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Everything posted by RockRaines

  1. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 02:39 PM) Dunkirk was extremely well made, but as a narrative, it was far too lacking to consider "great." It had almost zero character development. I thought the main character was the war, helplessness and heroism. And I thought those were very well developed.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 04:51 PM) armed SRO never entered the building, waited outside https://twitter.com/passantino/status/966799616602615808 Not surprising, he didnt want to die. Not everyone in a position of authority runs towards danger.
  3. QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 04:42 PM) Have you checked out the VW Atlas? Sat in it at the car show. She didnt like it. But also I believe they only have a solid second row without the captains chairs option.
  4. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 03:05 PM) He's just trying to rile up the rabid dog base that is CPAC. But the muslims tidbit is 100% bulls***. Gotta remember that CPAC is a collection of the worst of the worst.
  5. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 03:59 PM) I have no idea what’s more deadly. What I do know is that a few sparkler bombs loaded with shrapnel could wound or kill hundreds of people in a crowd quite easily. Just throwing the idea out there that if all the semi automatic rifles are banned, will something replace them? Because a sick sonofab**** that wants to kill lots of people thinks like a sick sonofab**** that wants to kill lots of people. What vehicle of destruction does he then choose? Not against or for gun laws, just trying to apply rational, unemotional thinking to examine a sick mind. I disagree that it would kill hundreds, and I also disagree that there is anything more efficient than a legally modified semi automatic rifle. There is a reason it is the weapon of choice of our domestic terrorists. I personally think eliminating the easiest means to mass murder is a good step in the right direction.
  6. QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 02:51 PM) Rock, if you happen to know, any idea why she didn’t like the Mazda? 4 cylinder engine just didnt do it for her. The lag was pretty noticeable. Also they told us there was no second row captains chairs, so that eliminated the Kia as well
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 02:37 PM) 1) There are ways around background checks. Even still, lots of people can easily pass background checks because they're fairly weak. For example, this kid who recently shot up the school. Or the Las Vegas guy. Or the New Mexico school shooter. Or the Pulse shooter. etc. etc. etc. etc. 2) I know about actual bomb-making from a professional perspective. I am not an expert, but I do have knowledge and have been trained by legitimate subject matter experts. Building reliable bombs that won't blow yourself up and will blow up when you want them to and do substantial damage are not easy to manufacture. Shoving some sparklers and nails together isn't going to have a huge effect. If it really was that easy to build bombs and cause just as much if not more damage, why don't we actually see it happening? Why do they keep electing to buy guns and, in particular, "military-style" guns with pretty obvious aesthetic qualities? People build sparkler or match bombs all the time by my place in michigan. They make a pretty good sound and a decent explosion, but have a pretty small blast radius and are pretty dangerous to carry around. Dynamite is a hell of a lot more effective. But there is a reason that guns are the weapon of choice. Its MUCH easier to obtain and prepare with a gun, and the damage ratio is much larger. Spraying a hundred bullets into a crowd will cause a lot more casualties than a sparkler bomb.
  8. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 02:32 PM) Disagree. It’s a lot cheaper to buy some sparklers, duct tape and nails than it is to purchase a gun and do the background check. I’ve built plenty of them, minus shrapnel. All I’m saying is it’s gonna suck when somebody finally does it and throws it in a crowd. It’ll make this look like a cartoon. So you think sparklers, duct tape and nails tossed into a crowd is more deadly than someone firing high capacity clips into a crowd from a distance?
  9. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 13, 2018 -> 07:10 PM) Good time of the year to buy a car. Went to GMC today to look at the Acadia Denali and they were flat out slashing prices 15% IN the search for a 3 row SUV she's eliminated Acura, Kia, Hyundai, Honda, Ford, Dodge, Mazda. Down to Toyota Highlander and GMC acadia
  10. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 01:44 PM) What are we going to do when these f’ed up kids start realizing how easy it is to make pipe bombs from everyday materials? I’m so surprised that never happens and I’m scared to death of the day it starts. No laws will be able to help anybody. What makes that easier and more deadly than a rapid firing rifle?
  11. QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 09:28 AM) The NRA defines liberty as the ability to own and purchase as many of any kind of gun as possible and carry it anywhere without restriction or tracking. That is liberty. You know this is the narrow definition because they so willingly trade the liberties of children and people with mental health issues at a moments notice to preserve their maximalist view. They also define a well regulated militia as anyone who can operate a gun.
  12. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 09:16 AM) Something tells me this will some how lead back to blaming teacher unions. I think most teachers are going flat out reject having to carry a gun. I think the unions will back them and then conservatives can blame them next time something happens. Congrats, the union is gone and now you make 25,000 a year and have to also carry a gun all the time. MAGA. Wayne LaPierre at CPAC calling Democrats "socialists". Wayne old buddy don't I wish. The speaker lineup for CPAC reads like a list of the worst people on the planet. But yes, I am seeing now that they are going to blame the teachers and the unions for not arming themselves out of their own pockets.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 22, 2018 -> 09:05 AM) It would be $0 because teachers would be expected to provide their own guns and training. If chose not to, they would then be blamed for "not taking responsibility" after a mass shooting. I dont think that would be possible, there would need to be a standardized training program as well as a standard issue weapon and weapon container. Not to mention the increased insurance premiums.
  14. I hope a school district puts together an actual financial plan to arm the staff and shows how much it would raise taxes. They "you cant take our guns" crowd will be in a nice little pickle at that point.
  15. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 05:56 PM) What kind of f***ed up country are we living in if our teachers need to be packing? That is not the answer, Trump. We are losing teachers by the dozens now in high rent areas. In San Francisco I saw average rent is 78% of a teachers salary. Don’t scare more away thinking they need a gun to do their job.and guns in classrooms every day isn’t going to end well. The good news is that financially its impossible. between the overtime, training costs, equipment costs and insurance increase, schools and districts flat out cannot afford to arm teachers. Its an empty idea that is being floated to make it look like these sleazeballs are finding a solution.
  16. QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 10:23 PM) Rubio is a slug and a hack. Don’t fall for it. I like how low the bar has fallen. He is getting credit for literally doing the bare minimum requirement of his job. Every single politician is obligated to face their communities. Its not something "nice" they should do, they are f***ing required to do it.
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 11:58 PM) I don't like the fact the kids and teachers have no way of defending themselves thus I said it'd be nice if teachers had guns at their disposal. However I did hear tonight on the news one school was saying starting now they will have armed guards on a daily basis. That's the only responsible thing to do right now. At least have armed guards. Who will pay for them? Somebody. If it's a public school they should raise taxes. If private, up the tuition and start a campaign for alums to donate. There were two armed policemen at Parkland
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 02:17 PM) And I guess the takeaway from that is the stuff that is absolutely more likely to happen to try and change something that will be rare but quite terrible. If you put 3 armed soldiers in front (Facebook meme), whose to say the school doesn't start asking them for help to do so and so, when they are just there watching the doors? And it bothers me that we so easily put this loss of freedom (getting in a fight in school without being sent to prison) on students and put so high of a barrier to things like delaying purchases of guns. The media has been highlighting schools that are basically prisons as the answer. I am not in favor of putting my kids in a prison during the day.
  19. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 01:17 PM) Not sure who that guy is, but statements like that dont help the discussion. Security guards/police etc exceeding their authority has very little relevance to this issue. Not to mention whoever that guy is, provides no data to support his premise (doubtful that any such data is even possible to exist.) Its fine to express your opinion, but I just dont like when people try and pass their opinion off as fact. Thats a huge problem with twitter, he has to link research there.
  20. Big Sick is pretty great, so was Dunkirk.
  21. QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 08:24 AM) Yeah, same thing happened here. One day, I just switched it to front-facing. I think it was when he was about 2 months shy of two years old. Me too. My kids are tall as f*** so when their legs hit the seat I flip em. I tend to buy pretty good car seats so I believe I am protected there.
  22. The same post about that kid has been copied over and over, unfortunately for the trolls, the yearbook picture they are using CLEARLY shows that its from the actual yearbook from this school instead of this "2015 california" story they are pushing
  23. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 08:18 AM) I don't think I would want my kid at a school with all those guns around anyway. There is a pretty good chance there will be a slip up and they will wind up in the wrong hands. Throwing 30 or 40 guns into a school with fairly unqualified, underpaid, and overstressed teacher-soldiers manning their posts. What could go wrong?
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 21, 2018 -> 08:20 AM) Russian meddling is an ongoing and serious threat per every Trump-appointed IC official. Obama didn't do anything because when he went to McConnell to ask for a unified front, McConnell said if Obama went public he'd make it a partisan issue. Also, I thought there wasnt any Russian meddling? Or if it happened its not important because the US does it too? I'm very confused by the ever changing talking points.
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