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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(Winnin Ugly @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 04:26 PM) This guy is a stud on the mound.. Im hoping he makes the team as our 5th starter. Maybe we can trade Contreras and Harris for a solid IF... This won't happen. They'll send him to AAA. If Contreras starts stinking it up, then we might see this guy.
  2. QUOTE(3E8 @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 02:06 PM) With the heavier Asian influence on our team this year, maybe we should implement an 'Eat Dog Day'. Hey OH
  3. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 01:26 PM) What kind of gun owner keeps his handgun loaded and sitting on the edge of the counter next to him? Obviously the guy works for NASA
  4. My dog and I got screwed this year. My friend is getting married the day before the game, in Detroit. So I'll never make it back on time. To make it worse, the girl he's marrying is a b****. Maybe next year Geezer!
  5. I guess I'd better stop cooking with my gun on the counter. What a dumbass I am
  6. QUOTE(beck72 @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 11:41 AM) I think most of us believe Borchard should have a career in the majors, where he can hit for HR power. He'll probably always have a high strikeout total, a low OBP, and a low avg [between .250-.275 at best] though. [There are guys who strike out a lot and have a high OBP. But Joe hasn't ever done that, and there is no reason to expect his hitting eye to turn around] The question then becomes, does Joe fit with the Sox in 2005 or 2006, in the best case scenario [high HR's, high K's, low OBP and low AVG]? It certainly seems the Sox brain trust are going in the opposite direction. With Anderson almost ready [power, avg and OBP], and sweet swinging Sweeney [avg, OBP and Power to develop] almost there, I find it hard to see where Joe fits It seems like we have too many outfielders. We have Pods/Rowaand and Dye for the next couple years, right? So it would seem that someone needs to be dealt. When the hell are all these guys going to find playing time?
  7. QUOTE(quickman @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 11:32 AM) All, just listening to Silvi and Jeff dickersen who is filling in for Carmen today. Dickersen let it slip that Carmen will be working a bit more this summer with his role with the Whitesox. Dickersen said can we mention that? Silvi you mean that Carmen will be doing what Dave Wills did, or that he will be hosting on Comcast? I don't think we can announce anything. Dickersen: Well your his partner you should know, Silvi: I am his radio partner. They quickly jumped out of the converssation because nothing has been announced. I thought I heard something about this too. Defalco would do the pre and post game. The big problem is this: Who will do the cool intro at the Sox games? NEXXXXTTTTTT!
  8. QUOTE(He_Gawn @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 05:25 PM) Well, i have some free time so i can make sigs now. I made my sig so just ask. I got plenty of hot chick pics. If you could make me something with Kristin Kreuk, that would be cool. How do you make these anyway? Is it from some sort of software?
  9. QUOTE(flippedoutpunk @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 11:09 AM) I dont know why my sig/avatar are offensive its all about self-defense Self Defense? Nothing about that picture says self defense...at least to me...I guess its time to drop it and move on.
  10. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 11:02 AM) I don't know why you think my post was aimed at you. I didn't....I was just commenting after your post.....
  11. QUOTE(without_opinion @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 10:21 PM) 33% of statistics are made up on the spot... You can make up stats to prove anything. 45% of people know that.
  12. Its good to see Iguchi off to a good start. Any word on his fielding?
  13. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 10, 2005 -> 03:38 AM) The sideways cap does not mean you are a thug or gangsta or whatever. This is true. However, it does give the impression that you think thugs or gangstas are cool. You are telling the world that this is what you aspire to be. And if you think appearance and first impressions don't mean anything, you'll learn otherwise. That is fact of life. I never said wearing your hat sideways meant you were a gangster...I said I was sick of the thug/gangster type mentality, which is what its about. Look at FlippedOutPunk's avatar and signature...what's that about? I don't find it gangster or cool or whatever, I find it offensive. Those are pictures of a guy who is going to kill someone...right? Certainly appears that way. Why is that cool? As for my stereotypes are correct comment....I should have said that a lot of them have some truth to them. Not all. For example, I'm bohemian, and a common stereotype would be that I am cheap, or thrifty. And I am. Does that mean all bohemians are ? No...but I know a lot of them, and I would say most of them fit this description.
  14. QUOTE(T R U @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 03:56 PM) Just because someone has their hat tilted to the side doesnt automatically make them a "gangster" or a "thug" Thats stereotypical s***, and because you dont agree with it doesnt make people who wear it at fault.. Its a hat, who cares how its worn, I dont remember anything written in stone that says all hats must be worn facing front perfectly aligned onto your head.. Just pisses me off that people are gonna stereotype someone by the way they wear their hat.. thats what is s*** The amazing thing about stereotypes, they are usually correct. I think my assessment is dead on.
  15. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 01:22 PM) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7129260/ None of this means anything. I don't see how you can say it means nothing. This kids credibility is full of holes now. I hate MJ and would love to see him go to jail just for being a weirdo, but these types of things lead me toward innocence.
  16. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Mar 9, 2005 -> 11:51 AM) The question is, what's to stop a player from wearing his hat backwards? Nothing is stopping them...I think they can. I'd have more respect for that then sideways, since people associate that with gangbangers, whether it is or not.
  17. QUOTE(flippedoutpunk @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 11:44 PM) u forgot the leader of the B-Unit.. C-bath! I'm sick of the gangster/thug s***. Seeing these clowns with their hat sideways just makes me think they are idiots. Our whole society is full of this crap.
  18. REading all this negative s***, I'm starting to believe it. I have been so excited for this season to start, and I keep reading this and thinking my team stinks. I've fallen into their trap. Sox, prove them wrong, please.
  19. That sounds cool...except for the Cubs part of the exhibit.
  20. I can't say I'm upset at hearing our division rival's top prospect may miss playing time. Not that I would wish injury on anyone.
  21. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 8, 2005 -> 01:46 PM) The last bad ballpark? Obviously, he hasn't been to the park in a long time. Yeah, the park is great in my opinion.
  22. The store by Comiskey has some cool stuff...not exactly cheap. But what is these days? I forgot the name of the store , its at 35th and Wallace. I also seem to impulse buy at mlb.store.com...or whatever that is.
  23. I would have to recommend Stickney(duh)...it was rated by Chicago Magazine as the best town in its price range. Its a community with a lot of older people, so its relatively quite. Its right next to I55, which will take you right to Comiskey in 10 minutes...you could probably find a place relatively cheap. Also, Its not too far from Midway airport, in case you travel for work.
  24. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 7, 2005 -> 04:13 PM) And you guys are overacting about my opinion.. :rolly There's no crying in baseball...or baseball message boards!
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