicker in rd 2. Personally I think Nugent would look pretty darn good. Plus you have Gardner and Mushin which is a pretty big upgrade over last years receiving core. Bottom line, I want Mike Williams....and that's it. And no f***ing Cedric Benson.
  22. QUOTE(Yossarian @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 01:57 PM) Stanky calling Yaz an "all star from the neck down" wasn't the smartest thing in the world to do. Stanky could be very abrasive to the point that it hurt the team. Umpires and opponents just loved sticking to the "Brat". I'm going with Tony LaRussa...just something about him.
  23. QUOTE(AssHatSoxFan @ Apr 22, 2005 -> 03:07 PM) so double plays are the reason a team will end up with a better record than a losing team at the end of the year? Yes, that and the 40 time of the batboy!
  24. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 02:55 PM) Kansas s***ty can't mess with us. I predict a sweep. I'm with you on that...we need to pummel these bad teams into the ground. At the very least, win the series.
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