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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 12:17 PM) 400 dollars is pretty steep, regardless of the package. I know Sony and Nintendo are going to have smaller pricetags than that. Its always bad to come out with your stuff first. Gates has to start realizing the difference in Game Consoles and PCs. People need PCs for work, organization, etc. therefore the pricetags he slaps on his software is somewhat justified. But Gaming Consoles are pure entertainment, and on top of that they are cheaper within a year and out of date in 2 years. I heard PS3 would be around $500...of course, that was early speculation. I don't think its ridiculous at all...the previous generation of consoles started at $299. Gamecube was cheaper, but inferior.
  2. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 11:59 AM) What a f***ing joke. What's a joke? THe price?
  3. QUOTE(Colorado Sox Fan @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 11:48 AM) How are we even going to get that far? I'm just curious how we believe the Sox will beat the A's, Angels, Red Sox or Yankees in the first round? [Disclaimer: I have been a Sox fan since 1967, I am not jumping off the bandwagon, I will always be a Sox fan, I realize the Sox have the best record in baseball (at least today), the sky is not falling, all rights reserved, copyright 2005, no purchase necessary, need not be present to win, one entry per family, see dealer for details, opinions subject to change without notice] I agree...I can't see us winning a series like that...especially since we now suck at home. And that disclaimer also applies to me. I am still rooting hard and often, but I'm getting worried about our state of affairs.
  4. tonyho7476

    Celebrity Crush

    This is a great thread...didn't see it till today...I think we all can figure out mine...The Kreuker it is. Past ones: Jennifer Love Hewitt...loved her on Party of Five. and Sarah Michele Gellar during the Buffy years. Lots of good choices by everyone.
  5. These are the things in America that make me want to move to Antartica. First, who the f*** cares. Second, what a stupid list of names he has had. Third, who the f*** cares. That being said, I like HO-Diddy.
  6. Not only did August look scary....it is now actually getting scary. Not a very good first half of August. The rest of this month and year are scary to me.
  7. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 09:44 AM) Ok...lets put things in perspective. Your the Pittsburgh Pirates. (aka the Chicago Cubs farm system) and sitting in last place in the NL Central behind Cincinnati. The Reds, much like you, also suck yet sit on top of you in the standings. If you see BMac on the waiver wire would you not claim him to stop the Reds from having a chance to recieve a quality arm in a trade? It seems pretty simple to me. I had a brain-cramp...forgot that then the Pirates would have to work out a deal with the Sox. I got up too early today.
  8. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 09:37 AM) Keep in mind any player the White Sox request ML waivers on to facilitate the trade the Reds get to claim before any contender. Teams with worst records than the Reds would be the only ones to block it. Why would they do that? To get a top pitching prospect. Am I missing something? Why wouldn't these teams grab him up.
  9. QUOTE(winodj @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 08:49 AM) So we're in a slump? We waited til August, to have our first of the year. Seems like good news to me. The Red Sox are heating up, we look like s***...if this continues, say good-bye to home field advantage and maybe even the playoffs. The Indians are not out of this by a long shot. So doesn't really sound like good news. Maybe we don't want home-field, based on the way we have been playing there.
  10. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:20 PM) Anyone else notice that that since he hit the triple off Rivera in NY, Juan Uribe is really starting to stroke it at the plate? He's laying off the low and away breaking ball that was his nemesis. He's working the count and fouling off a ton of pitches. And when he does make contact he's absolutely belting the ball. He's 6 for 14 (.428) since that triple. Man...if he gets going that would be huge! I almost fell off my couch when he had 2 balls. They must be working with him on being more patient. He swings at too much junk.
  11. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:58 AM) We can't get him because Hawk wouldn't know where he'd play. valid point
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:53 AM) Why is it that I think Griffey would stay healthy better than Sweeney? Take Griffey out of the field and I bet he doesn't get hurt more than 1 time before his contract ends. I'd definately rather have Griffey...but we need to get a bat...the hitting is getting ridiculous.
  13. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 11:41 AM) A pipe dream of the best variety, that is. Why? Because he is in the division?
  14. I heard Sweeney cleared waivers...how about him for our DH, and then Everett in the OF until Pods is back...and then we can platoon Sweeney and Everett for the rest of the year. Then next year, Sweeney is the DH or 1b. Thoughts? Do we know he cleared waivers? Again, this is what I heard. With all these damn rumors, I don't know what is true anymore.
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 10:54 AM) Someone tried this in Boston.... The effort is appreciated...whoever that masked person was!
  16. QUOTE(VAfan @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 10:45 AM) I'm now officially done with thinking about Ken Griffey. He's not happening. The Sox should instead focus seriously on using the talent we have in our system. Look at Atlanta, or Oakland. Both clubs that have thrown rookies into the mix to great effect. It is not too late for us to do the same. We are loaded with talented outfielders. Brian Anderson, who is finally up. Chris Young. Jerry Owens. Ozzie, you need to use these guys. NOW. Bobby Jenks made the jump from AA. I don't see why the others can't. (I would likely bring them up after rosters expand and use Anderson until then.) If I see Timo in a starting role again this year, it is going to kill me. Some diehard Sox fan needs to kidnap Timo and drop him off in the middle of the ocean.
  17. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 08:45 AM) ....and the Sun Times has K Dubs saying probably not. I know...its great...but I say he's flying under the radar.
  18. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 08:36 AM) I was at last night's game (my 10th of the year with 4 more to go) and the way Paulie tried to coast into second on what seemed like a for sure double was disgusting. The ball went off the wall, the LF threw to the SS, who threw to 3B who attempted to tag Carl and then threw to 2B to throw Paulie's slow ass out. That would have been 2nd and 3rd no out. Ozzie benched Uribe for not running out a fly ball a few weeks ago, he should sit Pualie for the same thing. And while he's at it, sit Crede for not taking out thier catcher on that play at home. These are reasons why I don't see paulie back next year...say hello to Lyle Overbay!
  19. The tribune today basically reports that a deal is on the table right now for the Reds to accept. Griffey
  20. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 12:37 AM) That sounds more realistic. Anybody that's watched this team since the break can't possibly think they're the favorites to get past the first round, let alone the favorites to get to the World Series. That about sums it up. I'm hoping for the best, but this team is starting to show me they don't have it. I can't see us winning 1 series. I hope I'm wrong. And why can't we win now that fans are showing up? What the f***.
  21. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 04:41 PM) Yep, Pods on the 15 day DL, Hollywood is up Won't see him tonight though, Timo is leading off and playing left I'm sick of timo...what the f***?!?
  22. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 04:29 PM) Edmonds has also won 7 gold gloves. What exactly is your point. You're comparing Aaron Rowand to some of the best defensive players of all time. Hey you know who else is better than Rowand, Willie Mays. Hey oh...I thought Aaron's nickname was 'Baby Mays'...
  23. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Feb 11, 2005 -> 11:03 AM) What he said....but hopefully we can beat those Red Sox. I predict a fun year....hopfully like '83... I predicted a fun year....I was right. What do I win?
  24. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 12:19 PM) By the way.. Boston sucked. That park is worse than I remembered. The fans we encountered were rude, rude, rude. Yesterday we had a Cub fan sitting behind us who did nothing but talk all about the Sox.. the Sox players, the park, the owner, etc, etc... Finally, after he was giving the Red Sox fan next to him some bad info, I turned around and corrected him, and he tried to argue with me.. :rolly to which I responded with "why if you're a Cubs fan are you spending the day talking about the White Sox.. isn't your team playing today..?" The Red Sox fan laughed.. never heard another peep from the Cub fan. Saw a lot of Cub fans out there which made absoultely no sense to me. Even less sense was the amount of $$ people pay for tickets there. On our way in both Saturday and yesterday we heard people buying SRO tickets for over $150 each. SRO is at the top of the steps, and with the roof overhang you can not see anything hit in the air. And it's cramped, stuffy, and no air circulation, concessions are shoved together - and the food is icky, bathrooms suck and are not adequate. A lot of people passed out both days. Overall Jim is glad he got to see the park. One more reason to be thankful when writing our ST check in February. Probably will never go back there though. These s***head Cub fans are everywhere. I was at Miller Park saturday night and saw quite a few Cub fans. I was a little tipsy and talked some s*** to one of them. So to summarize steff, Fenway is 'Urinal #2'?
  25. tonyho7476


    QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 02:54 PM) Thank you so much everyone! I'm so happy to be done writing it--that I honestly haven't stopped smiling like an idiot. So, thank you all! Here's the Reader's Digest Version (you all get spared the 25 pager): The schwa is an unstressed vowel (like the first vowel in: believe, suppose, tureen and the second in catholic, general, and broccoli). We've found in a previous research you can pronounce words without the schwa and people will still recognize them. Unfortunately, the frequency of the deletion rate of the schwa and actual word frequencies vary so much that it is hard to manipulate only deletion rate. So, I made up a lexicon of 32 words (two and three syllable) that have a schwa in the same position as the previous examples and the same stress pattern. The question is: if the frequency with which participants hear the words is controlled and only the deletion frequency is manipulated will participants learn one form better? Other research has shown that inserting a schwa into a word (where there is NO schwa really, called epenthesis) causes faster and more accurate recognition. Other research suggests that the presence or absence of a schwa is not as predictive as the actual frequency with which they hear either production. So, we're trying to figure out if one of those two theories (it's the extra schwa or it's frequency) is a better predictor of how people will acquire the variant productions of the word. Should be interesting. I'm excited. And now, I'm going on vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, whatever floats your boat! Seriously, congrats.
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