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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. That is great. I remember how cool I thought it was to see the trophy and get a picture...and I could only imagine how a kid would feel. The Sox organization is really kicking ass these days. Its great to see. To Brooks and all his staff.
  2. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jan 16, 2006 -> 12:08 AM) Draft 1. TE Davis/Lewis/Pope 2. CB Kelly Jennings (Miami) 6 ft. who runs 4.4 3. Jeremy Trueblood (BC) 6-9 Tackle 4-7 best talent available I agree with you on the first 3 rounds...they need to address these three positions... And I would like to see Randle El as well, via free agency.
  3. QUOTE(JimH @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 01:03 PM) Great movie, an all time classic. Actually the guy you're specifically referring to is Ed Begley Sr. - he was the guy who sat next to the really old guy (actor Joseph Sweeney), on the same side of the table as Henry Fonda. Ed Begley was the guy who broad brushed the ethnic group, saying stuff like "you know how those people are ... they lush it up ... next thing you know someone's lying dead in the gutter". And then the other 11 jurors all turn away from him and face the window. What a great scene. Lee J. Cobb was the juror who had a simmering feud with his son, which clouded his vision towards all young people his sons age. He was the last holdout on the jury. The one juror just died a few months ago ... the little bald guy who sat next to Lee J. Cobb ... the actors name was John Fiedler. The only actors from the movie who are still alive are Jack Klugman and Jack Warden (the guy with the baseball tix). You sound like you're right in the middle of writing a paper on this.
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 01:04 PM) I think they both had huge drawers. XM with MLB (giving away free radio's helped also) and Sirius with Stern. Time will tell obviously. I agree...MLB is the best sports draw...I don't see Sirius' sports as much of a draw. Baseball is the best radio sport, if you can't tune in live. I think stern's base has shown how die-hard they are. They had about 200,000 new subscriptions come through in the couple days before Stern started.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 01:03 PM) Show me an attack? He might be back on terrestrial radio is an attack? That he will have find a way to keep the audience that will tune in to hear what others are talking about? That's not an attack. I mentioned he had talent beyond just pushing envelopes, and would have to really develop that more. I mentioned he has the greatest marketing in radio. I'm failing to see an attack. Its the comments intertwined...and not necesarily from you. I make too many generalizations that related to the thread. As soon as Rex says Howard Who? I know I have someone posting in the thread who is not interested...and I anxiously await what they say next. I never claimed to be rational.
  6. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 01:00 PM) All opinions are biased. Sirius and XM will each create unique or niche programming that may or may not attract a given market segement. They both will do well. I think there bigger market is not around the big cities but in small markets like this that has 1 rock station, 1 easy listening, etc. Yeah, howard had calls from Alaska, Montana, Iowa...and these people love the radio, since now they have all this programing, in the middle of nowhere. Sirius I think got the first big crowd drawer. XM is great too...the draw between the two is the premium programming. Most of the music choices are pretty similar.
  7. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:58 PM) Due to last weeks events I haven't even gotten a chance to listen to one minute of the show. But I am looking forward to it. I really laughed a ton this week. George Takai is the announcer, and was in studio all week. He was a roit. Everyone calling in said how great he was. He'll make occassional appearances, since he lives in Cali. But he will be taping stuff regularly.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:52 PM) And that is my biggest point, you can't seperate Howard from yourself. This is his greatest talent. It is his listeners vs. the world. Brilliant. greatest.radio.marketing.ever I truly am impressed by what he has done to create that. You don't get mad if people attack the Sox? See, it could be different for you. Here, I have to deal with Cub fan friends, co-workers, etc. And we all know that gets heated. Why? Because it is usually taken personally. Should it be? Probably not.
  9. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:50 PM) Stations in large markets could sell Howard so they kept him, fines be damned. If they didn't, Infinity radio would have s*** canned Stern and made him sit out his contract from the day he signed with Sirius. You also have a biased opinion, since you work in radio...or so someone said. not saying what you said was wrong or whatever. Sirius isn't only about Stern...its about all the great programming they have. I'm sorry, but the radio here in Chicago sucks. The rock channels are horrible, except maybe the Loop. With Sirius, I have 20 choices. *blowing howard and sirius again* I just think people who can afford it, find it awesome. Its not about the F-word...and all that.
  10. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:47 PM) Then I apologize. Not necessary, I realize how you read it and a correction was needed. And as much as people think I'm blowing Stern...is as much as I am sticking up for myself. Just like I do when people knock my White Sox...or other things I like, I feel attacked. Not that I am being attacked...but I can feel that way.
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:45 PM) Thanks Steff. Despite how it was written, I agree with him to a point. I was refering to terrestrial radio. BTW, does Sirius come with any parental controls or ways to block the signal? Yes
  12. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:42 PM) Out of f***ing line. I'm not talking to Tex...parents in general
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:29 PM) No I am not. But you wanted to discuss Howard's show and I believe all the comments have been on topic. The exception is you want a "let's blow Stern's dick, and everybody say he's the greatest" thread. When someone suggested he could be on terrestrial radio again, on some basis, you argued the point. When someone suggests that he's going to have to get past the "we are being persecuted" you argue. I get the fact that you think Sterns is the greatest person on earth. You do agree that fans like you are great for Stern and Sirius? It's him and you baby, fighting the man. Now about the constitution. Quick examples, you cannot yell fire in a crowded auditorium, you can't say on an airplane, I have a bomb. Terrestrial radiowaves are publically owned. No where in the constitution does it say that you can say anything you want at any time. Are you one of those non religious pervert kooks that wants to shout about blow jobs in my kid's ears? I said PAY radio. I choose to pay for a service. As far as I'm concerned, they have no right to touch it. Its the same with cable/satellite tv. And don't resort to my scumbag level...by using those crude words...the novelty will wear off...'Blow Stern's dick'...for shame. And if your kids are listening to stern, then work on your parenting.
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:18 PM) Incorrect. It was a detailed description of a blowjob game being performed by schoolkids. Sleepy, I think it was before but I'm not sure. Regardless, DL nor the affiliate was fined. Was Stern fined? That was my understanding. Or was the threat of a fine, what clear channel used to drop him?
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:11 PM) Notice that all entertainment, once a taboo is dropped, has to reach for another level. When Laura Petri wore pants on TV, it was a first, and the ratings spiked to see if she would be wearing them that week. When it became old hat, they needed more. Video games, movies, music, they all have to keep pushing some boundry. Stern created an "us against them" fervor with his listeners, great for ratings. You're a perfect example. You will defend Howard against anything. You do realize he is just an entertainer? You are great for his pocket book. You are a missionary for Howard. You will try and convert anyone and everyone to buy Sirius and tune into Stern. He has tapped into the foxhole mentality. You have become a Stern salesperson. That is the area is is most brilliant at. And I am not trying to shove anything down your throat, but you seem hell bent on pushing Stern down everyone's throat. Hellbent?...cause I started a thread to see what people thought of his first day? You're the ones wandering in here, not sticking to the topic. I find the show enjoyable, and since Janet Jackson showed her nasty tit, the religious cooks have been coming out of the woodwork, helping to bring his show down. And I've watched how things are in this country. When I hear congressmen talking about finding a way to censor pay radio/tv, I can only think that they are wiping their ass with the constitution. And I didn't say you were shoving anything down my throat, I asked if you were one of those people...religious right, shove God down my throat, kind of people. It was just a question.
  16. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 10:32 PM) I don't get the venom toward his statement. His original statement never said ANYTHING about him being a man of faith being tied to his abilities as a radio guy. He simply said "but one of the traits that always made me fond of him is his being a man of faith.". He made a simple comment about something he liked in Chris Singleton. Why jump on that?? We moved on...don't care anymore.
  17. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 12:04 PM) Did he do that before or after Letterman did it? I hadn't heard that one before... i don't know what lettermen did. Stern read a transcript of a show Oprah did, where she openly discussed sex and sexual diseases. But then Howard got in trouble for it.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 11:51 AM) How much of that was a ploy for higher ratings? The more he complained, the higher the ratings. Once people get over the snickering laughs of "he said f***" he will lose the shock and then he'll have to work. On terrestrial radio he had an antogonist to rally against, we'll see who he picks next. He's not Mancow...the show is real. The swearing is pretty low on the show. That is not the draw to the show. The guy got fined for reading a transcript of Oprah Winfrey's show. So the show was getting watered down. Just look at all the bulls*** with regular tv. The people getting all worked up over the TO Monday night bit. come on. Are you one of the 'worked up' people Tex? The religious right, shove our bulls*** down your throat, kind of people?
  19. QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 11:39 AM) I stand opposed to your statement. and I don't so I won't. Your loss Actually, I've listened to him since about '95 and I just find that he brightens up my morning. I have laughed more this week, then I have in a while. And to those people who say its nothing but stippers, and toilet humor are wrong. It reminds me of the Cub fans who say Comiskey is in a bad neighborhood. You don't know what you are talking about. And of course, to each his own. From my estimation, he has gotten $2.5 million subscribers to sign up. Not many people have that dedicated of a fan base.
  20. QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 09:38 AM) I understand your point, Tony, but I disagree. I think Stern would be OK with "after-the-fact" editing of his show, since he'd have input and control over what gets aired and what gets chopped. I think the frustration he had was the fact that he had no say whatsoever in the editing process, or even what the criteria was for being clipped. Plus, it was happening while he was on the air, leading to irate callers complaining that they're hearing chopped-up bits. I'm sure a taped version of his show on terrestrial radio would find an audience, and I believe Stern's ego is just large enough to want to keep as many listeners in as many arenas as he can. I think it will definitely happen. I stand by my statement...this isn't happening. If you want Stern, you need to get Sirius.
  21. QUOTE(Spiff @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 08:35 AM) I don't think Tonyho and CubKilla understand what Rex is saying about him being back on terrestrial radio. Tex kinda explained it well though. It's not that Stern would be off of Sirius, it's that they would take his show and syndicate it to mainstream radio so that the show you hear on Monday on Sirius is on Tuesday on your regular FM radio. I understand...I'm saying its not going to happen. Stern got so sick of having his show shredded by the censors, that he wouldn't allow it to be edited, and put back on old-fashioned radio.
  22. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 06:01 PM) No you're right, Howard is new-fangled boring radio. Oh stripper, tell us about your cooter. George Takei likes men? Robin: laughter! Let's make a call where we yell Howard Stern. And now more strippers and maybe a game involving a retarded midget. Yawn. I saw it on E! in 1996. Once was enough. Yawn...millions of listeners...yawn....best selling book....yawn...#1 movie...yawn...tv show....yawn...millions more listeners And apparently you've seen it since 1996...since Takai wasn't on the show then.
  23. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 01:39 PM) Or perhaps we should both say to hell with it all and have another beer. It's 5 o'clock somewhere Works for me And to Chris Singleton...good luck
  24. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 01:35 PM) Read back I never said faith = character. I was careful not to say that. Chris Singleton's faith is emblematic of his character. I don't have time to explain to you that every "Christian" is not a good man. I was one of the first to derail Pat Robertson in a post last week. I maintain my stance, "Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish." --Euripides Well, I'm glad you've taken your time today to sink to my level. You are quite the humanitarian. And here is a personal favorite quote of mine.... 'Fat Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son!' - Dean Wurmer, Animal House....maybe I should have taken his advice.
  25. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 01:33 PM) Don't forget Pat Robertson. The list could go on forever. I think those guys who flew the plane into the TWin Towers, were men of faith. Maybe they could have called a good Sox game?
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