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Everything posted by RockRaines

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 02:48 PM) That's the funny thing. My internet connection supports a stock exchange. It is probably better than anything anyone else on here has. SURE IT IS Picture taken from SS2K5's living room
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 01:45 PM) Agreed on both counts. I have seen the TV rumors, and I also think Yawney is just terrible. There are way too many fundimentals that just are not happening. Its like watching the Cubs on ice. I was going to say that. The worst part is that coming up he was rumored to be a good teacher. All he had taught the team is how to absolutley suck at everything.
  3. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 01:42 PM) Not saying it's correct, but Sutter did have a Cy Young award I believe. And thats it........It should be named the hall of pretty good.
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 08:48 AM) fwiw, the next Hawks owners are going to be Wirtz's kids... Its been said his Son wants to televise home games. But is now hand cuffed by his fathers principles. Oh, and Yawney needs to be fired, the guy is a horrible coach.
  5. How does Sutter make it and not Gossage?????
  6. My name comes from one of my favorite players on my favorite sox teams up to this point. I was originally babybearhater, but settled in with Rock. OfficerKarkovice was another that I wanted. I got the sig from Addison, its just too ghetto to remove.
  7. I had a great vid avatar of this long jumper flattening this chick walking across the runway. I wish I knew where I could find that again.
  8. QUOTE(sec159row2 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 12:01 PM) it's where i sit... rock... love the new avatar... just tell me she's "of age"... she is 19 from what I was told.
  9. Im not sure you know this Joe Rogan- but I smoke rock-raines.
  10. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 09:34 AM) Has a perfect ass on his avatar, unless it is Paris Hilton.
  11. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 09:25 AM) Has an avatar I have always found puzzling. LOVES Ross Gload
  12. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 05:01 PM) Too bad I can't post the good ones. No, but you can PM them
  13. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 05:00 PM) I officially hope Corey Patterson becomes a multiple time all star and great player. I enjoy watching these Cubs go elsewhere as "bums" and turn into gold. I second that. I still think he will put up some good numbers eventually.
  14. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 04:34 PM) Easily. The guy is being wasted sitting on that bench though.
  15. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 04:37 PM) Yoda, he is. Never lets us forget the premier 3B, Herbert Perry
  16. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 04:27 PM) Those sound like the number one might expect from Jones, but for Patterson, well, he basically wound up last year in the minors because he wasn't performing anywhere close to that. Wound up the year hittint .215 in the big leagues, in like 450 at bats. The Patterson from 3 years ago would put up those numbers sure, but not hte one who played last year. Fair enough. I dont know all that much about him. In my mind Patterson=Borchard.
  17. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 12:27 PM) Frank is a future HOFer, but he wants to cement that with the 500 HRs. All retired players HOF eligible with 500 are HOFers. The active or just retired list with over 500 include: Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Palmiero, Griffey. A lot of roids in that sentence. The list that fell short is: McGriff, Canseco, Bagwell, Sheffield, and Thomas. Some more roids there too. 52 Homers is a lot for Frank to hit. Even in limited time, it would probably take 2-3 decent seasons for him to get that. I just don't see him being a full time DH, and it is a waste of a roster spot to have someone platoon at DH. Hes also just hurting his stellar numbers like his BA, OBP, SLG, etc. Those are numbers that have really put him on the map IMO. His numbers in his prime were compared to Ted Williams among others, I dont want to see him hitting 210 and jacking 12 hr's then getting hurt again.
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 04:02 PM) On the North side, yeah I think that's unrealistic. He may perform that well some year down the road, or even next year, but not where he was playing. See, im not sure about that. If patterson started in RF all season long, I would expect something between 250 and 290 BA around 20 hr's 60-70 RBI's, and good defense. Maybe 15-25 Sb's too. I would expect about the same or worse out of Jones.
  19. I like to change mine based on moods, or current happenings on the weekends etc. I sometimes judge people on theirs for sure.
  20. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 03:47 PM) Because Sox fans with blinders on piss me off. Patterson does have amazing talent...he has shown flashes of power, he has showed off his speed many times, he has shown that he can be a solid hitter at times...being under Dusty has not helped him one iota. Is it too unrealistic to have thought that patterson could have produced as well as, or even a little better than Jaque Jones next year?
  21. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 03:38 PM) Exactly. He has no interest in rookies. He would much rather sit and watch the veterans pay, vs actually doing some managing and coaching. A raw guy like Patterson really suffers with a guy like that. I don't know if Patterson is coachable or not, but it would be interesting to have him spend a year somewhere like here, Minnesota, or Florida for example that stresses the fundimentals and see what happened. Cubs fans routinely see their hyped rookies fail, yet continue to believe that they will perform when called up. According to their message boards, Murton and Cedeno are already all-stars.
  22. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 03:27 PM) The thing is for a guy with those tools, you give him one "Get out of Dusty free" card. Perfect term. Dusty DOES NOT teach the correct fundamentals.
  23. QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) Isn't ashamed of his own "wing nut-ness". Lives in the famed "crossroads of america"
  24. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 03:01 PM) Wow....If you want to lead a good life, just do everything Marcus Vick doesn't. What has this guy done right? Some people are just a waste of potential, this guy is a poster child.
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