You have to do something about guns, otherwise its a band aid on a bullet wound. Whether its the accessories, the ammo, the rate of fire, the universal backround checks. Something has to change
Improving gun technology and limiting ammo. Both of those have nothing to do with the second amendment.
And nothing is ever a lost battle. A large majority of the people in this country are for more gun control. If the politicians voted with their constituents then it would be done already.
You aren’t going to stop it but you could drastically reduce it. You could severely limit access to ammo. You could have a nationwide registry. You could make guns have at least the same level of security as a ducking iPhone.
there are literally hundreds of ways to make even a small improvement. And the politicians have zero interest in doing so n
You are correct in one sense. Domestic terrorism is on the rise and an overwhelming majority of those are far right crazies. We should all be afraid.
But again. Share with me the conspiracy theory perspective on violence. It’s super entertaining.
I'm a gun owner. I'm not the person who shouldnt own a gun. But there are people who shouldnt, and there are guns that shouldnt be owned by people without training. Thats low hanging fruit for sensible gun control.
Wrong. You found the wrong talking point. Knives have another function other than killing. And when used in killing they dont do nearly the same amount damage from the same distance as guns.
Gun conrol in chicago means you cant buy one there, you can still possess one within the limits. You can also also buy one a foot from the border. So no. Second, yeah I'd be totally in favor of stabbings over shootings. Much less body count and danger to everyone. Sign me up. Now go and copy and paste the response
Less guns in the hands of people who shouldnt have them would definitely reduce both total deaths and mass deaths by the way of the gun. Its indisputable FACT