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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. Steff, so you know what I look like...see below...I'm the one on the left.
  2. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:34 PM) Im still in awe that other people call that place dirty champs. I am probably the annoying drunks who bother you all. I used to go there all the time after work...but now I go to Doc Ryan's in Elmhurst, since its so much cheaper. I actually took one of their waitresses to a wedding...back in the day. I don't know anyone there anymore.
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:09 PM) Right in the middle next to the bar in front of the big screen please.... I'll move whoever is in our seats.
  4. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:04 PM) Dam we always called it "1P" and "2P", but I guess 'dirty champs' works. If I can leave work at 3. I can hopefully make it to Champs by 4:15. That is used as well...
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 11:55 AM) I always see people I went to HS there also. I'm going to "dirty Champs" Leaving here just before 3. I'll get there a little ahead of 3..try and get a table...
  6. What about dirty Champ's on Roosevelt? Champps with two Ps is too classy for me.
  7. QUOTE(Allsox @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 09:34 AM) Tell your person who designed the '03 All Star Game Logo it's the best one that has EVER been designed! Supposedly she was at Wed's game with Fisk's daughter. I need a job at the park!
  8. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 08:08 AM) "I just crapped in my pants". He'll need proof...guess he'll have to crap his pants.
  9. QUOTE(quade36 @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 07:41 AM) If, and of course this is a big if, the Sox win tonight, do I ditch my baseball game to celebrate???? Everyone should be ditching everything to watch and celebrate this team...from now until the end of the month.
  10. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 07:57 AM) Announcing update Speaking of North, he still is in the running to join Ed Farmer in the Sox's radio booth on WSCR next year. While it seems impossible he could do his morning show and a full slate of games, it is likely North will have a role for home games. Also under consideration to be the new analyst is Steve Lyons. The former Sox player currently calls national games for Fox Sports and a partial slate for the Los Angeles Dodgers on television. I like Steve Lyons...maybe he'll take his pants off in the booth.
  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 04:51 AM) Ritz Carlton at Coply Place. They hang at Ten on the second floor. Have fun. Steff knows everything....and everybody. I know the computer graphics person for the sox, who designed the all star game logo. Take that Steff.
  12. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 07:33 AM) Who's got a good excuse to leave work early, today? And yes, I know the White Sox are on is good, but I don't want to tell the boss that. If he knows you are a sox fan...he'll know what you are up to.
  13. QUOTE(alexgtp @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 01:53 PM) aLL I HAVE TO SAY IS OUR SECTION OWN3ED !! We were yelling ..cheering..singing.. and having a great time!! We started so many chants!! We were all out of controL!! My congrats to all of those in sec 159!!! You are true DIE HARD WHITE SOX FANS!! Boooo...147 was better! Go 147!
  14. I plan on becoming famous...so then we can add me to the list!
  15. Everyone at the top of section 147 got high fives...and got to see me jump around.
  16. oh yeah, not going to Boston...but I won't have to listen to most of the games.
  17. I don't have to listen to any of these announcers...since I'll be at all the games.
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) No sleep issues.. I passed out. LOL. But I am tired right now.. need to get to the park, have a beer, and wake up!! YEah, I'm dragging right now...and the sox has still been running through my head. I'm losing my marbles.
  19. I went to the game yesterday, got home, ate, went to bed about 8:30...wanting to be fresh for work today and the game tonight. About 2 in the morning I woke up with the Go-Go White Sox song running through my head. That went on for 2 hours, as I thought of the great game I had seen. I couldn't get the song out of my head. As much as I love that song, it was driving me crazy.
  20. Glad to hear Frank got to join the celebration. Love the Frank!
  21. I feel what you feel. In the past year and a half I have lost my grandma and grandpa, both of which were big Sox fans. My grandma started taking my dad to games when he was a kid, and my grandfather took me. My grandma passed away this summer, but I'm glad we got to take her to several games last year. These moments are for all Sox fans, past and present. Baseball is a family affair, and when I walk into that park, all the memories come back. I'll never forget those times! To all the Sox fans, here or not, Sox Win! Let's keep it rolling. Win it for all of us.
  22. QUOTE(C_LEE45 @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 03:39 PM) will it be next tuesday,does anyone have any ideal when the sox will be playing? It'll depend on the opponent...if its the Yankees/Red Sox, you can count on a night game....if its the Angels, more likely, it will probably be in the mid afternoon.
  23. I agree...I barely watch the games now with my stress level so high....I flick channels. I just want it to be Sunday night, and know who we are playing on Tuesday.
  24. I don't know who all heard this but I was laughing my ass off this morning. They had Richard's father on this morning, talking about the types of foods he eats. One of which was turtle and he described how he pulls the head out of the shell with a pliers and cuts it off. Then he hacks the shell open to get the turtle out. Howard and the gang were doing his thick accent impersonation and I was laughing my ass off. He also talked about preparing squirrel and selling raccoons to people in Kansas City. Sounded yummy!
  25. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 12:32 PM) I am headed there after work/the gym to get that and the new Queen release! I can't advacate getting anything Queen...but I got the DVD...gonna watch it when I get home. If you are in the Oakbrook/Downers Grove area, its like $14.99 at Fry's. Booya.
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