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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 29, 2006 -> 09:10 AM) Well, last night could not have gone any more smoothly. I didn't get there til 5:25 and I thought I'd be late for everything and screwed. NOPE. I walked right in, there was no line, went to the table where they give you a wristband which determines what time you get to go on the field. We opted for the 7:00-7:25 slot. Grabbed two beers and got into the food line becasue the food was not ready yet. At about 5:45, the kitchen gates went up and the food was ready. We ate until about 6:00. Visited a few gift shops, the press room, the visitor's clubhouse and the Scout seats lounge. I was surprised at how small the visitor's clubhouse is, the press room was fun. At about 6:55 we headed over to the 'elephant gates' in CF and they let us onto the field. You can go anywhere except the infield. I took my flip flops off and took in the grass. We took a ton of pictures and left the field at 7:25. Headed back to the patio area, grabbed more food and two more beers. Left at about 7:50. Nothing was too crowded and everything was well organized. GREAT TIME! By the way, there was a guy who was asking people who only had invites and not tickets to stand in another line. I'm not sure what they did with those people, maybe they got in after all. I'm sorry some of you didn't get to go and that Thursday night was kind of a mess, but I thought this thread could use some positivity. Good to hear Los....I had a good time...just wished the weather would have cooperated. And I am envious that your stinky feet touched the outfield grass.
  2. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jul 28, 2006 -> 12:17 PM) LOL! It'll be ANARCHY! After we could not get onto the field, we asked where the WS Trophy was...and since it rained...they said its now in section 119. So we headed over there. (I had a picture already, but my dad did not) So we get there...no trophy and a guy talking on a walkie talkie. He then tells us that the trophy will remain in the Scout Lounge...Right after he tells us this, over the walkie talkie we hear...'the trophy will remain in Section 119'...so we wait...a little line forms and then all these people show up....apparently they had been somewhere, in line, and got placeholder tickets...so now we have us there and these new people and everyone's getting testy. Luckily we were next in line and got out of there before people got ugly. Again, the rain f***ed some spiff up.
  3. I went last night....and we had a good time. It would have been better if it had NOT rained, since that meant I did not get on the field. The sox guy signing was Carlos May...I didn't even bother since I did not know him. We waited on the food and there was no line. Had plenty of beer...had plenty of food...took some pictures. So if there is any chance of rain, and you want to walk on the field (dugout, bullpen, etc), head to the center field tunnel as soon as you get there. And be sure to turn in the raffle tickets you originally got, in the left field concourse area. And it was a real organized event until the rain caused them to move the trophy from the center field fan deck, and close the field...then it got a little messy...dogs and cats sleeping together, mass hysteria.
  4. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 02:15 PM) I RSVP'd the last week, well before the deadline, only to find out from my boss that you're supposed to get tix in the mail as well--what they sent you in the mail originally look like the tix you need; they're NOT. So when that didn't happen I called yesterday and left detailed message along with my customer number. No call back. This morning I called again and when I mentioned what I was calling for, the person at the White Sox audibly sighed and passed me on to the sales agents. I said something to the effect of "I guess this is becoming a problem" he grunted "Yeah." Then I get the vox mail for some agent and I leave message, again detailed. He calls while I'm at lunch and says... They have no record of me ever rsvp'ing. Here it comes. You know, I hate when I follow the rules, and I get screwed. Especially by a team that I've poured so much money into over the years. This was supposed to be a "thank you" from them, now it's turning into a "f____ you." I got my tickets... Listen, are you really in the mood to celebrate these clows right now? Consider it a blessing.
  5. Boy...we have lost 5 series in a row...are about to be swept and knocked out the wild-card lead...and I can't wait to go to the Grinder Party tomorrow.....HOW FUN!
  6. this country is turning into a bunch of pussies. We are all so politically correct all the time.
  7. QUOTE(vandy125 @ Jul 25, 2006 -> 02:00 PM) One more thing, if Soriano comes here with no one from the 25 man roster being traded, who gets left out from our current 25 man roster? Would that mean goodbye to Gload? Gload is just so useless on this team...he would have to be the odd man out.
  8. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jul 25, 2006 -> 11:34 AM) Move Bmac into the rotation and one of our starters will be fixed. I thought that is why we picked up Macdougal. I thought the MacDougal deal meant that BMac will get into the rotation...somehow. I want to see McCarthy starting...so Javy or Freddie need to go...and I think that Kenny is working on that.
  9. I said that if the Sox won the World Series I could be happy forever, and Ozzie could manage forever, even if the team sucked...and I guess I was wrong. I want it again just as bad. I thought we were going to be better than ever, and we are not. And the Tigers are just kicking everyone's ass and making me madder. That being said, we are the wild card leader, and I almost feel like we are in last place. And judging from this board...last year was not enough for most of you. What is my point? I don't know. I want it again. Being at the World Series was so great last year. So, Kenny, do what you need to do and Ozzie, get this team back on track. Tony wants to spend thousands of dollars again this off-season, on wonderful championship merchandise.
  10. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jul 25, 2006 -> 09:30 AM) ...suggested trading Joe Crede to Washington in a potential Soriano deal because "this young kid Josh Fields is ready to play." Has anyone seen Fields' bat-speed? Joe Crede is hopefully going to be a White Sox lifer, and Josh Fields is clearly not ready to play the hot corner for a championship-caliber (hopefully.) Plus, think before you speak Sean... the Nats have Ryan Zimmerman, a 24 year old kid who kills the ball playing 3rd base for them. Your problem here is that you are listening to testicle radio...Join the revolution and you shall be set free!
  11. I'd say you have to go with the logo on the upper left hand corner of the Sox home page...
  12. QUOTE(spawn @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 02:53 PM) If that's the case, then with Pods in center and Soriano in left, so much for pitching and defense winning championships. Pods playing CF can not be in Kenny's plan...our man BA would still be there. If Pods in center is part of the plan...well, we're f***ed.
  13. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 02:52 PM) keep in mind that the texas rangers owe 10 mil on each year of arods contract. so arod for 15 mil is more financially possible Does all that transfer when a trade is made?
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 02:50 PM) Well I sure don't want the media reporting "Sox fan runs naked on the field...". Ah...but it would be 'Hot Sox fan runs on field naked'...instead of 'ugly Cub fan' Anyway, I'm down with Soriano...hoping B-Mac is somehow not part of it. His bat at the top of the order would be great.
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 02:28 PM) Bring a Cubs hat. Running on the field naked was hot...until you recommended the Cubs hat!
  16. Soriano sounds like an exciting idea. Not sure how it would play out...but I'm thinking it could be great for us.
  17. tonyho7476

    Xbox 360

    QUOTE(SnB @ Jul 17, 2006 -> 11:51 PM) Just an update, i did end up buying a 360 on friday, and I really am loving it. Bought call of duty 2, which is one intense game and really shows off the system. I'm loving xbox live, the whole downloading demos scene is really cool. NCAA comes out tommorow, pumped. SnB...Call of Duty is great, no doubt...the singleplayer is awesome, and the multiplayer is great fun too. I'd love to add you to the friends list...my tag is: Mad Bohemian
  18. QUOTE(JoeBatterz @ Jul 17, 2006 -> 03:11 PM) 8:30 Jay Mariotti of the Chicago Sun-Times called in to the show. Mike wanted to get to the bottom of his vacation. This was from NorthtoNorth on the daily show log of the Mike North Show. Did anybody hear what he had to say? No one listens to that horrible show.
  19. tonyho7476


    The ones I love and use everyday...Sirius radio and my XBOX 360. That XBOX allows you to ignore the significant other for hours on end. Thank you Bill Gates!
  20. QUOTE(Keystone @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 12:25 PM) 50? hes getting 50 for sure. The question should be whether or not he can get to 60. Wouldn't that make him the first AL player to hit 60 since Maris or am i wrong on that one? He'd be the first non-steroid guy to do it, since Maris.
  21. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 11:01 AM) Interleague is over too, so he won't have to sit as many games. Good point...I think Big Sloppy got to play a lot of interleague games...so Jim is probably on a better pace....too lazy to look it up.
  22. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 10:36 AM) Not only do I think it will happen, but I have a feeling, if the chips fall just right, he could have a partner and teammate in that club That would be cool...but I think Dye and Konerko will end up with low 40s. And Crede with 30. Think about that...50, 40, 40, and 30 on one team...and scatter in a couple 20.
  23. It certainly looks like it. Mr. Belle currently holds our single season record at 49, which he hit in 1998. Hopefully another former Indian can take that record away from him. With 30 at the break, it looks good.
  24. Loved the Shingo...the excitement when he came into the game was great...with the japanese flavor we put on his intro...Mr. Zero...I enjoyed that. Its nice to hear we are missed.
  25. Bobby should just say 'I'm not racist, I hate everyone' Seriously, if a person did have these views, but kept it to themselves, then who cares. As long as he doesn't come out and call Kenny GM a n####r...who cares?
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