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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(AssHatSoxFan @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 01:06 PM) the thing is from the sound of it, this was a case where he wasnt doing anything to provoke a stingray it was just an unfortunate accident...if on the other hand he died doing some of the other crazy things he has been known to do it wouldnt be that tragic If he was close enough to a sting-ray...he was doing something crazy...
  2. QUOTE(mreye @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 10:36 AM) I've been holding out that same hope since June. Sighhhhh... WEll, the holding out is going to end soon. Hopefully we like the result.
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 10:36 AM) Sissy.. But I'll be an alive sissy
  4. I am holding out hope that this team is on the verge of waking up, kicking ass the rest of the season, and rolling right into the playoffs. Go get 'em.
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 10:12 AM) Well then.. excel good buddy.. excel. I'm hoping a stringray shoots Konerko in the ass and wakes him up. I'm just being an ass. I feel real bad for his family. But these risks are just not smart. That's why I'm sitting in a cubicle right now.
  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 10:10 AM) I'm sure you do. Could you express it without being a prick, tho? Being a prick is what I am good at.
  7. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 10:08 AM) Sirius stock must have taken a hit today... The sox sucking has me in a bad mood...but I do want to see the footage.
  8. I've been waiting years to see this guy get killed on the job. Every time I watched that show I was hoping to see the Croc rip him apart. I hope they release the footage of his final moments.
  9. QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 08:34 AM) Don't know why you think she would end up being crazy. Why was that not in green? Anyone raised by Tom Cruise, is sure to be crazy.
  10. I wonder how long it will take before she is crazy?
  11. I have been a drinking sox fan for nine years now...and I have never been in Jimbo's. Guess my time is running out.
  12. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 31, 2006 -> 09:54 AM) All I have to say... 40 wives = 40 mother-in-laws! I like a man who puts things in perspective.
  13. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 10:25 AM) I've been in the Club for 7 or 8 years. I went there before they renovated it, and I loved it then, but after the renovation, its so great. A/C when its hot. Heat when its cold. No bathroom lines. You don't have to worry about the people getting to the game in the 3rd inning arriving at a key point of the game, standing there blocking your view. I think its sold out now. A few years ago, there were games when my friend and I basically had the entire section to ourselves. Also if you're in the infield, the view is the best I think for the entire field. Obviously down below is closer, but I think you have a better perspective and view on balls hit to the OF from the club level. The best part is not waiting in bathroom lines...oh, and the food. Oh and the view. oh and the full bar....well, I guess everything is the best part. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 10:19 AM) I've been thinking of going to the clubs next season as well - looking to get a group together (some from my current 27-game group, some new). Hard part is, I want to do 4 seats. I figure 8 people is ideal for that. Do a draft type thing for the regular season games for each of the 8 people, and set the rules for post-season (group A/group B sort of thing). I think 8 people is too many...I think you're asking for problems with a group that large. I think you should stick with the same number of people, as seats. That way, say there is a game 5 of the Division Series...you just say, ok, everyone gets their one seat.
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 09:33 AM) If you split, just be sure you have all the rules set. We have a friend who has 6 "partners"... and you know they are all looking for playoff tickets now. Some of them aint gonna be friends much longer. Yes, the rules are the most important thing. Especially, how the playoffs get handled.
  15. QUOTE(That funky motion @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 08:59 AM) The playoffs are fun no matter where you sit! I agree...I shouldn't wine.
  16. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 08:31 AM) I have to say, Jim and I are struggling with the 61 home games this year. The # goes up every year it seems and we are never home over the summer. We are thinking about scaling it back next year. i wanted to split a package with people at work, but couldn't get anyone, so just got the partial. My close, non-work friends are communists, I mean Cub fans. So I had limited options.
  17. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 08:28 AM) Don't take it so hard. I was being silly. Not trying to be a jerk. Quit making Tony cry.
  18. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 08:23 AM) You'll have to get a part time job at Cinnabon and save up for a full season plan. they need to put the middle finger smiley back in here, so I can give it to you. Money is not the issue, I don't need 81 games a year. Thanks for the insight.
  19. QUOTE(drowninginflame @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 08:17 AM) Today, the trophy is coming and I guess one or two guys are rumored to be ringing the opening bell. Everyone is in thier jerseys and stuff and a few cub fans are protesting and wearing thier stuff. Not a good way to protest, by wearing ugly ass Cubs s***.
  20. So I got my invoice for playoff tickets, and payed it. However, I was a little dissappointed that I am going from section 113 to the upper deck for all the playoff games. Seems kind of s***ty. I know that MLB sucks up a ton of tickets, and that being a split season ticket holder does not guarantee me my seats, but for the first series I got row 12, section 540 something. That blows. My tickets do get better as the playoffs go on. I think for the WS I am closer to home, and in row 7. Was anyone else dissappointed?
  21. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 24, 2006 -> 08:07 AM) Yeah I heard about this a few hours ago. I suppose they're just trying to spice things up a little, and not go with the same old boring format that we've seen all before. Doubt it will help the ratings or anything though. I bet it does help the ratings. This will make the show pretty interesting. Go get 'em Whitey!
  22. Dahl is really not very interesting anymore. Whenver I turned on his show I heard dead air. He was more interesting on coke and alcohol. He should fall off the wagon.
  23. Sorry to hear that man. Hang in there and things will get better. Here is to better times for you and your family. Have a drink and remember the good times.
  24. I wanted to leave as soon as those 6 runs were scored. unfortunately, I wanted to get the split the pot numbers. Apparently I wasn't the only one. The place emptied real fast after those were announced.
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