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Everything posted by SleepyWhiteSox

  1. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 15, 2007 -> 12:41 PM) He can say whatever he wants, not that everyone has to agree with it, but he's entitled to his opinion. For people to say what he said is wrong is ridiculous. It might be wrong according to YOUR view, but if that is the way he feels, that's how he feels. I've really got no problem with what he says, I might not agree with it, but he is entitled to think and say what he wants as long as he is prepared to deal with the ramifications. I'd like to think that it sounds wrong to maybe 80% of sane, logical people, but maybe I'm being too hopeful... And I do have a problem with people saying that and thinking that way. I'm definitely not a fan of closedmindedness or bigotry nor the serious problems and consequences that arise because of it. According to amaechi, those comments sort of opened the floodgates and he's recieved much, much more threatening hate-mail.
  2. They're both not funny...lesser-known comics sure do like to bash better-known comics though...
  3. Another winnable Bulls loss...so frustrating...I'm not very interested in this team unless they do get gasol or another significant trade...some combination of gordon, tyrus, pj, and/or the pick is fine with me... QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Feb 15, 2007 -> 02:10 AM) EDIT: And hey, DARKO'S BREAKING OUT. Now let's see him do it for an extended period of time... QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Feb 15, 2007 -> 08:12 AM) And oh by the way, I'm sure that everyone is shocked at what Tyson Chandler has been doing, correct? He was mediocre prior to the last couple of weeks...now let's see him do it for an extended period of time... QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Feb 15, 2007 -> 08:12 AM) I'd throw up one of those triple , but I wouldn't bite sleepy's style like that. I like that.
  4. And he's a Chicago guy...I've lost a lot of respect for him... QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Feb 15, 2007 -> 10:48 AM) People/reporters want athletes to speak the truth. Well even if what he said was well...... with the amount of crap he is being given the new answer to everything will be no comment. If people want honest answers from these guys you cant villify them if their beliefs arent popular. Yes you can.
  5. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 11:52 PM) Yuck. 11-21 from the line tonight was where the game was lost. Oh, and Dominic James shooting two threes in the final 45 seconds, both coming from about three feet beyond the arc. A real shame, too, MU fans packed AllState. Virtually everyone in the UD was in gold and there was a big spralling of gold in the LD, too. Drunk morons in front of us, crappy All-State arena parking, and a bad game makes Keith unhappy. The up-and-down game played to our favor because we're athletic ourselves. I also luved watching dominic james jack up all those long-range shots. Tough game. We wanted it more. Just wish the DePaul of these last 2 games was what I got to watch all season long. Still a disappointing season, although, sadly, I'm still holding onto that last glimmer of hope that we can maybe win out, go 10-6 in BE, win one or two in the BE tournament and sneak into the Tournament. Good to see the student section loud tonight too... QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 10:36 PM) As for DePaul....the level of wild inconsistency they have shown the last 2 seasons (ESPECIALLY this year) makes me think Wainwright is a lousy coach. Inconsistency is the greatest and most obvious sign of bad coaching IMO. He's definitely been disappointing so far. I disliked the hiring. His in-game coaching has left a lot to be desired. The one-on-one offense is frustrating. He doesn't seem to motivate the team well either since we look so uninspired againt lesser opponents. But there have been tiny glimmers of hope, and we're stuck with him, so I'm hoping for the best. He gets plenty of praise from media and his peers so maybe it'll take a bit more time. I'm very excited about the recruiting class he's bringing in and hope he can continue to excel there. A top 15 class and winning recruits over other top schools, in-state and otherwise, has been a plus. Once he gets his players, maybe that will make a difference.
  6. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 02:39 PM) Hey, I'm neutral, NU isn't going anywhere. Yeah right, don't deny your big ten bias! That loss we had against northwestern early on still pisses me off...
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 11:59 AM) If someone else buys a gun and shoots you with it, do you want them sued or going to jail, or do you laugh it off and say "oh, if I bought a gun and shot myself I can't just sue myself"? Anyway, that's my last comment on this matter, I'll stop sidetracking this thread from this point. Unless a mcdonalds employee threw the cup of coffee at her, I just don't see your example...
  8. I like how what everybody posts is fairly predictable according to what team they root for.
  9. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 01:49 PM) Traveling down from Marquette to see my Eagles take on DePaul. Can't wait to see half of All-State in gold... Great, a caravan of john deere tractors coming down littering the highways with empty miller lite cans... It'll be a good BLUE turnout...and hopefully a win over the marquette gold...
  10. Another winnable Bulls loss...so frustrating...I'm not very interested in this team unless they do get gasol or another significant trade...some combination of gordon, tyrus, pj, and/or the pick is fine with me...
  11. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 02:45 PM) Just because you do not value the rights of 7th graders, does not mean that they do not value them. How is it not similar? In all 3 cases you have groups who are having a different set of rules placed on them. Case A: Based on color of skin Case B: Based on gender. Case C: Based on age. Unless you can find any sort of rule where adults have to stand up during the pledge. Because I think most would agree that any law requiring adults to stand during the pledge would be blatantly unconstitutional. And quit backpeddling, you used the: "How many teachers have been arrested" As an argument that none have, so therefore its not an issue. When the real reason 0 have is because they could not be. Sorry but if you werent clear enough thats not my fault. I'm not arguing if it's Constitutional or not. I'm sorry if you continually fail to realize that but it's not my fault. Hell, they could burn American flags and hold klan rallies if they want to, Constitutionally. But at that age, and these are 11- and 12-year-old 7th grade children we're talking about, I think they should be learning to be respectful and mind their manners. These kids aren't doing it to become better people through the experience. They're doing it to disobey and do what they want. If I'm a parent, I tell my kid to mind his teacher when appropriate, be respectful, and stand. Didn't realize I'm in the minority on that sentiment.
  12. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 02:04 PM) Yep just like black people should have listened when they were told to sit at the back of the bus. Or when women could not vote. Yes, I see the exact similarities also. That's exactly what these 7th-graders are thinking when they don't stand! Way to make a solid comparison... QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 02:04 PM) And sorry but your excuse of over-exaggerating does not fly. You posted legal fiction in a thread where you are trying to make a legal argument. That is not a very good plan if you want people to give your argument any merit. I did not post legal fiction; I merely asked a question. And I am not making an argument but simply stating my opinion on the matter. Nice try though.
  13. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 12:22 PM) How could they arrest the teacher? First of all the lack of understanding of United States law is some what perplexing. In order to be arrested, you have to do something CRIMINAL. I was purposely over-exaggerating...noone in their right mind will probably even discipline a teacher for having all of their students stand for the pledge, but thank you for the law lesson. I still think it's political correctness being taken wayy too far. At that age, those kids should be learning to follow the simple rule being given over the intercom and stand respectfully. Sounds like the parents agree.
  14. PC BS aside, it sounds like more of a matter of discipline than Constitutional rights. Seventh graders don't know about this supposed right; sounds like they're doing it just to rebel and disobey. They should just be taught to show respect and common courtesy and stand for the pledge. You're probably doing them and yourself more of a disservice by allowing them to undermine your authority as their teacher just because "they feel like it." And I'm still curious to find out how many teachers have been arrested for making all of their students stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and "infringing on their Constitutional rights"...
  15. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 03:20 PM) Under the law, a valid reason would be "I don't want to." I wonder how many teachers have gotten arrested for making a student follow a rule even though "they don't want to"...
  16. So what are the specific, valid reasons that some of these kids aren't standing? And you tell them all to stand but some just decide not to and you let them undermine your authority as their teacher?
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 03:36 PM) I understand your point. I just think that the media deserves very little of it. You're making me verry uncomfortable by making me agree with steff, by the way... Ass.
  18. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 03:24 PM) Are you serious that you only know about what is hyped in the media? You have the power to decide what you do or don't buy, watch or read. There are nearly infinite choices of what to do with your time and money. Pick whatever you want, just don't blame the media or businesses for giving some segment of the market what they want. I'm reading my previous posts and still searching for where I said I only know what is hyped by the media... My point still stands that the media deserves some blame for going overboard with unimportant crap.
  19. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 03:10 PM) I just don't agree. I see this similarly to personal responsibility. No one EVER makes you buy ANYTHING. If you buy it, fine. Just don't complain that its out there, and that stores are going ga-ga over it. I buy Sox tickets, but you don't see me moaning about how popular the team is. That would be hypocritical. They create hype, because thats marketing. The question is, do we buy into it? If not, guaranteed, that hype will die out mighty quick. Wait, what don't you agree with? That they can dictate what the public likes or dislikes by the amount of focus they put on it? Makes sense to me. You can't know if you like or want something if you don't know about it. Businesses and media have a hand in deciding what they are going to bring the most attention to and, therefore, some of the blame should fall on them for overhyping crap.
  20. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 03:03 PM) Again, like any other business, that is only true in the very short run. If people didn't read it, they'd eventually pick other media outlets running other information. This is especially true now, with so many options out there. And if people don't pick other outlets and continue to read this stuff, then, they are getting what they ask for. So in the long run, I think the media themselves only get a very small part of the blame. Businesses don't last when they sell what no one is buying Mind you, there are exceptions - I am not saying some idiot papparazzi photog who rams Zsa Zsa's car isn't to blame. Businesses can dictate what we do or don't like/want by what they do and don't put out. They create some of the hype by flooding us with the crap they choose to put out. That's the part where I think they deserve some of the blame.
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 02:39 PM) Is it just 100% that though, or does anyone else think that to some level it does flow both ways? In the sense that to some extent, the media does have the ability to decide what they think is important and how much emphasis to put on a particular topic, they can use their abilities to create topics of discussion when there really aren't anything. I mean, think about the "Missing White Woman" craze in the media from a couple years ago...every time some attractive, wealthy, young, white female went missing for whatever reason, it turned into a nationwide story for weeks/months. To my eyes, the media figures made a series of choices about what topics to cover nationally - there were older women, men, African American women, etc. who went missing or who were killed who never made it national, but someone made a choice that these particular stories needed to be covered. Hell, one of my former co-workers in NW Indiana was shot and killed in what appears to have been a bizarre love quadrilateral involving hit men, kids, and millions of dollars, and that never became a national story. Someone is making decisions about how much time to give stories and which stories to start featuring, and that does feed back into the system. copy-cat
  22. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 9, 2007 -> 02:32 PM) FWIW, I don't mean to say our society is full of scuzzy creatures. I'm just saying the media doesn't deserve the blame - they just deliver what we want. They should get some blame for how they present things and what they do and do not report. Sure, there's interest from the public, but I'm sure some of this crap gets force-fed to the public.
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