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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 14, 2006 -> 08:14 AM) What is a loosing streak? Its when the team forgets to tie their shoes...so they are loose, and hence they don't play well.
  2. I sooo don't understand the balk rules...I would have never noticed. That being said, the umps sucked. Buerhle getting squeezed, and then giving up a two run homer to Abreu, really pissed me off.
  3. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:39 AM) I think if we win at least 90 games (which I think we'll definitely do), most of the fans will come back to watch us again next season, or at least I would like to think so. It's not like the other product across town ain't doin so well ATM anyways. Not only that...the neighborhood continues to change and get better. Yesterday, leaving the game, I noticed how much had been tore down along Halsted street...probably shopping, restaurants, and condos going up. I also thought I saw a new bar north-west of the park, back around Wallace/33rd street area...so things are changing.
  4. The matchups are good for this series...Verlander/Count, Buerhle/Rogers, Miner/Garcia....a sweep is possible. tonight will be competitive...and Verlander missed his last start. Tomorrow, Kenny has been struggling, and hopefully Mark can turn it around. Sunday, Garcia coming off a good start...basically... So we should have a chance to win all 3. Get 'er Done.
  5. This support has just been awesome. Hopefully we can hit that 3 million mark.
  6. I had a ticket starting 072...s***!
  7. QUOTE(Felix @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 03:15 PM) Nope, instead you came home and made a thread about it on a message board. Either way, it seems to have bothered you more than it ought to. I mean, its not like he was there with a "f*** the White Sox" shirt or anything.. Actually, I'm at work and trying to entertain myself on a slow day.
  8. I thought that the Sox talked with him, and he decided he would go back on the DL. And then probably come up in September.
  9. QUOTE(Felix @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 02:21 PM) I disagree. If it bugs you THAT much seeing someone wearing another teams hat/jersey at a Sox game, even if it is a division rival, then you might want to take a step back and think about it. If it bugged me THAT much...I would have punched the guy or berated him. I did neither.
  10. QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 01:27 PM) I don't see any problem with wearing like a hat or a shirt of your favorite team while at another team's game. As long as you're not jackass enough to cheer against a team. I agree...but you may be asking for trouble. A guy at a Sox/Yankees game, wearing full Twins gear, is asking for trouble. Not that he deserves it.
  11. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 01:33 PM) That would explain it. Zoom...I'm going to be a bad poster when I say...you catch on quick!
  12. I forget who said it ... but I am a bad poster. And he's probably right.
  13. QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 11:42 AM) Well, in principle your statement makes perfect sense. As much as you could be an innocent party though, the unfortunate reality is people who do that become a target. Whether it makes sense or not or whether we like it or not, it draws attention to one's self in a potentially negative way. Personally I would never wear my Sox stuff to another ballpark, why be a target for some goofball who decides they don't like my team or feel the need to "educate" me on why their team is better. No thanks. What surprises me is people who are surprised when something happens. Again, they can be totally in the right, but they're a target. Some people are more serious about that kinda thing than others, it's the nature of being out in public. i think this is what I see it as...you are asking for trouble...not that it is right.
  14. The Yankee fans in our section weren't too bad...if anything I was the obnoxious one. Jeter was warming up right in front of us and I asked 'Who you banging now?'...I didn't think that was real bad though.
  15. QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 09:47 AM) I see no problem with attending a game, any MLB game, and wearing Sox gear. So, I won't critcize a fan of another team for flying their colors at the Cell. Damn people, it's only a ballgame. Yeah, people on this site think its only a game.
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Aug 9, 2006 -> 09:23 AM) there is no reason to go to another team's park and start problems... but if your a cubs fan and your friends invite you to a sox game I dont see a problem if your wearing a cubs hat/jersey as long as you dont start s***. I don't get a Twins turd at a Sox/Yankees game...that is all. I'm going to a Brewers game in two weeks, and might have a Sox hat on...but the Sox are not a rival of the team. I guess what I am saying...I would probably not draw attention to myself, so I was surprised at the moronic Twin fan. And I don't go to the Urinal, ever...so you will never find me there, wearing a Sox hat.
  17. Of course there were plenty of annoying yankee fans at the game. But I saw a guy wearing full Twins gear...hat and jersey. Why do these morons grace our park? What is the point of this thread? I don't know. I was just annoyed by that. Not to mention the moron I saw in full Cubs gear. But that is always going to happen.
  18. tonyho7476

    Xbox 360

    QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 19, 2006 -> 03:29 AM) I have NCAA '07 for regular X-Box, but I played a game over at my friend's house on 360. Damn, that game is IMPRESSIVE for 360. The stadiums look scary realistic, and the controls are real nice, too. Things seem to flow real nicely. As for the X-Box version, it doesn't look like they switched a whole lot from last year. I'm sure there's some added stuff (like the kick meter, which I like), but the gameplay seems the same as last year. The difference between 360 and regular X-Box is night-and-day, in gameplay and in graphics (obviously). Anyone know how to change it to the regular camera on kickoff returns? I like seeing the whole field rather than such a limited view. i rented NCAA and as usual it is awesome...BUT...lots of lag on-line. Anyone have the same experience? It doesn't make sense to me, since Madden is also an EA game, and it doesn't lag like NCAA.
  19. RIght after Paul hit the homer, mayhem ensued, throughtout the park...and the hot dog guy in our section wiped out at the same time. It looked painful. He probably still has the scars to prove it. "hey, look what i got at the world series, a broken arm"
  20. QUOTE(Spiff @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 07:42 AM) It means at least as much, if not more than your comment, which I'm surprised you even got out with Howard's dick being in your mouth all the time. I love message board tough guys
  21. I would guess that we wouldn't want to know the thoughts/personal habits/beliefs of a lot of people in hollywood. Personally, i could care less. Say what you want, but realize there are consequences. Nice work moron.
  22. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 10:18 AM) God no. Mike North is just horrible. He is horrible...but listening a couple times last week, I could feel a Stern influence...Mr. Shock Sports Talk I guess.
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 10:08 AM) Personally I haven't gotten the whole shock-jock thing for a while now. Really I don't think either one of them are very funny after a few days of listening. i think most people get their opinion of stern from E!...which highlighted the girls and crazy antics. That being said, its definately not for everyone. Things I enjoy...prank phone calls, good guest interviews, general discussion and analysis of the news. Listen to Mike North lately? This guy seems to be influenced by Stern, with the spiff he does.
  24. QUOTE(SouthsideNorthsideFan @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 09:21 AM) Yep. My ol' lady has Sirius (for Howard), and I think he's actually worse than ever, now. His fan base can only dwindle, as he can't make public news, nor randomly pick up rogue listeners who happen to stumble upon his now-annoying show. Overall, I think I'd go with XM if I had to pick one...all the MLB vs a NFL + Basketball, no question. I got bored with Sirius rather quick. Although, I don't know how great the extra 40 some odd channels of XM can be. A fan of the show would tell you its better now...you're not a fan...so your comment means nothing.
  25. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 02:09 PM) i got sirius and I love it, I barely ever listen to local radio, other than Sox games and the Roe Conn show. O & A are unlistenable in my opinion, they are doing a smart thing though by trying to get publicity with a war with Stern. I listened to O&A last week a little. Horrible. Didn't laugh once. And I hate gimmicky radio...like 'spreading the virus'...just lame. Stern is better than ever now on Sirius. Anyone who hasn't come over yet, you should. Howard is not coming back to testicle radio. Not happening again.
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