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Everything posted by tonyho7476

  1. QUOTE(mreye @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 10:19 AM) You don't have two kids and a wife that works evenings and has limited days off, do you? Nope...that's why I don't understand...I live in sin with a 9-5er, just like me...
  2. QUOTE(ScottPodRulez22 @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 10:04 AM) Same here I dont decide to go to a game untill the day of the game. I don't really understand that, but I live close to the park and can really go whenver...I bought my tickets on the first day, at teh cell, and I knew i wanted Yanks, Red Sox, Dodgers, etc....and I also knew I would buy a lot of other games as the year went on...
  3. QUOTE(mreye @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 09:57 AM) I think I'm a "good fan" and I would be able to go to 10+ games instead of The Sox have already kind of hurt themselves with half-price mondays. People show up on that day and not on other nights. I feel for you not being able to go to games...the more the merrier, no doubt.
  4. QUOTE(skidoochic @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 09:49 AM) I can't burn it. It's my "pretend it's really A.J.'s " jersey. I guess I will only be able to wear it when the Sox don't play. Take the jersey, get AJ to sign it, and hang it on the wall.
  5. QUOTE(skidoochic @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 09:42 AM) Weren't you one of the ones making fun of me about my jersey jinx? I wore the jersey the last two nights too! No, but if your jersey is jinxed you need to burn it...
  6. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 09:30 AM) Tell me about it.. I'm stressing about going tonight. I'm not going tonight...I am going friday and saturday...and I am scared
  7. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 15, 2005 -> 09:25 AM) C'mon you Chicago bastards... GO TO EVERY GAME! I've been to the last two...I think I should retire. Apparently they don't like when I come out.
  8. You can't go wrong with T O N Y H O 7 4 7 6....121%
  9. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 03:33 PM) I actually think that Bernstein is damn good (about the only guy on the Score who is) and is the only thing that makes Boers remotely tolerable. I'm going away from the point of this thread, but hearing Bernstein is 'damn good' made me fall off my chair. Ok not really. Anyway, the guy is a complete no-it-all, holier than thou asshole. Any time a celebrity gets in trouble, Bernstein (and Boers) condemn them like they are God. These are the type of people I want to hear get caught with a transvestite hooker, and have to weasel-dick their way out of it. And their show is the same f***ing schtick over and over again. Their comedy is stale.
  10. Last night hurt...2 bad games in a row...I should retire! My record is going to s***. UPDATED on 6-15-05 4-4-05: Sox 1, Clev 0 4-18-05: Sox 5, Minn 4 4-29-05: Det 3, Sox 2 4-30-05: Sox 4, Det 3 5-5-05: Sox 2, KC 1 5-12-05: Sox 3, Balt 2 5-15-05: Rangers 7, Sox 6 (AJ hits Grand Salami) 5-30-05: Sox 5, Angels 4 (Frank Returns, Timo wins it in the 9th,SRO) 6-4-05: Sox 6, Indians 5 6-13-05: Diamondbacks 8, Sox 1 (Contreras is horrible) 6-14-05: Diamondbacks 10, Sox 4 (El Duque is horrible, just like his twin) 6-17-05: Sox/Dodgers 6-18-05: Sox/Dodgers So far, 7-4 when I'm in attendance.
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 02:34 PM) FutureSox.com will be interviewing Dave Wilder either later today or tomorrow afternoon. So if anyone has any questions they would like to ask Dave, please post them on here and I'll do my best to ask him. Also special thanks goes out to JimH for setting up this whole thing. I have a question for Dave Wilder. Who are you?
  12. White Sox World Series Win >>>>>> Bears Superbowl Win...at this point in time at least...I am way more excited about the Sox. And I am a big bears fan and look forward to that season as well...hopefully I can put it off until the Sox win it all!
  13. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 01:07 PM) Don't know if anyone heard that Terry Boers on the Score basically ripped the Sox and said that nationally absolutely no one would care if this team went to the World Series. Said the ratings would be abysmal for the White Sox in the World Series and network execs would be dreading the Sox going to the fall classic. Said of all of the old-time historic teams, the Sox have nothing that makes them likable or unique. Said the current team couldn't get recognized anywhere if they weren't on the field wearing their uniform. Him and the other midget are not at all insightful or entertaining...Its the same schtick all day long...Boers' old decrepit ass can suck my c@ck!
  14. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 11:45 AM) Do they remove parts of your brain? yes, and an even bigger chunk if you are gay! Since that is a disease, according to them!
  15. Going again tonight...Cuban disaster #2? I hope not. Go Sox! UPDATED on 6-10-05 4-4-05: Sox 1, Clev 0 4-18-05: Sox 5, Minn 4 4-29-05: Det 3, Sox 2 4-30-05: Sox 4, Det 3 5-5-05: Sox 2, KC 1 5-12-05: Sox 3, Balt 2 5-15-05: Rangers 7, Sox 6 (AJ hits Grand Salami) 5-30-05: Sox 5, Angels 4 (Frank Returns, Timo wins it in the 9th,SRO) 6-4-05: Sox 6, Indians 5 6-13-05: Diamondbacks 8, Sox 1 (Contreras is horrible) 6-17-05: Sox/Dodgers 6-18-05: Sox/Dodgers So far, 7-3 when I'm in attendance.
  16. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 09:18 AM) You tried you best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is: "never try." And I already learned that lesson from Homer, but still 'tried'...I am so smart, S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T!
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 08:58 AM) There were 14 actually.. and the alcohol charge was attached to intent to molest. If they convicted him on giving him alcohol they would have had to convict him on the other molestation charges. The way he was charged was all wrong... they should have been separate counts. He's guilty. I didn't follow this trial real close...but everything I heard really showed some credibility issues and a lack of hard evidence against Jackson. He certainly seems to be up to something, but so far he's getting away with it. ANd the next parent to let their kid hang out with Jackson, needs to go on trial for child abuse.
  18. I agree...after taht 2nd inning, you might as well leave him in to a) try and save the bullpen for a meaningful game B) and like you said, give some confidence to the Count...who pitched well after that. If you start to get back in it with the bats, then you make decisions from there and try and win the game any way you can.
  19. I never supply the inside scoop...damn it
  20. But I think its now 'official' that she is converting...I was going to look up that thread...lazy this morning.
  21. Katie Holmes is officially converting to Scientology! I don't want to get Steff going, since i think this religion is a cult...but there is certainly something weird about converting to someone's religion after a month or so of knowing them. That is definately whack job-ish!
  22. QUOTE(SouthSidePride05 @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 08:39 AM) I was there too, and I left in the 7th. And I never leave early. I left at 9:00 hoping to catch the Metra at Ogilvie at 9:40 (didn't feel like waiting for the 10:40). Ran to the Green Line, got off at the Clinton station at 9:30 and ran the 3 blocks and barely made the train. A bunch of Cubs fans also were running to catch the train as they left their game early too. The only good thing about the blowout was I got home at a decent time. And I didn't have to endure the obnoxious Cubs fans behind me cheering every time the D'backs got a hit or homerun. They were driving me crazy! I'm getting sick of the f***ing Cub fans at games...including whole families of Cub fans. Yesterday I saw that, again. The mom, dad, and kids are all wearing Cubs gear...why are you here? To see good baseball? Ok, but don't wear those Nazi uniforms to my park!
  23. I'm very scared about having El Pukee pitch after what I saw last night....and Vasquez is pitching....I hope I'm wrong.
  24. There was a 9/11 widow on Stern about a year ago. She was now an out of control drug-using party girl. She had this leech of a boyfriend with her, who had actually abused her. It was a mess. They talked about doing crack together and drugs with her 18-year old daughter. And she was funding her activities with 9/11 money. Now, I don't know how I would be if I went through this...but I can't see letting my life turn into that. I could see a period of alcohol abuse, but eventually I would need to straighten out or get professional help.
  25. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 14, 2005 -> 01:27 AM) I have a great marketing idea. If in the 1st inning for every run the sox score, that is how many of the pride/fundamental girls have to go under the shower on the concourse under the watchful eye of a camera that displays it on the jumbotron. These are the type of ideas that will take you right to the top. Loved the fundamentals girl...but would have been better muted.
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