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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. If you get there when the park opens, you should be able to get down by the field, just in time to see the Sox walk off of it. if you want to spend $300, like I did, you can be there for batting practice with the team. Contact the Sox for that one.
  2. The Card fans were fine. I did see one guy on the concourse yelling at Cardinal fans, but that was it. I had a Cardinal fan and Sox fan in front of me, friends, and the Card fan got pretty animated during the beanballing. Cardinal fans and Sox fans have one thing in common...their distain for Cub fans. It brings people together.
  3. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 10:32 AM) thanks for the tip, Steff yes, any monkey can go to weather.com, i was hoping for season ticket holder info that might have experienced a similar game and would know around what time the game would be called. Ah, but you are not just any monkey!
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 08:19 AM) OK, take the N-word today then. It still doesn't make it right. But then the group themselves uses the word...and then you have white kids running around using it, because rappers do. Bottom line, I will never be offended by words. And that would be hard anyway considering I am a white male. But call me all the names you want...and I won't be offended. I don't think ozzie thinks anyone is gay when he says f@g. I think he's just using a word that gets tossed around more often than it should. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 08:20 AM) I have a dumb question, which might not matter, but is Mariotti really gay or was this just an insult Ozzie threw out there? I'd call him gay, but I'd be calling him a dork. I don't think he's gay though. I don't think any sex is interested in him.
  5. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 08:12 AM) Just because people do something doesn't make it right. People held slaves 200 years ago, it was a common practice, that doesn't mean it was right. When you are talking about degrading a class of people, for no other reason than because of who they are, its wrong. Yeah, compare using some insensitive words...not actions...words...to slavery. Good comparison.
  6. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 08:08 AM) Here lies the difference -- none of us would be willing to mention it in public. What Guillen needs to do is control himself in front of the media. He can be Ozzie Montana behind closed doors -- as I'm sure he is -- but you have to watch what you say on the record. What upsets me more than what he said is the attention it draws from the ballclub. We just MURDERED St. Louis and now will have to hear this story for several more days. Having Mariotti appear a sympathetic figure in any form doesn't sit well with me either. What's bulls*** is that all these writers, Couch, Mariotti, etc, act all high and mighty, but who knows what their behavior is like behind closed doors. I've always said that I'd love to hear Bernstein from 670 get caught with a hooker, because he gets on his high horse so much. Listen, we're all human, and not perfect. Ozzie just needs to be more careful.
  7. It seems to make sense to me that the batters were hit, because Ozzie was not putting all his subs in. I thought that last night sitting in the stands, and I still think that today, even after seeing the replay. And I agree, this whole warning thing is bulls***. It needs to go away.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 07:49 AM) There really is no excuse for anyone using a derogatory term towards another group, as an insult towards a person. I don't think Ozzie would like it too much if I referred to someone on here as a "wetback" or "s***" would he? Common sense would dictate that it wasn't necessary to use a term like that, but when it comes to outbursts Ozzie never really has demonstrated much of that... Oz is just lucky that he is one hell of a manager or he would have been run out of town long ago for this kind of stuff, instead it will be swept under the rug and defended... But hey, these count as stories for the media watch, right? I think the term *** and the term gay are being used more often, and not really to address homosexuals. I call things gay all the time, and it has nothing to do with homosexuals. I see these terms being more used as 'dork'. Not that it is right. That being said, Ozzie needs to never use that term around the media. It makes him look bad.
  9. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 19, 2006 -> 09:56 AM) My first day at work being able to listen to Howard in my office. I've listened and it sounds pretty good. We're moving offices, but I'll get even better reception at the new place, due to my space facing the northwest. But, it wouldn't matter since I can stream.
  10. Hearing chants of 'Let's Go White Sox' and 'Paulie, Paulie' was just awesome. Cheers to all that made it a home away from home.
  11. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 05:09 PM) So Howard is streaming for free? No. Sirius subscribers can now listen to him online.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 02:52 PM) To my favorite Beatle ITS MY BIRTHDAY TOO YEAH!!! Apparently she won't need him or feed him...the b**** done took her wooden leg and left. Happy B-day. Love the Beatles.
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) What the heck took ya so long..? It's been up since 11am I'm not on my game today.
  14. For those who care, they finally got him up and running online. Perfect for people in offices, who cannot get reception.
  15. tonyho7476


    I gotta go Chris Rock. He makes me laugh more than the rest of them.
  16. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 12, 2006 -> 10:01 AM) The Club level also sucks at hitting when runners are on 3rd with 1 out! It doesn't suck at providing a tasty barbeque porked sandwich.
  17. I converted a guy who hangs out at my bar. We took him last year to opening day, for our annual limo ride to the game. he had a blast and ended up buying sox gear, and giving away his Cubs stuff. I have since taken him to more games and he is loving it.
  18. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 7, 2006 -> 05:05 AM) This is his chance to be a fixture in our lineup right here. I've been thinking this for weeks. More Cintron and more Ozuna at SS.
  19. QUOTE(BFirebird @ Jun 7, 2006 -> 12:21 AM) Pippen is a classic...along with MIIIILLLLEEEEAAAHHHHH LIIIIIGGHHHHTTT and I saw the Lemon Chill guy and the Texas game on friday for the first time....he scared the crap out of my gf. I don't think Pippen likes being called Pippen. I would say he is an ugly Pippen. As for that scary old guy...he looks like a child molester. I wouldn't buy anything from him.
  20. We have the best uniforms in baseball. Kick ass!
  21. QUOTE(Brian @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 09:34 PM) That is what I expected. Just a set up to the last 8 episodes. I read a rumor yesterday by accident that Silvio was going to be off'd and thought it was gonna happen for sure after the sit down, but nope. Not yet anyway. Good acting by Imperioli, IMO. At least they had a nice christmas, despite the puerto Rican, or Domican or whatever she was. Lame ass ending.
  22. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 09:36 PM) STOP SUCKING! Yes...please stop sucking...especially if I have to watch it in person.
  23. tonyho7476

    Spelling Bee

    NOt watching. i'm getting sick of the non-stop reality TV. These networks are getting lazy.
  24. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:57 AM) This is the type of thing that breeds stereotypes and keeps old ones alive . . . Like that all us Sox fans are crackheads? Who has a rock for me?
  25. QUOTE(IamPabloOzuna @ May 31, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) I was listening the the 670am today and they were discussing a rumor that Juan Pierre could be swapped for Bryan Anderson. Is their any truth to this rumor? It wasn't a rumor...just lame trade talk. Nothing to this at all.
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