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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. Here are some pictures from today. I haven't been on here at all today...so excuse me if this is old by now.
  2. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Apr 3, 2006 -> 07:28 AM) Last night I was so pumped because Comcast and the Sox said that all the pregame ceremonies would be shown on Comcast, including ALL video montages. Not only did they cut away from the only montage they showed 6 seconds into it, they never showed the pregame montage they promised that all of us at home wanted to see. In addition, the introductions were terrible. The organ music was so loud, you couldn't hear the crowd cheering for each player as they were introduced. I taped it, and didn't even bother to save it. I agree. I was at the game last night...until the 4th inning...and when I got home, I watched the 6 o'clock coverage and like you said...it sucked. The camera just stared at the banners. MEanwhile, the montage they showed was great. And you couldn't tell how crazy the crowd was. The crowd thought it was the World Series again. It was great. Too bad no one at home could tell.
  3. As far as I'm concerned....Ozzie took us to the promised land after 88 years of Bulls***...he should never lose his job.
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 30, 2006 -> 10:04 AM) http://www.11alive.com/help/search/search_...x?storyid=77880 Reported By: Marc Pickard Last Modified: 3/28/2006 12:38:10 PM Americans have a knack for expressing opinions with bumper stickers, from pride for the military, to pride for a student, to pride for a university, to pride for a favorite baseball team. Denise Grier says she was not feeling pride when, last June, she affixed a sentiment (“I'm Tired of All the Bush--”) to her right rear bumper. “With the performance of Bush, I feel like, you know, he's not done what he was elected to do. I don't feel like he's telling us the truth, and those are my personal feelings," Grier said. Until this past June, it was the only bumper sticker Grier had on her car. On March 10, she was pulled over by a DeKalb police officer. “He said, ‘do you know why I stopped you?’ And I said, ‘no I have no idea.’ And he said, ‘you have a lewd decal on your car.’ And I said, ‘I do?’ My first thought was one of my children had put something obscene or filthy on my car,” said Grier. The officer said the offending bumper sticker violated a law against lewd, obscene and vulgar vehicle decals. The American Civil Liberties Union points to action by the Georgia Supreme Court 15 years ago that overturned that law. “A law, such as lewd bumper stickers is unenforceable. What’s lewd to one person is not lewd to another. And it allows officers to end up citing people just because they don’t like the views expressed,” said Gerry Webster of the Georgia ACLU. Despite the furor, Grier says she would do it all over again. “Each of us has a right to free speech", she said. "And if I don't speak out for it, who will?" Grier says she's not an activist, just a nurse who happens to have a court date in April over a controversial political bumper sticker. That cop would be out of tickets in 10 minutes in the city. That is ridiculous. Nothing lewd about that at all. I think most people have had enough of the Bush.
  5. f*** all you non-smokers. :finger
  6. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Mar 29, 2006 -> 08:18 AM) I thought he just tweeked something and was taken out as a precatiounary measure? Now according to the article in the Tribune, he's not sure he'll be ready by opening night. Pods with a groin problem is something that seems to linger and if his legs are anything less than 100%, he really isn't an asset. I'm really getting worried about this. We can't have our lead-off guy out. He was hitting good too. Getting nervous.
  7. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) I've been a Stern fan for 10+ years, and I listened daily to his show. I hardly ever missed a minute of it. A few years ago (1999), I changed jobs and had to quit listening for about 9 months. I missed the show badly. I thought I'd have the same reaction this time to Stern leaving, and I considered getting Sirius, but I didn't think he was enough reason to subscribe. I'm surprised, but I haven't missed him at all. I don't know why. I still try to catch his tv appearances, but I don't really miss the show. I've gone to his web-site occasionally, and it doesn't appear that he's doing anything all that different than he did on FM. My 2 cents. Not intended to offend the Stern fans here. FYI Buffalo...he is programming 2 channels....more talent is coming...so far, Howard 100 is strictly Stern, because the fans demanded it, and he replays the show all day. 101 is special shows, like the angry man show, meet the shrink, and other stuff, as well as Bubba the Love Sponge and Scott Ferrall. He is trying to offer the audience lots of options. not to mention, you have all the other channels on Sirius. I can't get myself off 100 and 101.
  8. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 04:02 PM) Kind of a funny bit. The eye incident not so funny. Who knows where that female came from or what has been. I have no idea if it's possible without blood mixed in there, but if there's any chance he should get checked out ASAP. Herpes of the eye, which IIRC, almost always causes blindness, possible scratches the corneia, Hep C, and God forbid AIDS are all possibilities. He should go to the doctor for a round of tests for all STDs and probably begin a cycle of antiviral medication and an antibiotic to cover anything else. Sorry for the buzzkill. No doubt...it was not funny for Gary...and they knew a little about where she has been...all over. These girls were all porn stars. I bet Gary is hitting the doctor today...I would.
  9. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) I've been a Stern fan for 10+ years, and I listened daily to his show. I hardly ever missed a minute of it. A few years ago (1999), I changed jobs and had to quit listening for about 9 months. I missed the show badly. I thought I'd have the same reaction this time to Stern leaving, and I considered getting Sirius, but I didn't think he was enough reason to subscribe. I'm surprised, but I haven't missed him at all. I don't know why. I still try to catch his tv appearances, but I don't really miss the show. I've gone to his web-site occasionally, and it doesn't appear that he's doing anything all that different than he did on FM. My 2 cents. Not intended to offend the Stern fans here. If you listened to his last year on old-fashioned radio...you know his show was completely dumped on a regular basis. He needed this change. The no holds barred is great. If you were a big fan, you are missing out. He makes my morning fly by. I laugh more at the show then I ever did. Plus, with the uncensored stuff on-demand, its great. A show today is on-demand tomorrow night.
  10. I think these might be too graphic...so here is a link...be warned...the site is safe for work...but these pics might not be.... Devices
  11. Here is the device I was talking about...looks scary
  12. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 11:37 AM) Im interested in whatever ratings system that Sirius uses though. Howard Stern now depends solely on his fans to boost his ratings, whereas before he had just as many people who hated him listening to his show as those that loved him. Now that it isnt free to listen to Stern, why would someone who hates him bother to buy a Sirius radio and subscription to tune in? At this point, I would assume he has anywhere from 2-3 million people listening. Not nearly as much as before...but that is a lot of people who solely signed up for him. Pretty impressive. I would like to see another radio person do that. The answer is...there is no one else.
  13. CAn't wait to see it sunday...and I'll be thinking...too bad Southsider can't see it...but he can...on Comcast Sportsnet...prior to the game...be sure to tune in.
  14. tonyho7476

    Stern Fans...

    The f***ingmachines.com girls were phenomenal. For those who didn't hear it, they had these girls from a website come in, and their deal is getting off with sex devices. Well, one of them was a chainsaw, minus the teeth, with tongues on it. They put it up to her happy place and fired it up...well, she was a shooter, and got Baba Booey right in the eye. It was one of his best shows on Sirius so far. For pictures of the devices, click on my Stern link. Howard has continued to out-do himself every week. This show is better than it has ever been. The Revolution is rocking!
  15. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 11:48 AM) Four Laverne and Shirley, Blansky's Beauties, Mork and Mindy, and Joanie Loves Chachi What city and state does Weird Science take place in? The same city as other John Hughes films...Shermer. sorry, didn't see an answer to this one.
  16. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 10:31 AM) I would kill to have some of your mortgage payments.. Move to Stickney...there are several good reasons...quick drive to Hillside...quick drive to the Cell...and I live there. Oh wait, that would be why you wouldn't live there.
  17. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 10:24 AM) What exactly is a Stickney? Stickney is a town full of mexicans and old people. It was rated the Best Town in its price bracket, by Chicago magazine. And it is a horrible name for a town. I used to make fun of people who lived there. I am right by Harlem and 55. Southside!
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 10:17 AM) $665/mo including property taxes and PMI for 1400 sq ft, 3 bedroom, 2 car garage on a 50x100 corner lot. Yeah, but you have to live in Michigan City! My mortgage, including taxes and insurance, is a little over $900 a month...and I live 15 minutes from the Mecca of Sports. I like to live below my means, and save money....just call me...well...what I am...Bohemian.
  19. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 12:31 PM) Also, this DVD will be in stores next Tuesday, March the 28th. Someone near and dear to my heart wanted me to tell all the good folks at Soxtalk that it will be going for $54 at Best Buy. If I had to guess...it will be even cheaper at Fry's in Downers Grove. I'll post when I find out.
  20. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 02:01 PM) Mine came on Friday... I'm only relaying this information to rub it in to those who have not yet recieved their tickets Well, to you sir I say... :fthecubs
  21. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 06:42 PM) sooooooooo gay I'm with you. But I think the exposure for our team is good.
  22. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 01:13 PM) I did also. And I think they did it well, for those that pay attention anyway. Charmaine on the other end of the phone as Tony's wife was a pretty cool tie in to the past. And don't worry, he'll be back soon. But in the mean time things look to get explosive. I was trying ot figure out who he was talking to....It was Charmaine. Interesting. I liked the episode. I think the coming weeks are going to be awesome.
  23. QUOTE(Felix @ Mar 18, 2006 -> 07:48 PM) He's married. Oh yeah, forgot, professional athletes don't cheat on their wives.
  24. This behavior is so far from being a crime...in my book. Why did I never get molested by an older woman? Booooo.
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