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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 26, 2009 -> 08:46 AM) This will be the most exciting finish of the past twenty years. With so many slumping, they are all going to turn it on and catch the Tigers in the second to last game. [/color] I hope you are right...that would be excellent. If they get hot to end the season, the sky is the limit in the post-season.
  2. After last night, I want to be out...but I'm a glutton for punishment. This team makes Tony sad
  3. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Aug 25, 2009 -> 04:07 PM) These are also BY FAR my worst playoff seats in 6 years. I called and b****ed and their excuse was that they had to give so many tickets to MLB. Bulls***. That's what they always say. My tickets were worse than last year too. How is that possible, given the season ticket holder number had to go down with this economy?
  4. Before yesterday Quentin was on a six game hitting streak. I say its time for him to get his spot back.
  5. QUOTE (dmbjeff @ Aug 24, 2009 -> 07:03 PM) DFA....PLEASE!!!!!!!! He is done. That inning was horrible. We are going to lose this damn game because he couldn't field a groundball and doesn't have the mental ability to pitch over a few mistakes. He hurts the team, please get rid of him, eat the remaining dollars for the final month. Bring up Peavy to take the spot and hope Freddy can fill the 5th spot or make a waiver deal for someone to fill the role the last month. We need a real pitcher if we are gonna win this division. Each game matters at this point. There is no reason to know we are gonna lose on Jose Contreras days 80% of the time. Get us someone who at least gives us a 50/50 shot at winning. 100%...DFA....TOMORROW...that ground ball up the line was f***ing horrible. Good bye Bronze Titan. Enjoy your millions and your stay in America.
  6. Lets go get it, you sons of motherless goats. You're making me mental...more so. Come on! Show us the real team now.
  7. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 24, 2009 -> 12:46 PM) If I see a "are you in or out?" poll I will throw my computer. Are you in?
  8. "I got blisters, on my fingers"
  9. Come on Jose...be different for a change...pitch well. We need a win today, since the mopes f'd up yesterday.
  10. We need this game tonight...with Greinke going against the Count tomorrow. Do it boys.
  11. Sox kicking ass...I'm watching the Twins get pounded in the dome and listening to the Sox. Nice game so far. CAn't wait to see highlights.
  12. QUOTE (iamshack @ Aug 14, 2009 -> 01:59 AM) Obviously you have not owned too many dogs in your life... What Vick did is despicable. I echo what an earlier poster who claimed what Stallworth did was not nearly as bad. Tens of thousands of people drive intoxicated in this country every night. Our culture practically encourages it. And while I am not in any means condoning what Stallworth did, there are plenty among us who commit the same crime as he, but have been lucky enough to avoid the circumstances that have ruined his life. What he did was probably the result of a few hours of very poor judgment - the same poor judgment that so many others are giuilty of. And yet what Vick did was far more gruesome. Something that required premeditation, an execution of a business plan, etc. I'm not going to claim he hasn't served his time; he obviously has paid an extraordinary price for his crimes. But to claim that because his victims were animals, his actions were somehow far lower on the spectrum of despicable acts than what Stallworth did, because his victim was a human being, simply does not compute to me. I wish him well, despite the fact that I would love hang tbones from every orifice of his body and let a pack of rabid wolves tear him to pieces. I could not have said it better. I look at Stallworth and realize that could have happened to me. I have driven home when I should not have. These days I stay close to home and if I consume too much, I walk. If I go somewhere I have to drive, I watch my intake. What disgusts me about the Stallworth situation is how easily a family is paid off. Now, from their perspective, they need to survive, and money is needed for that. A breadwinner was just killed and nothing will bring him back, including making sure Stallworth goes to jail for a long time. As for Vick, I understand him being a product of his environment. MOST people on this board would be involved in similar situations, if they grew up in a similar environment. However, I still find him dispicable. The dog fighting doesn't bother me, as much as the ruthless killing of animals. Its a trait that most serial killers show when they are younger. It helps them learn how to kill and desensitizes them to it. What I really hate about dog-fighting is that non-pitbulls are used as bait. Some of those dogs are stolen from good homes, and then their lives are destroyed. If that dog was mine, I would want death to that person. They killed my family member. Is that really rational? I don't know, but its how I would feel.
  13. Typical, over-privledged, Cub-fan p****. AFter he throws the cup, and security comes for him, he sat on the ground like 'I'm not going'. This organization iseasily the s***tiest in baseball. Maybe today everyone will throw their beer cups on the field.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 12, 2009 -> 10:36 AM) Bill Simmons finally gets up to write an article on this. It's not nearly as harsh as his post-Manny writing was; you can sort of feel some denial in there that he's trying to force back down. Anyone who believes Sloppy is retarded. It took 9 days to come up with that crappy excuse? Please. Sloppy obviously sucks without his juice and his juiced up counterpart to protect him in the lineup.
  15. QUOTE (Pumpkin Escobar @ Aug 12, 2009 -> 09:43 AM) Just notice how the Arod-steroid thing has kind of vanished from tv. They don't ever mention how tainted those Red Sox teams have been.It gets tossed out on one of the shows so they can give the quick update on when Ortiz was going to speak but otherwise - nada. How about all the non-stop excitement for Ramirez again...they were making a big deal every time he came up, like he is so f***ing great. How did we all just forget he's a cheater?
  16. QUOTE (Markbilliards @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 05:05 PM) Where do the dogs sit during dog day? What section of the ballpark are they allowed in? Is this something only available to season ticket holders, or can others get in on it? Its very hard to get in on this, since they send fliers directly to the people who went the prior year. I tried twice and failed...despite submitting it relatively quick. I got in last year because someone I know couldn't make it.
  17. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 12, 2009 -> 09:03 AM) Personally, I love them taking what the rogue Balco worker said (Ortiz could have simply taken supplements and tested positive in 2003) and using it as some sort of near absolute proof that he was clean. I love that it took Sloppy a week to come up with this. Did anyone ask why his numbers went up when he joined up with a known user, in Ramirez? Again, F em all.
  18. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 12, 2009 -> 08:52 AM) If someone only knows a little bit about baseball they know the Yankees and their biggest rivals. The Yankees are #1 internationally and nationally. If your paycheck depended on ratings, who would you lead off with? The Pirates. Everyone loves pirate stories.
  19. The fact that Peter Gammons, a season ticket holder for the Red Sux, is on the network, says something. The bias can be easily summed up by this. After Sloppy Papi's name came up in the steroid stuff, they declared that all championships over the past 10 years were now tainted. F you. Boston's two best players were users (not buying this over the counter excuse crap). I don't feel the '05 championship was tainted. No way. F you Boston. F you New York. F both your accents. Go WHITE SOX!
  20. What a class act, that Ken Griffey Junior. Love him.
  21. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 01:24 PM) As we said, obviously you do care. Well, I know he's not done with having fun...so I expect more good internet photos to surface.
  22. QUOTE (chw42 @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 11:49 AM) I've been sitting him on my fantasy team. Usually, this means he should be hitting the s*** out of the ball. But, the opposite has happened. Should I start him just to see if he somehow turns it around? That should do it.
  23. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 12:42 PM) Wow. And apparently you do give enough s***s about him to hope and not be able to wait until he fails again. I hope he gets caught with a bag of blow in his back pocket, while playing the outfield. That would be cool.
  24. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Aug 10, 2009 -> 04:47 PM) That’s a pretty sick mentality to have about a guy who could easily kill himself every time he crosses a line. You want him to f*** up? Do you realize the repercussion to him f***ing up? Not every incident will end with some wry commentary from Deadspin, he’s an addict. The next time we could see an obituary, and what will it say? Josh Hamilton was a stupid, f***-up? Bulls***, it might say he was ignorant, foolish, but ultimately, he's human. You're absurd. Why do I care if this guy can't control himself? There are a lot of f***ing people who can't control themselves. Get your s*** together. I don't fell sorry for him or give two s***s about him. I got enough problems taking care of myself. Oops...I got drunk and did shots off young girls, while my wife and kids are at home. F him.
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