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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. At 16 (in'93), I got my grandpa's '80 Buick Skylark. He went through the depression and saved everything. This car was full of junk, to the roof, including the trunk. Old food, parts, junk, FOOD (yuck). I had to clean it out after it had been sitting in his driveway for years. It was sick. However, we got it running and I drove it until '98. Did I have a problem with that? Hell no, I was happy to have that piece of s***.
  2. QUOTE(valponick @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:56 PM) Don't forget your mullets. That's right...that is friday. They don't need their mullets...they can get one at the game for free....how wonderful.
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:53 PM) Expect a response bashing your grammar and sentence structure. And probably a few insults. What be wrong with his structure?
  4. QUOTE(skidoochic @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:51 PM) You already have my picture, Tony, all over your posts! (I wish!) Anyway, Brad Pitt is not my type. I'm more into guys like.... A.J. Pierzynski . Maybe I'll get to meet AJ next week at my BP event. I'll put in a good word for ya.
  5. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:48 PM) i wonder if ozzie would want to go righty, lefty, righty for the rotation? Especially since game 1 may be a day game (3:05 start???) Garcia, Buehrle, Garland?? IF we finish with the best record in the AL, we could have Freddy pitch the third game, on the road...which is what he is best at.
  6. By the way, here is a picture of me. I would love to get together some time for a Sox game. Feel free to post one of yourself.
  7. QUOTE(wsox08 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:29 PM) Chaos- I'm with you on this one.. Nice original post and there are many negative people in this sad, sad world and we just have to learn to deal with them.. :headshake I think people on this board are a part of the diehard group. Most of us have the Sox as our favorite Chicago team...I know I do. I have invested a lot of time, money, and energy on this team this year. When things look like they are falling apart, I get upset and angry. I think most of this is venting on the part of Sox fans. I think its natural. There are issues with this team. We all know it and hope they overcome those issues. I personally have done so many fun Sox things this year, that its the perfect season to cherish, especially if we get a World Series. Opening Day - Limo to the game...good seats AJ saves the day versus the Dodgers (best game I can remember) July 4th, my b-day - surprise b-day party for me, my friends, and my family Batting practice with the Sox - next week 20+ games for a non-season ticket holder Playoff tix ready to go If they win it all, I can say I was there to see some great things.
  8. QUOTE(skidoochic @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:27 PM) Thank you! I'll be the girl in the Pierzynski jersey - but you won't be too impressed with me and my friend is pregnant. This was supposed to be our big night out without our men - but she went and got pregnant! Oh well, at least now I have a designated driver! Enjoy the game. I won't be there till saturday night But I'm enjoying free premium club tickets on that day
  9. QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:14 PM) That's what im talking about (minus jimbo)! we need some optimism, at least evey once in a while. just look at the pale hose forum thread list. damn near every thread has the words 'sox' and 'dead' in its title. I want to see us get on a nice roll in September. We cannot go flat into the playoffs. With our pitching, we can win any series with anyone. We just need to get hot and stay hot. Anything is possible. My playoff tickets are on the way, so I can't wait. Make me proud Sox!
  10. QUOTE(skidoochic @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 12:19 PM) A friend and I are going to the game Friday for the first time by ourselves! My question is how early do you need to get there to park? We live about an hour away and were thinking about leaving around 5:00 p.m. Any ideas if that will be enough time - we would be coming in off I-55. Thanks! What do you look like? And where should we meet? Ok, seriously, I think 5:00 would be just fine. You can get off at the 35th street exit after you merge onto the Dan Ryan. You can also get off at teh Damon/Ashland exit, and take Ashland over to 35th street, and then park in the back way. Traffic really isn't too bad going into the city on 55.
  11. QUOTE(Sox1422 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 09:30 AM) That's not Red Forman is it? Yessum
  12. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 08:51 AM) And I do not find Red Forman to be irritating--I think he's great in the spots. Yeah, I like the spots. He's a good pick for this. Is he a Sox fan?
  13. QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 09:16 PM) that's the spirit ewww, i'm sorry folks Is that Miss Butterface? You know, everything looks good but her face! That being said, I'd tag her. Ok, back to the Sox...lets go get them. Beat up the central and we head to the playoffs. Lets get those bats going.
  14. QUOTE(infohawk @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 03:41 PM) You need to get back on. A 5-5 road trip isn't a disaster. There will be plenty of time to jump off the bandwagon if the Sox look like they are tanking by the middle of September. In actuality, I can't fall off...my credit card is being rung-up for $5405 dollars as we speak
  15. QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ Aug 31, 2005 -> 03:39 PM) Better go buy a helmet and some elbow pads, it's getting bumpy. I'm looking for full body armor...for that falling sky
  16. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 01:17 PM) Heres an idea to through out there for all of you people who want Griffey so bad... Our offense is one of the worst in baseball no doubt... It's time to give the Reds what they really want. It's obvious that they are holding out for a front line pitcher.... If it's true that Mark Buherle cleared waivers then give make the deal.... Mark Buherle for Ken Griffey Jr... Even if Mark can manage to step up in the playoffs it's going to do us no good when we're scoring only 2 runs a game... I like Mark as much as anyone but if the Reds aren't just going to take prospects then it makes more sense then going into the playoffs with such a pathetic lineup... Even if Brandon sucks it hard for the rest of the year as a 5th starter at least he can be moved into the pen for the playoffs... Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Not happening. We're not going to trade our team leader. He can be had without a front line pitcher. I think its more about money than anything.
  17. Come on guys! You're starting to make me worried again. :banghead
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 11:54 AM) Congrats!!! Its awesome! I can't believe this hook-up. THanks.
  19. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 11:02 AM) Premium/Lower Box/Club ALDS 55.00 ALCS 100.00 WS 185.00 Bleacher, Lower Reserved ALDS 40.00 ALCS 75.00 WS 140.00 Upper Reserved ALDS 30.00 ALCS 65.00 WS 125.00 Parking $15 per game Processing $20 Thanks Steff...looks legit...I'm taking care of this today...can't wait!
  20. I have an opportunity for 4 box seats for the entire postseason (11 games)...the cost, plus parking passes, is $5,450...is this correct? Has anyone else gotten their tickets? This is through a contact, so I'm wondering if I'm getting ripped off. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  21. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 12:19 PM) Another bat for Cleveland although if Levine said it, he probably is going anywhere but Cleveland. Do you know that any one of the first 6 hitters in Cleveland's line-up would be leading the White Sox in hitting? That's ridiculous...wow
  22. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 12:04 PM) My point had nothing to do with what either has done for their respective teams, rather how the fans feel about them. Again.. please just read what's there not what you are trying to make it. And my response covered both my mouth and others mouths in general. Steff, is your middle name 'feisty'?
  23. QUOTE(JimH @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 11:37 AM) Yes, that part I get, but is he saying he does or doesn't think Griffey will do that? He didn't say...
  24. He pretty much has said nothing...Said Griffey needs to publicly say that he wants to be traded, to take pressure off ownership...don't see that happening.
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