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Everything posted by RockRaines

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 03:32 PM) There was an NPR report from North Carolina where Omorossa was going around meeting with black leaders saying trump would set up a whole new program to get former felons jobs (the voter was a former felon and was voting for trump). Interesting to see if some of this stuff is real. Any jobs are going to be the result of trickle down business from reduced taxes and bringing back manufacturing. Both of which are most likely a fairy tale.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 03:08 PM) More than third party votes, or votes for the wrong party, if all of the people who didn't vote at all in this election all came out and voted for one completely different person, that person would be President today. Its crazy to think of it that way. Half the population is divided and the other half doesnt give a s***
  3. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 03:06 PM) 55% voter turnout, pretty embarrassing as a country. Wonder how the other 45% would have voted. Only a quarter of the country actually voted for Trump Its pathetic really. It didnt take me more than 10 min to vote, and thats with a ridiculous third page that you could ignore.
  4. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 03:02 PM) Don't know. There were a bunch of us at dinner and I don't think she wanted it to get political, she just said, whether you want to believe it or not, it's true, since it's been enacted, that has been one of the results. The use of BC whether free or cheap or whatever is always going to be an issue for a great number of the folks that also use plan B or have abortions.
  5. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 02:58 PM) We have been over reasonable positions. If you want to argue that at some point after pregnancy there is a moment where the cells become "human" and therefore should be protected, I 100% agree with that. But that is not the argument. He is saying all abortion is murder. And there is no way anyone can scientifically argue that at day 1 its the equivalent of a "human". Well, except jesus.
  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 02:52 PM) Well I guess we're all just going to hell for being murders. Oh well. Yep, a fictional place from a book is definitely my final resting place
  7. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 02:37 PM) He's trying to start an abortion debate. LOL, wow. Murdering Americans.
  8. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 02:10 PM) I remember seeing the trailer a long time ago then totally forgot about it. Is it on Redbox? I rented it on itunes on my flight this weekend. I really enjoyed it.
  9. Captain Fantastic was pretty awesome.
  10. Lowering taxes for the wealthy and business, bringing in Washington lifers to run federal programs. Such a HUGE change. Drain that swamp
  11. As a one percenter, my taxes are going down while the lower income families will see theirs increase. If it's what you wanted, I guess I'm cool with that.
  12. Those people wanted change so bad they reelected 85 percent of congresss.
  13. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 06:38 AM) The nation wasn't broken. People are going to figure that out real quick.
  14. 85 percent reelection in congress. Change my ass
  15. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Nov 8, 2016 -> 11:06 PM) Glad there was a small run up the last couple of days. Rampsbefore cliffs make the fall further. This is bad for anyone invested.
  16. We've gone full kardashian. This is going to go down as one of the biggest mistakes in US history.
  17. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 8, 2016 -> 10:27 PM) I understand what you are saying soxbadger but I just don't think it would matter. Trump outspent her on tv 10-1 there the last few months. That worked.
  18. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Nov 8, 2016 -> 10:27 PM) CNN is reassuring me on Wisconsin I don't agree with them. It's red.
  19. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Nov 8, 2016 -> 10:16 PM) stop and frisk for everyone hahhahaha Just blacks.
  20. Gonna lose so much money in the market. f***
  21. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Nov 8, 2016 -> 09:22 PM) The lives and well beings of my LGBTQ friends is less important than emails. Possibly to the majority of the country, yes.
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 8, 2016 -> 09:15 PM) I really believe if the Democrats nominated someone other than Hillary Clinton, this election would have been over months ago with the Dems getting a win of historic levels. I also believe that if someone other than Trump was nominated the GOP would have trounced in this cycle as well. Yep. This is tallest midget.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 8, 2016 -> 09:00 PM) Nah tens of millions of Americans have chosen racism and fascism Which is pretty different than what we've been living with. So it's not inaccurate.
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