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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 12:31 PM) I'm glad the Patriots lost and all that, but the Giants and their fans are also annoying. that wasn't even close to funny. Just dumb.
  2. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 12:29 PM) I'm far from a bible thumper. Haven't been to church in a couple years, but I think thats a pretty ignortant thing to say about something that a whole lot of people keep in high regard. Knowing that the KKK and other wack-job groups use that book to justify their extreme hatred, I don't think its very ignorant. I think that book is dangerous. And this coming from someone who went to catholic grade school, high school, and a jesuit university and got an A in an Islam class. I think my years of experience in life and school give me plenty of background to make such a statement. And I'm a big fan of Seventeen. Good stuff.
  3. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 12, 2008 -> 09:54 AM) Can we relable this thread the "crazy whack job belief thread"? because it's like people read Seventeen magazine to learn about God. Seventeen magainze...the bible...what's the difference?
  4. QUOTE(thedoctor @ Feb 11, 2008 -> 04:10 PM) hey, god has to have a good time, too. he's probably hanging out with the apostles, keeping it real and all, and says, "hey watch this." *god whispers into the air* "throw first-pitch fastball, it will work" *apostles roar with laughter* i mean, why wouldn't people believe this. we are talking about the guy who freaking invented humor. He's not a guy...he's the father, son and holy spirit.
  5. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Feb 11, 2008 -> 02:58 PM) .....and God does this all while helping singers, (including rappers) and actors win awards. Amazing. I can't wait till people start praising L. Ron Hubbard when they win something. His sci-fi writing is just as good as the bible.
  6. QUOTE(greg775 @ Feb 11, 2008 -> 01:17 PM) Get a grip, please. Why can't people be tolerant? Like somebody said, some people prefer thinking about God more than violent rap, b****es and hos. For some reason we've gotten to the point people get pissed at the athletes that credit God. If they want to thank God by pointing to the sky, why get worked up about it? If the interviewer asked that, he should also ask those who love getting drunk every night if their late night escapades caused the team to lose or him to give up a home run. And yes I think it's OK to say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays and yes if the person informed me he didn't celebrate Christmas I'd say then Happy Holiday to you as well. This new anti God world pisses me off. I just think the guy is a whack-job, based on that story. Here's a good story. I was at a friend's wedding and his new father-in-law gave a speech. In the speech he said that my friend's committment to his daughter 'began at the baptismal fountain'. I still make fun of him for that. I'm amazed at how blindly people follow religion. It makes for a good laugh.
  7. I love how all these athletes give all their success up to God. My favorite is when they hit a homer and point to God. Yeah, cause God wanted you to hit a homerun.
  8. This guy has such a vendetta against this organization. Mariotti
  9. Jose Canseco is at the press conference....probably with popcorn.
  10. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Dec 13, 2007 -> 10:47 AM) Jeff Bagwell makes me incredibly sad if true. Bobby sat that cheater down in grand fashion in game 1....ah, memories.
  11. He has a good chance of appearing on that mitchell report. Who cares...this guy is way overhyped...or at least was.
  12. QUOTE(Hatchetman @ Dec 12, 2007 -> 07:56 AM) I agree with young Tony. The Sox are a business and need to keep the customers happy. Right now the customers are not happy. Best plan is to sign somebody with some name value make some shrewd minor deals. Then pray for a miracle that this team can compete for a wildcard and keep things interesting. You're God Damn right I'm not happy. If I could get my money back right now, I would. I just bought a new house and have higher expenses, and the $4000 I spent could come in handy. This off-season is a joke, and fuki-f***y signing with the Cubs, is just a big kick in my balls.
  13. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Dec 6, 2007 -> 12:56 PM) How dare you compare Mr Steroids to Mr Coffee. Have you no class? What about Mr. Charmin? i think that guy just died. Or was that the donut guy? I get confused.
  14. Is it me, or with Jones signing with the Dodgers, what teams are courting Rowand now? Isn't it just us?
  15. QUOTE(kwolf68 @ Dec 5, 2007 -> 01:57 PM) And who would be scare of our staff? CAll me crazy...but Contreras scares me...aren't you scared with him in our starting rotation?
  16. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Dec 5, 2007 -> 11:51 AM) I wasn't begging for him. I was merely posing a question. If the Sox want a "traditional" lead-off man, that can play CF and has a good OBP AND they don't trust Owens, Sweeney or Anderson...well, there's Kenny Lofton. No where did I say, "Go git him, K-Dub!!!" Here's the other thing...he could probably be had for a one year contract, so you aren't getting Rowand for 4, Jones for however many, etc. It's called flexibility. and it's called a suggestion. Maybe instead of ripping people on the Sox and on the board, you can give some constructive criticism. I'm not losing sleep one way or the other.... DAMN, this board pisses me off sometimes. You know what pisses me off? Paying all this money for tickets, and getting a s*** product. So people are seeing teams in the AL get stronger and stronger, and then when someone mentions Kenny Lofton, we want to vomit. Why? Because we have so many issues, and harldy anything is happening. Don't take it so personally.
  17. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Dec 5, 2007 -> 11:42 AM) Can you at least give a reason other than...no thanks? If the goal is to 'win', which seems like a ridiculous goal, given how things are going, he is not the answer. Kenny should just slap us all in the face, if he wants to sign this guy. Sign Rowand or Jones, or just forget it and give the job to Owens. 'Hey, we didn't Hunter, or Rowand, or Jones, here is your 40 year old, washed up outfielder'
  18. QUOTE(juddling @ Dec 5, 2007 -> 10:22 AM) Just heard Joe Cowley on the Score talking about the Cabrera trade and he gave Kenny a bit of credit. Joe said the Sox had the best 4 person package for Cabrera on the table but the Marlins came back tried to throw Dontrelle Willis in the package and would take another couple of prospects for him. Ozzie told KW that Willis is only throwing 85 mph and not 95 like he should be and there is something wrong with him....he didn't want Willis. Kenny went back to the Marlins but the Marlins said that Willis was to be part of the package or no deal. Kenny decided not to give up prospects for a pitcher who was hurt or lost whatever he had. OK Soxtalk....discuss Sounds to me like he should have done it. Now I just hope Miguel does not sign with them, and we can get him next year...YEAH RIGHT!
  19. QUOTE(rockren @ Dec 5, 2007 -> 10:17 AM) I'll pay primo for a Yankee game from you if you don't want those... That would be illegal.
  20. So, Rowand would be the highest paid guy on our team? How f***ed up is that! The more the days after November pass...the more I feel sorry for myself being a season ticket holder.
  21. QUOTE(bmags @ Dec 3, 2007 -> 12:43 PM) richar i guess. I'm getting scared...mostly because I spent another $4000 on this team for '08.
  22. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 3, 2007 -> 01:39 PM) In the minors, Quentin put up these numbers over 4 seasons: .312 .427 .526 953 He put up a 1.004 OPS last year in AAA after being sent down for 1/2 of the season when he struggled upon coming back from a torn Labrum he suffered in ST. In 166 at bats with Arizona, in the big leagues, in 2006, he put up a : .253 .342 .530 872, with 9 home runs (in a full season that would drag out to around 30 homers). I'm still trying to figure out who the f*** the lead-off hitter is going to be.
  23. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 4, 2007 -> 12:54 PM) Buh? How did you get postseason tickets in '05 for face value in a good location without being a season holder? Were you one of the one-in-a-thousand lucky ones the day those few went on sale to the public or something? Its good to know people. I could have bought 2 season holder ticket packages that year.
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