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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 10:40 PM) Ventura Grand slam off of Gossage 2 out bottom of the ninth back against the wall grand slam to win the game. I remember the fireworks and then the reaction of the fans. Going down the ramps after the game and it seemed that the place was shaking. That was the most electric I can remember the place being. I remember not wanting to leave. New ballpark, new memories. I was at this game too...but I would have to go with this year's Dodgers game when AJ hit the game winner....that was so exciting to witness in person.
  2. QUOTE(MinnySoxFan @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 10:51 PM) That was possibly the ugliest center field deep fly ball play I've ever seen. And it didn't even have a shot to be anything it was just an ugly ugly play. I love that he got it. I watched it on Tivo once I got home tonight on a bit of a fast forward and I was like, "what the hell happened on that one". Then I watched it again and I tried to figure out why it looked so tough. It looked ugly because he was thinking he had to jump, and was about to...and then he hit the wall and caught it...I thought it was a great play. He easily could have dropped that.
  3. He will get 1 and only 1...and who cares...get on base...and steal.
  4. Grew up watching Peter Jennings....very sad. RIP.
  5. UPDATED on 8-8-05 4-4-05: Sox 1, Clev 0 4-18-05: Sox 5, Minn 4 4-29-05: Det 3, Sox 2 4-30-05: Sox 4, Det 3 5-5-05: Sox 2, KC 1 5-12-05: Sox 3, Balt 2 5-15-05: Rangers 7, Sox 6 (AJ hits Grand Salami) 5-30-05: Sox 5, Angels 4 (Frank Returns, Timo wins it in the 9th,SRO) 6-4-05: Sox 6, Indians 5 6-13-05: Diamondbacks 8, Sox 1 (Contreras is horrible) 6-14-05: Diamondbacks 10, Sox 4 (El Duque is horrible, just like his twin) 6-17-05: Sox 6, Dodgers 0 (Complete game shutout for Buerhle) 6-18-05: Sox 5, Dodgers 3 (AJ hits game winning homer to cap comeback) 6-25-05: Cubs 6, Sox 2 (Contreras has a 1st inning meltdown...big surprise) 7-4-05: Sox 10, Devil Rays 8 (my b-day surprise, dye hits granny) 7-5-05: Sox 6, Devil Rays 4 (Frank hits 3 run gw homer in 8th) 7-21-05: Red Sox 6, White Sox 4 (Crede can't catch pop-ups) 8-2-05: Blue Jays 7, Sox 3 (Garland looks like old Garland) 8-7-05: Sox 3, Mariners 1 (Carlton Fisk Day...72nd win) So far, 12-7 when I'm in attendance.
  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 02:30 PM) Is planning on getting hitched.. again. Rumor is the big day is next Friday. Might I suggest a nice pair of GPS installed earings as a wedding gift. You always know a girl with crazy eyes like that is...well...crazy.
  7. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 11:58 AM) I know a lot of you don't like Michael Moore -- but you should really see the episode where he gets together a group of gay people, got into a giant pink winnebago and they went to protest Phelps' protests in different states. It was so hilarious. That is great stuff....I like that way to combat this stuff. Realize you are dealing with morons and have a good time with it.
  8. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 10:28 AM) Can you imagine waking up everyday with that much hate in your life? :headshake Who has the time? Its sad. Its one thing to have beliefs, even wrong ones, but its another thing to hurt others because of your beliefs. In my life, if I have a person at work or in a social setting, that I don't like, I just try and avoid that person, not hurt them. So I think if I had a 'I hate Jews' mentality, I would avoid jews. Seems simple to me.
  9. I think people like this are more entertaining than dangerous...people who can hate total strangers, based on beliefs, color, sexual preference, etc....If my family's funeral was tainted by these guys, I wouldn't find it funny...but in general these people are so stupid that its laughable.... I feel bad for people who get sucked into this lifestyle because of their family...the kids in the God HAtes f**s Family are just spewing the stupidity they have been taught. I can't fault a 10 year old kid for saying f**s are going to hell...because he was taught that and believes it.
  10. There is a family that goes on the Howard Stern show and they are the 'God Hates f**s' family....so then Howard puts them on Howie-weird squares with lesbian strippers, and 'overly' gay men....classic TV. That being said, these people are sick f***s. I'm not much of a religious person, despite being in catholic schools for 22 years, but if there is a hell, these people will be in it.
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 08:54 AM) One of the most famous anti-war ballads of all time, by one of the most famous songwriters of all time as a matter of a fact. Calling it a "gay poem" is pretty narrow minded. Amen. That being said, lets beat these west coast rejects. I hope they didn't bring the rain with them!
  12. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 11:50 AM) I'd be thrilled with this move. Burroughs will never develop into the player the Pads thought he was, but he's still capable of turning into a good role player and could still turn into an average 3rd baseman. Not a bad insurance plan, especially since Borch will be leaving the org at the end of the year. Very interesting on the Griffey front. Giving up Young would of sucked, but I think I'd of made that deal, especially since they were getting a decent portion of the contract paid. Who knows, it could still happen. How does the whole waiver thing work? How would a deal to get Griffey still work out?
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 11:47 AM) No way.. I'd lose for sure with the starting punch of "your picture is next to the word stupid in the dictionary..." Way too intellectual for me.. :rolly *jab*
  14. QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 11:46 AM) Don't get your hopes up. This is nothing more than a minor disagreement. I'm done. I respect Steff too much to get into a knock down drag out with her. I know...just showing some excitement
  15. QUOTE(YASNY @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 11:43 AM) Think whatever you want to think. I'll do the same. Lets get it on!
  16. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 09:12 AM) You clowns are no longer allowed to attend games together.. I shouldn't be allowed to go either...I've been brutal this year...11-7...yuck...I'm staying home tonight.
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 10:42 AM) In this thread. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...pic=37995&st=50 that is enough to tell me that these guys don't belong in the hall...if busted...come on bonds, make a mistake! you too Samantha!
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 10:38 AM) He said that the reaction was faster.. not that he saw the ball better. I think LCR posted about the twitch factor in one of the other threads in this forum on the matter. Good article. No doubt that Bonds/McGwire etc had a ton of skill...but I was shocked how much Jose really attributed steriods to his rising in MLB...so it really sucks to not know how these guys would have been, the 'natural way'...I want to read that twitch factor...if anyone finds it, please post link.
  19. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 2, 2005 -> 08:31 AM) You still gotta make contact. I agree.. roids are terrible.. and it's cheating. But without the eyes and the instinct one is not hitting a 90+ mph ball. Both are equally bad, IMO, because they are both cheating. Canseco said that the roids really helped with 'seeing' the ball and his bat speed, not just strength. He referred to a twitch factor....maybe someone else here could elaborate, but I think it had to do with being able to react better to what he was seeing pitched...and then hit it 500 feet!
  20. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 3, 2005 -> 10:25 AM) Well.. they knew his test was positive at the very least 7 weeks ago it sounds like. Making a big deal of his 3000th hit makes them look like idots to me. No doubt...no wonder the guy downplayed it so much...he knew he was nailed. I want to see some of these other idiots get nailed...
  21. I'm so glad to see the actual 'steroid' come out...there is no chance that it was a 'mistake'....busted you piece of s***.
  22. UPDATED on 8-3-05 4-4-05: Sox 1, Clev 0 4-18-05: Sox 5, Minn 4 4-29-05: Det 3, Sox 2 4-30-05: Sox 4, Det 3 5-5-05: Sox 2, KC 1 5-12-05: Sox 3, Balt 2 5-15-05: Rangers 7, Sox 6 (AJ hits Grand Salami) 5-30-05: Sox 5, Angels 4 (Frank Returns, Timo wins it in the 9th,SRO) 6-4-05: Sox 6, Indians 5 6-13-05: Diamondbacks 8, Sox 1 (Contreras is horrible) 6-14-05: Diamondbacks 10, Sox 4 (El Duque is horrible, just like his twin) 6-17-05: Sox 6, Dodgers 0 (Complete game shutout for Buerhle) 6-18-05: Sox 5, Dodgers 3 (AJ hits game winning homer to cap comeback) 6-25-05: Cubs 6, Sox 2 (Contreras has a 1st inning meltdown...big surprise) 7-4-05: Sox 10, Devil Rays 8 (my b-day surprise, dye hits granny) 7-5-05: Sox 6, Devil Rays 4 (Frank hits 3 run gw homer in 8th) 7-21-05: Red Sox 6, White Sox 4 (Crede can't catch pop-ups) 8-2-05: Blue Jays 7, Sox 3 (Garland looks like old Garland) So far, 11-7 when I'm in attendance.
  23. Its so dissappointing to see him go down again. Frank has been my favorite Sox player. I hope he can come back and play again, with the Sox. He'll just have to take a pay-cut and maybe be more of a sub. I hope we see you back Frank. If not, I look forward to seeing you in the Hall.
  24. I'll be there....wasn't in states last week....had Sox withdrawal...tonight I'll cure that. Go Sox!
  25. Raffy on Roids! UPDATED on 8-2-05 4-4-05: Sox 1, Clev 0 4-18-05: Sox 5, Minn 4 4-29-05: Det 3, Sox 2 4-30-05: Sox 4, Det 3 5-5-05: Sox 2, KC 1 5-12-05: Sox 3, Balt 2 5-15-05: Rangers 7, Sox 6 (AJ hits Grand Salami) 5-30-05: Sox 5, Angels 4 (Frank Returns, Timo wins it in the 9th,SRO) 6-4-05: Sox 6, Indians 5 6-13-05: Diamondbacks 8, Sox 1 (Contreras is horrible) 6-14-05: Diamondbacks 10, Sox 4 (El Duque is horrible, just like his twin) 6-17-05: Sox 6, Dodgers 0 (Complete game shutout for Buerhle) 6-18-05: Sox 5, Dodgers 3 (AJ hits game winning homer to cap comeback) 6-25-05: Cubs 6, Sox 2 (Contreras has a 1st inning meltdown...big surprise) 7-4-05: Sox 10, Devil Rays 8 (my b-day surprise, dye hits granny) 7-5-05: Sox 6, Devil Rays 4 (Frank hits 3 run gw homer in 8th) 7-21-05: Red Sox 6, White Sox 4 (Crede can't catch pop-ups) 8-2-05: To Come! So far, 11-6 when I'm in attendance.
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