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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. I get to listen at work, so that will be ok. I predict a White Sox Winner....big surprise. Go Freddy!
  2. If you have herpes, you need to be wearing a condom. Now its public...nice work Ron Mexico.
  3. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 6, 2005 -> 08:20 AM) Since this is considered Non-Sox, I moved it to the Sports Bar. As much as I liked this guy....his strikeouts and bad glove just had to go.
  4. This is the first I heard of this...too funny. As for Billy's testicles, they are very small.
  5. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 10:54 AM) More evidence? I live how A-Rod accessorizes...the hat and purse go well together.
  6. Yeah, she seemed to be settle down nicel with this guy. She had a job and everything.
  7. QUOTE(chisoxfan79 @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 11:58 AM) This Sunday The Sox have the Sunday night game against The Twins at the baggy dome. We all know how the Sox perform on Sunday Night games last year they played three of them losing them all, two of them with Walk off Walks. I hope history does not repeat itself. Hopefully by the end of the game, the Twinkies will look like the guy in your avatar. Lets show em what we got Sox!
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 02:07 PM) Glad to see that Slezak has been getting some writing tips from her collegue at the Sun Times on how to make something out of nothing. No doubt...he's just complementing the current roster on its team attitude. He's not trying to knock anyone.
  9. QUOTE(ZeroHour @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 09:51 AM) So wait. they changed the intros? Ill be there tommorrow but someone give me a heads up. I know it was opening day but im guessing wednesday will be the usual. Home Run of the century (although this is getting old) Player reel with "O Fortuna" Ticking clock/pre game/ "Sox vs the Tribe....NEXT"/Thunderstruck As long as Shingo has the Gong in the final version, Ill be fine. Last year's song was very techno, it should be more intimidating in a "Hong Kong/Kill Bill" style. More importantly, They did not have the Home Run of the Century yesterday...they have a new, better intro, with hightlights from past sox players. No ticking clock...no next, since Dave Wills is gone. No Thunderstruck...don't know what music was playing. Shingo still had his gong...and his Mr. Zero counter on the scoreboards.
  10. QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 08:06 AM) The Fundamentals looked finished to me. That kid hit a homer into the seas below and won a $50 gift certificate! It didn't look like there was very much to it then. I don't know, I was observing from the Club Level (third base side).
  11. I was there yesterday....then April 18th for the first half price monday and the first home game against the twinkies....also, April 29th for Magglio the f**glio's return.
  12. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 4, 2005 -> 09:33 PM) It was so nice hearing Gene Honda at the introductions of the Championship game. We're so luck to have him doing the PA for the Sox. No doubt...Gene is great. It wasn't quite right without him yesterday. Tom Schaer sucks.
  13. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 5, 2005 -> 12:28 AM) I heard some of the new green seats are in. Is the new Fundamentals done? How does it look? What else is is different? The fundamentals did not appear done, quite yet. Although, between innings, they let a kid 'bat' up there for a chance at some prize. Also, the seats are cushioned in the club area. And everything looked good behind home, for the new scout seats.
  14. I had my ass on one of those cushioned green seats...very nice. I'm not sure but I think I was so comfortable, that I dropped my bbq pork sandwich on my brand new Buerhle jersey! I got it out though. Are those padded seats supposed to be installed throughout the park? I know green seats are, but are they all going to be padded? I was thinking maybe that was a club level feature.
  15. QUOTE(sec159row2 @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 02:35 PM) barry's lawyer and accountant are probably white... does he have a white girlfriend? His former 'white' girlfriend is the one who testified to the Grand Jury that he admitted using steroids. Also, his kid looks like he is half white. The guy is just an all around hypocrit...
  16. QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 09:55 AM) Apr 4 Partly Cloudy 65°/48° 10% Rock & F**kin' roll! f***in' A...lets go Sox!
  17. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 10:37 AM) Even you are welcome here, now, JayMariotti. Glad to have you. ok, no twins...how about Packer fans? I love them fat, cheese-eatin, coon-skin hat wearin', inbreds. Come on, please?
  18. I think we should also adopt Twins fans! We could turn the central division into one big happy family!
  19. QUOTE(Al Lopez's Ghost @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 06:55 AM) "I walked up to Bonds at his locker in the Wrigley Field visitors' clubhouse, introduced myself and said, 'Barry, if you sign these, they'll bring in a lot of money for kids who need help.' Bonds stood up, looked me in the eye and said "I don't sign for white people." If lightning hits me today, I will swear those were his exact words." Me and Bonds have a lot in common...I don't sign autographs for white people either. Small World.
  20. QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 07:57 AM) I'm embracing the change....I no longer hate the cubs...I love them just as equally as the Sox!
  21. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 03:54 AM) Independant Georoge and Relationship George. 'If relationship George walks through that door, he will kill independent George' 'A George, divided against himself, cannot stand'
  22. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 08:35 AM) I watched the clips Comedy Central has on the site. Is that pretty much how he was all of the time in his stand-up? Yeah, that was his act...
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 31, 2005 -> 02:59 PM) I think for the opener some lots open 3 hours early. Usually it is 2 hours early. Gates open 1.5 hours early, but will most likely open 2 hrs early. That's right...gates are open an hour and half ahead of time
  24. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Mar 31, 2005 -> 02:54 PM) Anyone know what time do the lots open? 12:00? It should be an hour and a half before the game. That's what is says on the tickets.
  25. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Mar 31, 2005 -> 02:43 PM) Heard about this on Howard Stern this morning. He was recently on the show. Only 37. Very sad. He was very funny. RIP. Yeah, and then Sirius has been running a tribute to him all day, playing all his bits and stuff. He was good. Its a shame.
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