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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) I like people of character. Not that I would have minded if they hired a pagan. I would rather have a character guy walking the locker room than somebody only serving their ego (Mike North). Being known as a good Christian man in the Sox locker room during his time deomstrates to me that he is a man of character. Shakespeare wrote, "Swine are known by the company they keep." Know anything about that? As far as my thought being "dumb", ... "Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish." --Euripides So...man of faith=character....how about Jimmy Baker...he was a man of faith...and quite the character...Jessica Hahn knows something about that. And it was a dumb comment, Pastor.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 11:01 AM) LOL, hater of Howard or Sirius? BTW, Rex spent most of his career in radio. What I think wil happen is you will be able to get Howard raw and uncensored via Sirius and on a tape delayed and edited version via "regular" radio at some point in the future after they have used him to drive subscription and equipment sales. And I didn't see where someone had to like Howard to offer an opinion. Well, the thread did start out about howard's first day, then moved off topic and XM and other s*** came up...so then I got these expert opinions. And since I'm a Howard fantatic....and a Sirius stock holder...I am an XM hater. Howard ain't going to be on 'old-fashioned, boring' radio...NO.
  3. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 11:36 AM) Not sure about his broadcasting skills, but one of the traits that always made me fond of him is his being a man of faith. What? Man of faith? What does that have to do with calling baseball games? People without faith shouldn't be hired? Dumb comment, IMO.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 01:56 AM) And SIRIUS having the contract with Howard Stern would have the right to sell that show to other radio stations on a tape delayed basis. Which I'm willing to wager is a good possibility to see in the next year. That will NOT happen. If you want his show, you'll need to get Sirius. Why are you in this thread? Its clear you are a hater.
  5. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jan 11, 2006 -> 01:13 PM) How many does XM have? I heard 6 million but that was from another person so it could be wrong. yeah, because they are giving it away for free, like crazy. I guarantee those numbers are quite inflated. People are not keeping the service after the free 3 month subscription.
  6. I know Mexicans (uncle and a friend) who don't even speak English. What's my point? They won't be able to enjoy Ozzie Jr's new show. I think its a great idea.
  7. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 10:10 AM) I was thinking the same thing, man didn't I read this right after Paulie signed? Paulie now has the torch, he has already helped lead the Sox to their first WS Championship, and they are now primed to defend that championship. Its not new, but the Sox did repost it on their site...so it looks like new stuff.
  8. This letter isn't new...I got this e-mailed to me like a month or two ago...that being said...Paulie has taken the torch...and won't be as big a pain in the ass as Frank...and Frank is still my favorite Sox player of all time.
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 04:50 PM) xm is good for several reasons 1. I think the portable options are superior 2. MLB games. I would want this over EVERY sport and every talk show 3. Big Ten Football games 4. Sound quality 5. Larger, more stable company at the time. 1. XM started first, Sirius will catch up. 2. I can hear the Sox, no need for this. 3. I would rather watch the games, and you can catch most on tv 4. Have heard both, haven't heard a difference 5. The base of Sirius will hit 4 million soon, and pass XM...as a previous poster said, Book it.
  10. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 10:12 PM) Howard will be back on terrestrial radio within a year, Sirius selling next-day reruns to stations across the country. Book that. I'll take that bet. He isn't going back. If something happened at Sirius, I think he'd retire. And there is nothing wrong with my Sirius radio. The sound is great.
  11. Its pretty funny. I'm so happy to see the Cubs getting s***. I hate them and their whole crappy organization.
  12. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 01:11 PM) I'm with on this but only to a certain extent. I am enjoying this off season basking in the glory of being a Sox fan. Yet, I do look forward to hearing "Your World Champion Chicago White Sox take the field!" Enjoying the basking...looking forward to seeing Thome bomb right field...and looking forward to seeing the championship flag un-furled! White Sox, White Sox, Go Go White Sox!
  13. QUOTE(palehose23 @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 06:12 PM) This was the greatest day of my life- (I am the big black guy on the right if you were wondering) You are a big black guy...but what event was this? This was not one of the U.S. Cellular stops.
  14. QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 11:00 AM) That's pretty cool. Your parents were probably pissed they couldn't go out and get s***-faced that night. I ruined my dad's yearly fishing trip. I hear that story every year.
  15. My name is Tony, my last name starts with Ho, and 7476 is my birthdate. That's right, I was born on July 4th, 1976. I am a bi-centennial birthday boy. Bow down!
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 01:42 AM) Man, you are right on about Rover, I figured I would give him a chance and it was horrible, I couldn't even listen to it for more than 10 minutes. I knew it was in trouble when they were promoting it with something along the lines of "Give us a chance, you won't like us at first." Morning radio in Chicago kind of sucks now that Howard is off, I can't listen to North, Mike & Mike use to be good, but lately they have been absolutely horrible, I can tell they have started scripting a lot more exchanges. I will listen to the Drive or Johnny B for awhile, he's been OK since he came back. I like David Stein on the Score, but he's only on until 5 a.m. and a national show. Also, I know Carolla is podcasting his show, so I'll give that a chance, but I know seeing message boards that has been a bumpy road so far too. 'Old Fashioned Radio' sucks. Get a Sirius. the music channels are great. I have heard so much music I never heard on FM. Plus its commercial free. And the comedy channels are awesome. Sirius has Raw Dog which has all the best comics...past and present...Chris Rock, Kinison, Prior, Mencias, Chappelle...whoever.
  17. The Cave...it was the second movie of a drive-in double-header. It was absolutely terrible. It was about thrill seekers venturing into an underwater cave. They run into some creatures and then whatever. It was terrible.
  18. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) Tony this doesn't deal with Howard but I saw your sig. Have you ever seen Earthsea? Kristen Kruek is hot, haha. Is that Earthsea a Sci-Fi movie or show? I'll need to check it out.
  19. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 12:56 PM) caught it on my drive in. loved the fact of being able to listen for 45 mins w/o commercials. No doubt...that's what I really love about this, especially the music channels. STern said he'll have 6 minutes of commercials, per hour.
  20. I thought it was pretty good. I heard about 2 hours or so. The revelations are good. Not sure who belongs to what yet. I also think that Bubba is going ot have a good show. I'm going to tune in at 3 to hear him. Howard 101. Anyone hear it? Thoughts?
  21. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 04:41 PM) I have a feeling there are more Spanish speakers than Polish speakers in Chicago. Wouldn't matter...Pollocks don't play baseball...I can see his point though. But its a good move for the Sox...get some new fans...maybe. Gotta get that Sox name out there.
  22. Could be interesting...too bad I don't speak spanish.
  23. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 12:13 PM) I am curious to see how the batting order will play out. It seems like the only slots that are pretty much locks are #1 and #4. There is a pretty big difference between the #3 and #5 slots, so that will be interesting to see how it plays out. It would almost seem better to sandwich Thome in between Paulie and Dye to provide a nice R - L - R punch, but it looks like it is going to be either Dye-Paulie-Thome or Thome-Paulie-Dye. I like Thome-Paulie-Dye...cause it will get Thome more at bats...and get him up in the 1st inning every game.
  24. No rumor should be taken as fact, unless the real Andy the Clown says it. And then it would be fact and not rumor. And then we wouldn't be posting rumors but facts. And then I don't know what happens.
  25. tonyho7476

    XBOX advice

    QUOTE(SnB @ Jan 5, 2006 -> 09:49 PM) the GTA series halo 2 ...depends what sports games your into. You can also add Halo1 to that...its cheap now, plus has a nice long single player mode.
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