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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. The TWins are really knocking the crap out of the ball ....another s***ty hit.
  2. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 06:48 PM) I benched Carl again. Who needs 3 rbis, 1 hr and 1 run scored? Not your team!
  3. QUOTE(Steve Bartman's my idol @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 10:12 AM) This is what we should be talking about, against 2 excellent hitting clubs, Buehrle-no runs, Garcia-3 runs, Contreras-1 run, Hernandez-1 run=5 runs combined in 4 starts, about 26 innings pitched. Is there a hotter starting pitching staff yet this year? Lets hope Garland can keep it going, and that I didn't jinx us. Very impressive start for this staff...LEts see it keep going. I don't think I'll ever trust Contreras. If he f***s up bad enough...here comes Brandon.
  4. I would say I'm a huge MEtallica fan, but I'm afraid Kid Gleason will jump all over me and tell me how 'JEthro Tull' is a better metal act. I also like lots of classic rock...Zeppelin, Beatles, STones....lots of newer rock/metal....Godsmack, Marliyn Manson, NIN...
  5. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Apr 9, 2005 -> 10:00 AM) Mariotti likes it better when all of our teams lose, give him more material... STOP READING HIS GARBAGE!!!!! ITs like a train wreck...I just have to look. CAll it morbid curiosity!
  6. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 02:28 PM) How much Jethro Tull have you heard? If you don't knock them into the "Progressive Rock" category that they do occupy, and you look at it in the ways of much of the world (and have never heard of Prog Rock), there is no other category for Tull than Metal. Plus, much Prog falls in the Metal world and most Metalheads have a few Prog bands that they enjoy. Check out Anglagard for one. Edit!!!!!!!!!! Also, at the time of this happening, Metal was a MUCH different critter than it is now. Death Metal had yet to really show up outside of Napalm Death, Celtic Frost, and Slayer, and none of those really are what we now see as Death Metal. There was very little EXTREME Metal, and what there was was more of Crossover stuff from the NY Hardcore scene, and it was not recognized by the media. Frustrating thing some of us was all the "originality" being praised about with bands such as Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth and others, when in reality there were many bands such as Agnostic Front and The Cro-Mags blazing those trails first in the NY underground. Ahem...sorry. But yeah, in 1988, Tull was surely a "Metal" band in the eyes of much of society. Jethro Tull is not metal...flutes automatically exclude them.
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 02:12 PM) Isn't Metallica the band that lost to Jethro Tull for a Hard Rock / Metal Grammy? You know, the guys with the heavy metal flute, as compared to a light metal flute just asking That's obviously ridiculous...since Tull is not 'metal'...
  8. QUOTE(The Critic @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 01:53 PM) I'm in my 40's now, and I'm not qualified for "AlcoholicA" either anymore, but I still like metal, so why don't they!!! I'm sure their old stuff still sounds good live, but I'm not interested in hearing anything after "...And Justice For All". It's just not the same band, and I don't like what they've become. If others do, that's cool, but to my ears it's just hideous. I'm a loooooooong-time fan, but I also gave up on them over a decade ago. I've seen them in concert many times, the first being at Metro ( then called Cabaret Metro ) in I believe it was 1983 ( may have been 84? Raven was with them, I think it was 83....MAN, did I like Raven.... ) and the last time being in 93 or 94 at the Allstate Arena ( then called the Rosemont Horizon ). I heard all I needed to hear of the Black Album at that show, and I didn't like it one bit. I'd say the best show I saw them put on was with Queensryche at the UIC Pavilion ( then called the UIC Pavilion ) in 1989. THAT was a great show! That movie Some Kind Of Monster is some of the funniest s*** you will EVER see! It's not intended to be funny, but it is. It's on VH1 this Saturday at 9pm. You certainly were off the bandwagon early. I've always been a big fan and always will be. As time goes on, most bands aren't able to maintain that same sound. THere are exceptions, but not too many. They certainly have produced some of the best music in the metal genre. No doubt about it. Anyway, Metal Up Your Ass!
  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 01:16 PM) I am alone if I think he will do nothing in the pros? No...I'm with you. All he did in college was shoot the three. He'll get roughed up by other forwards.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 01:14 PM) Could it be that this is the worlds longest running April Fools Joke perpetuated on the American public? The best thing is that they used to act like it was 100% real. I remember seeing John Stossel get tossed by a wrestler for asking about it being fake. Now they acknowledge its fake. Like we didn't know.
  11. QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 01:09 PM) You couldn't do it. that doesn't mean its not ridiculous. A bunch of guys pretending to beat each other up...don't get me wrong, I loved it when I was in grade school...but since then it all seems a little ridiculous.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 01:01 PM) Lucky for him he plays third, a tough to fill position and will get a couple dozen more chances than a right fielder. I think he's a couple lucky hits in a hitting streak away from being a solid everyday mlb player. I just have a feeling if he ever got on a couple week run, he'd be ok for a long time. Any thought that maybe he's too nice? He doesn't seem to have a killer instinct...he seems real passive...
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) Stranger things have happened than Joe Crede having a good year... Look at the first 5 years of Beltre's career in the majors, what about them said 48 hrs and 121 rbi? Nothing. http://www.baseball-reference.com/b/beltrad01.shtml His average was higher than Joe's....not that there were signs that he would hit almost 50 homeruns....but your know, steroids.
  14. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 12:53 PM) Putting Jacko into a "regular prison" would be a death sentence. He wouldn't last a month. That'll be his problem....I guess he should have thought of that before swallowing 9 year old sausage.
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 12:47 PM) Is there another Sox player under more pressure to perform than Mr. Joe Crede? He was suppose to be our rock at 3rd for a generation. Kids were going to grow up not knowing any other 3rd baseman. Then he stepped onto the major league field and was given a full season to perform. Then another, and another. Now he's tinkering, second guessing at the plate, probably cannot find his old groove, and when he does, he cannot trust it. He cannot give himself to that feeling and just perform. No one has the ability to think and hit a curve ball. I think, therefor, I'm a AAAA player with MLB talent. Yeah, he doesn't have confidence in himself...so how can we. TexSox are you going minimalist with the avatar and Sig?
  16. QUOTE(The Critic @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 11:48 AM) I'm pretty sure this is what happened to Metallica too, right before the recording of the "Black Album". Somewhere on a faraway planet, the REAL Metallica are looking down helplessly as the interplanetary imposters steal their identities, destroy their credibility, record "St. Anger" :puke and allow themselves to be filmed crying, meeting with a therapist, and having touchy-feely "how do YOOOOOOU feel about this?" band meetings. That's a little rough. I've been a metallica fan since the Master of Puppets album. Although the music isn't as good as it was then, its still better than most of the music out there. I thought the last album had 3-5 good sounds....including St. Anger, Frantic and Some Kind of Monster. It was better than Reload. The therapy thing was a little odd...but it worked for them. These guys are in their 40's now...not quite the same guys who became 'Alcholica'... I saw them live back in August...still the best s*** you'll ever see....hands down.
  17. Prior is so overhyped. f*** him. I hope he never pitches well again. f*** Mark Prior and the Cubs!
  18. A little off topic...but if you are an adult and you watch this stuff and attend wrestling events, I think something's wrong with you. Its all so absurd.
  19. Tell him to beat the Cubs all f***ing year...and then leave because that place is a dump.
  20. Does the Count need to stress the importance of not drinking other people's blood? You know, with AIDS, hepatitis and all! I heard Michael Jackson was seen blowing Ernie by his security guard. Muppet molestation needs to stop!
  21. QUOTE(knightni @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 12:13 AM) Oldie but a goodie. It looks like he's sticking his finger in his ass....Jay must be loving that!
  22. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 06:16 PM) IP PC H ER BB K 0.0 12 3 4 1 0 Blue Jays lose. And I didn't know Chris Singleton is DHing for Tampa Bay. Going into the 2004 Season, I didn't understood how we were going to have him as a starter. Thank god they got rid of him. I was at a game in 2003, just after we got him, where he came in and gave up like 6 or 7 straight hits...I remember thinking, why the f*** did we get this guy. Good riddance. He'll be selling insurance soon enough!
  23. QUOTE(YASNY @ Apr 8, 2005 -> 01:41 AM) Personally, I'm not into the chatroom thing. Enjoy the threads more more. I agree...threads for me!
  24. Yeah, it seems calm. We're focused on the Twins I think.
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