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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 03:54 PM) That might happen, but the official number is how many tickets they sell. There have been many nights where we see an attendance of 15k with about half of those dressed as blue seats. Regardless the ticket money still goes into the Sox budget. Now they'll be dressed as green seats.
  2. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 03:51 PM) His friend is a goof. I don't know...maybe I misunderstood. Anyway, we aren't far off.
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 03:24 PM) Isn't manny a 5-10 player yet? He just finished his fifth season with the Red Sox. So, that would be yes.
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 03:47 PM) Who the hell told you 23K... ??? Don't listen to them anymore. :banghead The guy who gets me tickets, it was his friend in the ticket office. I just wanted to see if Brooks would give me a number, and he didn't...like I thought.
  5. I sent this to Brooks today....nothing ground breaking...but some information. Hi Brooks. I was wondering what the first three games of the season hold for us. I heard Game 1 is the banner unveiling, and game 2 the ring ceremony, but what is Game 3? I heard something, but I forgot what it was. Also, I heard the Sox are approaching 23,000 for season tickets. Is that accurate? If so, WOW. I got mine, so I'm not worried. Thanks as always, Tony from Stickney Here is his response... Good to hear from you Tony. Hope the Holidays treated you well. Game 1 will be the banners. Game 2 will be the rings. Game 3 will have the trophy involved in some way. Stay tuned on this one as we continue to iron out details. As for season tickets, we are not to 23,000 yet. Key word, "yet". All the best, Brooks
  6. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 02:55 PM) Balta is too busy debunking MLB trade rumors to have time to make them up. Who is he, Bruce Levine? Bruce Levine? Distinct possibility. Balta, reveal yourself!
  7. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 02:33 PM) Well this proves what a worthless rumor site this is. They use a fan message board as a source for the rumor. What next the mlb.com message boards will be the next credible source. If this is what they use for sources, what is next .DoDg3rsRul3 stated that he thought that Bill Mueller for Mark Prior was a reality. Only a physical is the difference maker. Our sources believe this is credible because DoDg3rsRul3 has 1000 posts. Well, if it was Balta1701, I would have to take this seriously. he has almost 8,000 posts, since April! Wow, he is filled with baseball 411.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 02:28 PM) Wow, who said 23k? Yeah...but who really knows at this point.
  9. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 01:13 PM) Season tickets are around 20K right now. Then you have single game ticket pre-sales. After that you factor the walkups. We had about 12 sell-outs last year. I'm sure there will be at least 15-20 this year. I heard closer to 23,000...how would we officially find out? Or would we?
  10. tonyho7476

    Joke Thread

    QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 11:40 AM) http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/clubhouse?team=chc Hey Ohhhh! Best joke ever.
  11. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 02:12 AM) While I like the approach Kenny is taking with not wanting to go to FA with pitchers, this whole thing basically seems like making a big trade just to make it. Like you said, Uribe isnt the greatest, but he is far from being a hole. The bullpen is what needs to be addressed, along with an insurance plan if Anderson is a bust. As time goes on, I think I agree with you. If we can trade Count to Houston and get Tavaras, a bullpen guy, and a prospect, then that sounds like the way to go. I like Uribe and I am worried about the steroid cloud with Tejada.
  12. tonyho7476


    QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 1, 2006 -> 12:19 PM) Chicago Dogs has the meat rotating right there and cuts it off to order. Mmmmm. I've never eaten one before that wasn't cut right off the slab of rotating meat. So it being done any other way, is news to me. We do things right in chicago.
  13. tonyho7476

    Joke Thread

    How is a dick like a rubik's cube? The more you play with it, the harder it gets. Sorry, I don't know lots of jokes.
  14. SAw the trophy last friday in Bedford Park. It was a cool addition to my 2006 Sox scrapbook. Got pictures individually and with the little lady. Got there about 40 minutes early, and was in the store by about 20 minutes after the event started. So get there early, or plan on waiting a lot longer than I did. And be prepared to wait outside, unless its in a mall. Who am I? Captain obvious?
  15. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 01:35 AM) With the recent Sox drafts, I would have all the confidence in the world with 3 picks in the top 50(in all likelyhood...1 from simple draft order, and 2 from Contreras) becoming top prospects. That being said...with Contreras's clause, it appears that wouldn't even be possible. Personally...I don't care either way. Both routes look win-win to me...having a rotation of Buehrle-Contreras-Garcia-Garland-Vazquez is disgusting, and you lose Contreras's contract after the season, so you are gaining some flexibility there. You trade Contreras now, restock the system a little, and have a rotation of Buehrle-Garcia-Garland-Vazquez-McCarthy, and you still have a very good rotation, along with money off the books and a better minor league system. I see nothing wrong with either route. KW's put himself in a wonderful position. I'm with you on this. If he stays, the starting 5 is sick. If he goes, the starting five is still pretty good. As for Tejada, my biggest worry is the steroid cloud hanging over his head. If he was a roider, then I hope he goes into the s***ter. And I don't want to see him go into the s***ter, when we get him. He's definately one of those guys with a weird shaped head. Reminds me of Sammy.
  16. The funniest thing now is having other Sox fans acknowledge each other. I don't know how many times people have seen my coat and said Go Sox. It sounds so funny, since they don't need to 'Go'...they already gone and won it. I guess they mean Go Sox for the future! But now we are all friends, brought together by this winning team. So I guess I'll say it too....
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 04:18 PM) They'll be releasing a DVD in a few months with this game on it. Perhaps you should take the non-illegal route and just wait for that to be released and purchase it. Boooo....non-illegal = No fun
  18. QUOTE(VAfan @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 03:42 PM) Well, who turned out to be right about Garland????? I'm not sentimental at all. If Javier Vazquez were a better pitcher than Garland, I'd be thrilled to have him take Jon's slot in the rotation. Fact is, he isn't close right now, unless Cooper can work a miracle with him. ******************* So, that's two out of three. I don't expect Crede to sign, nor to I expect the Sox to extend him a deal. When I first wrote this I thought Crede was three years from FA. In fact, he's four years away, with 3 years of arbitration ahead. If I were KW, I would try to sign him for those three years and buy myself some cost certainty. But with Crede's back, I can understand not taking the risk. Even so, watch Crede turn in a great year in 2006. You remind me of Homer Simpson. "I am so smart. S-M-R-T"
  19. QUOTE(VAfan @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 03:31 PM) Anyone still for dumping Jon Garland???? With our defense and AJ calling his pitches, Garland is going to be one hell of a pitcher for us. Wow, you are really proud of yourself today. nice work.
  20. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 11:41 AM) Is this the one you were thinking of YAS? All these pictures make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
  21. QUOTE(kevin57 @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 10:39 AM) Too many Sox fans are in denial about Anderson being the CF next year. Get used to it. KW has said it often, "He's the guy we're going with." Is BA so horrific a possibility that some chose to construct a dozen other possible and impossible scenarios? Kevin, is that the picture you got at a U.S. Cellular store? That rocks. Love the back ground. I'm going tomorrow to Ford City Mall. hopefully I dont get shot.
  22. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 28, 2005 -> 01:13 PM) Considering the money pitching is going for this offseason, 3/29 is just an incredible steal. Didn't Loaiza get ridiculous cash? Unreal. Kenny came through on this one. I think we'll be playing the year out with McCarthy in the bullpen, and then he'll take over when the count leaves.
  23. QUOTE(HighHeat45 @ Dec 28, 2005 -> 12:59 PM) 3 years 29 mil That's a steal...7 mil, 10, 12 mil...NICE WORK KENNY!
  24. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Dec 28, 2005 -> 12:57 PM) Garland re signed, 3 years 29 mil. Just heard it too...
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