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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. The unsafe aspect of all of this is disturbing. I have several friends who sleep with whoever, and don't use condoms. It makes me glad I'm in a long term relationship.
  2. QUOTE(winodj @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 09:09 AM) The Cubs have got to be feeling less and less confident every day. With Prior and Wood possibly out for a while, it can't feel good to start to have trouble on the already shaky other end of their pitching rotation. Joe Borowski broke his hand fielding a line drive last week according to ESPN Radio's Mike and Mike. The Cubs must be worried now. Their half-ass closer is out.
  3. QUOTE(silver and black @ Mar 18, 2005 -> 01:21 PM) Willie Mays Hayes: Vaughn, get the stewardess. I need one of those bags. Rick Vaughn: There aren't any stewardesses. Willie Mays Hayes: I wonder if they are any pilots. Harry Doyle: That's all we got, one goddamn hit? Assistant: You can't say goddamn on the air. Harry Doyle: Don't worry, nobody is listening anyway. Pedro Cerrano: Bats, they are sick. I cannot hit curveball. Straightball I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid. I ask Jobu to come, take fear from bats. I offer him cigar, rum. He will come. Eddie Harris: You know you might think about taking Jesus Christ as your savior instead of fooling around with all this stuff. Jake Taylor: Harris. Pedro Cerrano: Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball. Eddie Harris: You trying to say Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball? You may run like Mays, but you hit like s***!
  4. tonyho7476


    I love Hawk. However, I do get sick of hearing 'stretch' evert time there is a pop up in the outfield. He could mix it up a little better. Everytime somebody strikes out 'He Gone'....I love 'He Gone' but I remember hearing a 'grab some bench' in the past....not any more...Mix it up....And kill DJ!
  5. Wonderful news...praise the lord!
  6. QUOTE(upnorthsox @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 02:29 PM) Didn't they run the same story last yr? This time they're not lying
  7. QUOTE(FlaCWS @ Mar 20, 2005 -> 11:39 PM) Thanks everyone for the replies. One other question... what about the club level? Can you get to the lower concourse from there? Club Level rocks....lot of food options, servers in the seats, an actual bar with any kind of drink you can imagine (once saw build your own bloody mary). Also, if its too hot/too cold, you can warm up/cool down inside. Also, you do have access to the lower level. And the best thing about it.....not beer lines or lines for the bathroom.
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 18, 2005 -> 11:33 AM) Exactly, he left the language vague so that it's open for him to able to clean it up later, if he needs to. That's not a statement that can be proven to be a lie. By the way, I'm not suggesting Sammy is clean. After re-reading it, you guys are right....this statement is worded very vaguely and could be explained if hard evidence came out against him. Interesting...not that any statement would ever convince me he wasn't putting roids into that balloon head of his.
  9. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 18, 2005 -> 11:07 AM) Because he didn't do anything other than make an opening statement. The feed was lost after the break so he was excused from the remainder if the hearing. Oh, is that what happened? I was reading the paper today, trying to find out what happened to Frank...and I couldn't find an explanation.
  10. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 18, 2005 -> 10:59 AM) That's an interesting angle I'd never thought about, but Canseco is speculating. I know guys who have used Roids and then use other supplements to try to maintain, so that they don't have to always be on juice. One thing I've learned about roids, is that for every guy who tell you to use them one way, you'll fidn another guy who tells you that you are doing it all wrong. That's part of the danger. I think Canseco's view says that you should give your liver a break after the steroids cycle. So doing Andro does not make sense to HIM. Yeah, everyone has a different story on how to take roids...its scary to think, who is right? I guess maybe you shouldn't take them
  11. In Canseco's book, he believes the whole Andro thing was a hoax, to have people think that was what he was doing. It would draw attention away from steroids. Canseco says that if you are doing steroids, you would not do Andro. Kind of makes sense to me. Plant that in your locker, and people go, oh, he uses a supplement for working out...
  12. QUOTE(sec159row2 @ Mar 18, 2005 -> 10:02 AM) what is the significance of baseball's antitrust exemption? What would happen if congress took it away? I think I blew-off class the day they cover antitrust stuff Yeah, we need somebody, who knows, to really explain this. I don't fully understand the significance.
  13. I listened all day, and then missed out on the Selig stuff...i did hear about the Pete Rose comparison and how ridiculous steroid punishment is when compared with gambling. Steff, what other good stuff came out of the Selig/Fehr/alderson panel? I don't want to try and read this whole thread. And where are they replaying that last panel? What time,etc?
  14. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 04:41 PM) what do you mean? They are not directing the questions to him...he's just getting ignored.
  15. QUOTE(qwerty @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 04:40 PM) Makes no sense that thomas is not answering all these questions like they are. He's getting forgotten...what the f***?
  16. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 04:34 PM) Doctors say steroids are bad for you. Sammy can't speak english. Lawyer does it for him. McGwire is sad. May or may have not used steroids. Same with Palmeiro. The rest say they did not use. Nobody likes Canseco. Committee takes a long lunch break. Bingo
  17. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 03:09 PM) It floors me when people that were big time Soso fans are ripping on him now because he is no longer a cub and then proceed to act like they never liked him in the first place. I wish he was still a Cub....lying bastard
  18. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 03:08 PM) So McGwire was almost crying and plead the 5th when asked if he used steroids? Also, I heard that Sosa had his testimony read by a "translator." Is this true? I know Sosa's english is bad but it isn't bad enough that he needs a translator. I bet he figures that he didn't perjure himself since someone else read his statement. :rolly Everyone read an openeing statement....All denied, except Canseco and McGwire...McGwire made it clear that he will plead the fifth when asked questions by the committee...which is up after their currrent break.... Also, Canseco kept in seperate room before statement/during break...not with other players...
  19. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 03:04 PM) I've got a bad taste in my mouth about Curt.... Is it just me or does anyone else feel like he was talking like his s*** don't stink..? For sure...not a fan of this guy
  20. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 02:50 PM) CSpan breaking up again.. is he s***ting on Jose also? He's rambling and has just endorsed/supported teh current system for testing.
  21. Palmeiro denies it....McGwire does NOT
  22. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 17, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) Please, please, PLEASE grant him immunity NOW!!!!!!! I don't think they are going to give it.... Jose sounds pretty nervous.
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