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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Apr 21, 2005 -> 02:46 PM) Hey why not just have 2 game series the whole season? we'd be undefeated. Lets work that out with Selig...nice work Sox!
  2. Here's to Buerhle kicking the Tigers ass! Hey Detroit.... :fyou Hey Bonderman :fyou
  3. This happened down the street from me...amazing how negligent parents are. How do guns just get left laying around? Stickney 3 year old
  4. this is a new team....a new year...a new attitude...and Oakland doesn't have Mulder or Hudson...they're currently 7-8....and we're going to kick their f***ing asses! Oakland :finger
  5. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 03:29 PM) yes, yes we will. Cool...well, I'm going to save my current clothes so I can be retro at that time.
  6. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 03:25 PM) It's supposed to be the year 2021. Oh, so come 2021, we will stand on stilts and wear clothes designed by Buck Rogers?
  7. QUOTE(Gldfinger5 @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 03:25 PM) Anybody know if they are having it this year? Let me be the first to say...um.... ...it was sunday!
  8. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) Jenkins in a Futuristic Jersey. It was futuristic Jersey and Alien night? :banghead
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 03:21 PM) Uh, no its not Holy crap ...some of those were pretty ugly.
  10. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 03:16 PM) Random and not quite related...but a few years back, the sox had a game or two where they wore "futuristic" jerseys. I think one game was against Cleveland at home. Does anyone have pictures of these, or pics from the game? What? That's BS.
  11. QUOTE(IndplsSoxFan @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 03:14 PM) Is their a schedule posted for the games which the Sox will be wearing the throwback uniforms? ...Or is it just random/unannounced? I imagine that during one of the game with the Dodgers they'll both be wearing the '59 uniforms, but what about the rest of the season? I think the Dodgers is the only one...here is a link to the Sox Promotions...I might have to win a jersey one of these Wednesdays. Sox Promos
  12. I find these Disney-obsessed adults a little creepy. Ever see the guy whose body is covered in Disney tattoos? Scary s***.
  13. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 03:06 PM) That's what kept me from going. If I wasn't at the Bulls game I would have been at the Cell. I saw lots of Sox fans there too. The guy next to me was keeping me up to date on the score using his cell phone. That's a lame excuse...you should have been at both!
  14. I couldn't even get through it....terrible...although I learned we are the 'b**** Sox'...real clever.
  15. QUOTE(quickman @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 01:34 PM) Always strive for the best Danielson No... Look eye, always look eye!
  16. A few rotten apples always spoil it for the whole bushel! :banghead
  17. QUOTE(SuperSteve @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 01:16 PM) I like her, one of my favorites. I've never seen her in action...but I did see her get a pretty good swirly on Howard Stern!
  18. QUOTE(FLsouthsider @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) It's a little early to declare Lee a bust in Milwaukee. Besides, Carlos gave us some great years. No need to hate on him now that he's gone. He'll get .280/30/100...
  19. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 12:40 PM) NO way! How would that happen? I've seen people do that a million times. When you put your mouth around it, you kill all the oxygen, it would go out immediately, NO? He didn't put his mouth around it...he tossed in his mouth.
  20. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 12:17 PM) LOL, yeah, but that's all part of the appeal. The strange brand of English that he brings to the table is kick-ass, IMO. Its certainly part of the appeal. You crack up listening to him. I would rather listen to Mac, Jurko and Harry...and I do sometimes, but those guys have their issues. Mac loves to hear himself talk and tell a story. Jurko is kind of the brainless lineman but can make you laugh. And Harry is so f***ing rah, rah for the Cubs that I can't stand it.
  21. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 12:11 PM) Hmmm, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I'm not saying he doesn't know anything about the Bears or football or the Sox...I'm saying he is so stupid that he makes me more stupider when I listen. See, that's the kind of grammar the guy has. Now I dumb. I listen too long.
  22. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 12:00 PM) Brainless troll? :headshake I just don't get it. Again, I need some specifics. You've obviously never listened to the Bears post game shows? Buffone can be a riot at times. I don't know how you need specifics...the guy is dumb...as in no brains, been hit too many times in the head...f***ing dumb....
  23. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 11:58 AM) Are you Rusty from Stickney? B & B has been getting me through the work day for years. I question whether or not you've ever given them a fair chance. How many LOL moments are there during the course of the average day? I lose count. They are both sharp and funny as f***. Maybe if you give me some specific examples, I'll understand. I listened to them for about a year straight, when I shared an office. They certainly have funny moments, but the comedy is always exactly the same. Example, at the end of most interviews, before they ask the last question, they'll say something like, "Answer this last question, we know you have better things to do than talk to a couple dopes like us, but ....blah, blah blah" What I'm saying is their 'comedy' is always the same dumb crap. And Bernstein will read news stories about a guy caught cheating on his wife or something or caught for drugs, and he'll rip into him, like he has never done anything wrong in his life. That's why I'd love for him to get caught smoking crack after work in some back alley, with a toothless hooker.
  24. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 11:55 AM) You lost all respect for J on the strength of what? Your reasoning here: He was not the same as he was when he was alone? If anything, he just can't coexist with someone like Rick Telander. Rick ain't cut out for sports radio. He is incredibly dull, he gets flustered all the time, he's doesn't know any one sport particularly well, and he's never said anything that was even remotely funny. I know because I listen every freaking day, and if it wasn't for Buffone, I'd turn the radio off and work in silence. Sports radio has always been and will always be about comedy first and foremost. There's a concept that's lost on most people. And you like Bufone? Holy s***. He's a brainless troll. And that is insulting to trolls.
  25. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 11:48 AM) I call bulls*** on that. Boers And Bernstein are phenomenal. Rosenbloom and Baum have a kick-ass show on Saturdays. I love Murph...he's a joy to listen to. And people on here criticize Murph for what reason? Because he's a Cubs fan? :rolly Boers and Bernstein are phenomenal? They are f***ing morons. They both love to hear themselves talk and think they are so f***ing clever. They are not. Bernstein is the type of guy I want to catch cheating on his wife, because he acts so high and mighty everytime someone gets in trouble. f*** him.
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