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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 1, 2006 -> 09:25 AM) You seem to think that there was no language in the contract that covers content? Or are you saying that as long as CBS made money, Stern could ignore everything else he signed? Yeah, the contract says he can talk about whatever he wants to. Stern did NOT make more money because of how many people signed up. He would have gotten the same compensation, no matter what. It was an accelerated payment. He confirmed with them that he could talk about Sirius. If they said no, he wouldn't have. And he didn't refer to it as Sirius. The name wasn't spoken by Stern, after his announcement. SOUR GRAPES...Les is a whiny b****.
  2. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 1, 2006 -> 09:23 AM) They aren't even claiming a contract violation. They are pissed and want to get paid because he promoted the move and they claim they never knew that he would be paid on new subscriptions and radio sales. Les is also mad that Howard announced the move on Les' birthday.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 1, 2006 -> 09:17 AM) I'm a black and white guy with contracts. You sign them and you live up to them. It's a matter of honor and integrity. And Howard did live up to it. He made them an assload of money, as always....and then he moved on. The listeners would be coming to Sirius no matter what. I bought Sirius as soon as he signed the contract, and I heard it outside of the show. Les is mad...this is a vendetta...that is it. SOUR GRAPES...WAAAA!
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 08:26 PM) From what CBS is alleging. Sirius and Stern had a deal that he could receive several hundred thousand shares of Sirius stock in advance (as early as last month, when he received them) if they beat subscriber targets in time. Because he used his bully pulpit to relentlessly promote Sirius rather than doing a good show, and did so on the air with the intent of fulfilling his contract without CBS being a party to it, then Stern violated his CBS contract and what he did seems to fit the definition of payola. The stock was an accelerated payment, not any type of bonus. Les is mad because his radio division is horses***. The king left, and his listeners left too.
  5. QUOTE(samclemens @ Mar 1, 2006 -> 02:05 AM) "if"? c'mon, are you serious? just from reading that article i can personally attest to his violation of the contract- i listened to his show before he went to sirius and heard him do it. but i guess you just cant side with a big ol' evil media corporation no matter what (that is apparent at this point). all i can say to you is, yes, howard stern has to abide by contractual obligations at peril of being sued just like every other person in this country. it doesnt matter if the plaintiff is a stupid asshole- they are still going to win. dont forget that lots of stupid assholes win in court all the time despite being stupid assholes. in fact, most people involved in lawsuits are stupid assholes in some aspect, or they would not be in court to begin with. Ok, time for the Stern blow hard to chime in. Stern asked them if he could mention his move to Sirius and they said yes. He also didn't even refer to it by name. CBS won't win. The whole thing is bulls***. They should have fired Stern when he signed the contract....oh but wait, they made a f***-load of money with him. This whole thing is stupid. Sour grapes on Moonves' part. WAAA! Howard left us. My pussy hurts.
  6. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 10:15 PM) Make that two votes for HRI. The original location on 31st, can't speak for any others. Sout Siiiiide Suckas recognize. Make it 3 votes...plus it has fond memories for me.
  7. QUOTE(KeithFranklin @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 08:47 AM) Of all the years for this to happen. You should shoot the head of the organization
  8. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 09:48 AM) Yep. and yep. Was this guy on Eight is enough? I wouldn't know his name.
  9. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 09:45 AM) Know who this is... Angelina Jolie? I like this game. Got any more? Was I right?
  10. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 12:07 PM) Our IT department redirected anyone that puts in MLB.Com or Cubs.Com to Whitesox.Com. They turned off internet access to known Cubs fans this morning. They do it every year yet the Cubs fans still scream and holler about it. That is hilarious. I love it. And you can't really argue, since you're supposed to be working. Just like I am right now!
  11. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 02:08 PM) Doesn't this seem like this should be getting more press. I''m a little shocked its not on the front page of the sun times or anything Was there even a story in teh Sun Times? I didn't see it.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 03:16 PM) Happily, at least for now, this wouldn't affect Cable...but there have been folks in Congress clamoring to give the FCC power to regulate Cable's content also. Its ridiculous. If they start doing this, they'll need to censor books, magazines, and a million other things. This isn't the middle east. This FCC is out of control.
  13. QUOTE(rcpweiner @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 02:40 PM) What kind of idiot bartender throws ice at someone's head? Especially if they look like Jenks? Not too smart. I once threw a bartender at an icecube. Not a wise choice!
  14. Thank God. Cursing is destroying this country. f*** the war in Iraq, the homeless people of America, the rampant crime. Lets stop indecency!
  15. Great Article. Bobby has already become my girlfriend's favorite and he is certainly one of mine. Its great to see a guy rise up out of the s***. Way to Go Bad Bobby.
  16. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 01:52 PM) Before the Thome acquisition, and when it looked like Thomas may stick around to DH, I was a big supporter of keeping Gload around. Some on this board insisted he'd never make the team, that he was hated in the organization, etc. But he could back up PK, add a lefty bat, play outfield (if necessary), pinch hit, and seemed to have the beginnings of some real hitting talent. He made sense. But with Thome around, I just don't see why we keep him. Thome hits lefty, plays a very good 1B, and has Thomas' power. So what does Gload provide that we need now? Not much. I'd say we should keep him in AAA as an insurance policy on Thome, or maybe trade him if someone is willing to give up something good for him. Yeah, I don't see his spot on this team. After seeing him in the outfield before, I can pass on that. I'm hoping Borchard comes out of nowhere to kick some ass. We'll see if that happens.
  17. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 11:15 AM) linky This could get interesting. A man involved in the accident was found with a check for 2 million dollars (from the Tribune article), more cash and fake ID's and paperwork. Plus he was driving a Kia Sportage. I'm sure you can figure out pretty quickly why the FBI's Terrorism Task Force has jumped all over this. Edit: this might need to be moved to that 'political' :puke board. This f'd up traffic majorly by my house. It was unreal. 1st avenue, Harlem, Odgden...all a mess. So I stopped at a bar and had some drinks. Always the best way to wait out traffic.
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 10:27 AM) I'm done with your God complex and pee pee measuring regarding Sirius. But I have to ask.. who got fired.? Did you mean "look for more resignations..."? :rolly God complex? Are you sirius? And yeah, more resignations. Oops.
  19. QUOTE(SoCalSouthSider59 @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 11:51 PM) Got my Sirius SP-R2 system not quite 2 weeks ago NUKE, home, car, lifetime subscription, online music, Howard, the works......... Waiting for the boombox to come out, Best Buy says they are on bigtime back order, and that the SP-R1 box will not work for the SP-R2....... I'm now lost without it, it rocks, and rolls, listening to The Vault right now online.......... Terra firma radio sucks big time now for me........ XM is a dead man walking, watch out........ Can't ya tell i love Sirius? Love the avitar dude, screw them........ Can't say it much better than you put it...Dead man walking is right. That company is reeling. Look for more firings soon. They f***ed up not signing Howard. Now they will pay. Great, now Steff is going to tell me they both are good and I should not argue about this. Steff, I can't help it. I got 2500 shares of Sirius, so I need to be a FAn Boy! Back to my rant. Go to any Best Buy...you'll find XM falling off the shelves and Sirius back ordered.
  20. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 11:03 PM) XM>Sirius XM sucks...the sky will be falling...watch your head.
  21. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 05:14 PM) I was referring to sour puss Tony. I eat meat during lent... that should clear that up. I'm not a sour puss. I'm a sweet puss. And I say no need for a holiday, this should be something to strive for everyday. So far, I'm not too successful.
  22. QUOTE(juddling @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 04:48 PM) i think Mike North has started promoting this 'holiday' a few years ago. Had T-shirts on wedsite and everything. Not sure if he's promoted it lately on account of me not listening cause he sucks and all. Yeah, and it was lame then. I wouldn't want to follow Mike North's lead on anything.
  23. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 01:54 PM) I hate you all, and I hope it rains the whole time you are down there. [/irrational jealousy] I second that!
  24. It looked like AJ was growing out his hair too. I think Crede looks like a bad-ass greaser with that new hair. He should keep it the same. Rock on Crede.
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