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Everything posted by RockRaines

  1. Im with you. Its all of the politicians. they are so fucking afraid of the 2A people its shocking. The amendment is there to make sure only the right people have guns, there are ways to do that. Fucking restrict ammunition at least. Do SOMETHING
  2. Exactly. All politicians in Washington make me sick
  3. People literally spend all day on twitter and other social media fighting it out with other people. They created numerous accounts to troll and comment on political posts. Its fucking sickening the people that have been elevated into pseudo-celebrity status because of their radical views one way or the other. Its downright evil.
  4. More prayers and talk about arming teachers. But nothing will happen
  5. 4Chan will have a thread about the school shooting being a false flag to deflect from the Trump property shooting any minute now.
  6. I'm just hoping we call this "Watergate but with Russia". Its catchy
  7. They just interviewed some moron in a Trump hat walking towards the school shooting with a loaded gun and an american flag. When asked what he was doing he said Making America Great again. Dude, why
  8. The collection of videos of this guy are sick. Big Milo follower, clearly identifies with the alt-right xenophobic collection of voters.
  9. Active shooting in Galveston TX. SO far they've said a few students shot with a shotgun. shooter arrested.
  10. Shes priming the pump for blaming the media. its the appetizer before the SHS main course.
  11. I love when Maggie speaks for Sarah Huckabee. Her act is getting a bit predictable
  12. Cernovich, Shapiro, Dinesh, Kirk. All the usual suspects parroting that message. It’s always easy to figure out where it comes from.
  13. In his news circle that’s what he’s being told. I’m sure it’s directly from Cernovich
  14. My point still stands and is valid. More Americans travel abroad for medical reasons than the number of people that come here from countries with Socialized health care. If anyone has opposing statistics I'd love to see them
  15. Thats not how it was worded. So its not exactly my fault, or an example of anyone else's thoughts, that you didnt express yourself clearly.
  16. Because you wrote a sentence that said "people dont get to Europe anymore."
  17. Oh really? So your position here is that Americans do not go to Europe for healthcare anymore?
  18. My horribly racist Grandmother would have been happy to know that as long as you dont protest, you cant be considered racist.
  19. To be considered racist you have to be showing it in public, got it.
  20. This discussion and the rehashed ACA/poor guy going to hospital probably belongs in another thread.
  21. Here is a "shocking" stat. MILLIONS of Americans go abroad for medical care, THOUSANDS of Canadians go abroad for care.
  22. Whats the reason people from the US go to Europe for procedures?
  23. I dont know if it counts as a movie, but the 80's documentary on netflix is pretty great. Definitely shows a bit more into the Reagan administration than I've really seen in these types.
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