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Everything posted by RockRaines

  1. It's the end of Jan and the NY resolution people are hitting the gym like crazy. I know its annoying to people to have competition for classes and equipment, but try this year to encourage and talk to one of those folks (or even more than one). You never know if that interaction will make them feel comfortable enough to stick with it.
  2. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jan 29, 2018 -> 11:05 PM) Honestly, just got on the treadmill for a half hour and did some curls just to do something. I feel better afterwards. Thats good. Have you tried to find an activity that you like that will get you moving? Skating or walking or bball or something? Treadmill running is a tough way to start back up.
  3. Does it have 4WD and is it good?
  4. Lol. They have Assange contacting Hannity about information on Warner. In case you weren’t aware Hannity was a direct line to Wiki and Russia.
  5. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jan 29, 2018 -> 02:54 PM) Maher says enough bad s*** consistent enough to invalidate the good things he says. Sure, he has his good moments but I'd rather not have him be such a public figure for the left, because he takes crazy stances too often. I want liberals to snuff the crazy out and be better than the right when it comes to their public figures. I hate the #bothsides argument that people bring up with this because frankly I expect liberals to act better than republicans at this point. I don't want them to stoop to the right's standards. To me, any liberal who wants to stoop lower is a hypocrite and is hurting the cause more than helping. The problem is that extremes are generating the clicks. Otherwise Hannity wouldnt be the poster boy of an entire network.
  6. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 29, 2018 -> 02:21 PM) Full pay through March when he was supposed to retire anyway. Not a bad deal. If he was fired he would have lost his pension. Good to leave now.
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 29, 2018 -> 01:36 PM) Scott Baio may not be guilty. He provides evidence. And?
  8. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 29, 2018 -> 01:27 PM) https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/29/fbi-deputy-...n-nbc-news.html McCabe is out. Going right to Muellers office after he leaves the building no doubt. I dont think forcing this guy out early was a good play.
  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 29, 2018 -> 10:40 AM) I can't believe HBO keeps renewing his awful show. Someone must be watching it.
  10. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 28, 2018 -> 05:21 PM) Did he make that list before or after his tasteful Holocaust joke? I really really dont like Maher.
  11. This memo isnt going to be what all the fanboys want it to be.
  12. Britni is awful. Not a surprise deadbeat Brad loves her.
  13. Interesting the timeline between DeVos changing the title IX regs and this coming out. Shes very tied to MSU. And Izzo is going to get hammered because of the things they've hid for his program.
  14. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jan 26, 2018 -> 10:47 AM) He gave the same type of contract to Ferentz. Frankly though, i'm not sure why people are complaining. Both guys are good coaches. Ferentz has fallen the last few years, but for a while there he had Iowa football at or near its best in the program's history. McCaffrey had a good run just a couple of years ago. I think some of it is that Fran is a f***ing asshole
  15. QUOTE (New Era on South Side @ Jan 21, 2018 -> 01:54 PM) How so? He helped increase interest in fringe alt right groups that don’t exist
  16. QUOTE (Chi Town Sox @ Jan 20, 2018 -> 09:49 PM) I've now heard from a friend who is a cop saying it is meth. Either way, that's two good sources that he's on something hard. Damn, he was never one of the ones that i knew of
  17. QUOTE (Wanne @ Jan 20, 2018 -> 08:17 PM) Those the same polls that had Hillarybilly winning huge before the election?!? Yeah...you carry on Champ lol...nice try. She did get more votes... Are you saying his approval rating is inaccurate on every single service?
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 20, 2018 -> 01:28 PM) I was wondering if this current period of time because of Trump is closest we've been to a completely divided country, almost to where there would be another Civil War. Trump is so despised by a segment. Yet there are those who voted for him who are very aggressive and they constitute a sizeable amount of people. Add to that all the unrest over the cops killing people of color and the white supremists vs. BLM and you have a truly divided land. If America wants to be divided it has succeeded. Perhaps the most divided ever except in time of official Civil War? that will be Trump's legacy. A split very angry country. Nah Greg, we will be ok.
  19. QUOTE (Chi Town Sox @ Jan 20, 2018 -> 08:31 PM) I would hate for this to be false but through a very solid family source I was told that Corey Crawford was reported missing by his wife to police but he has now been found under the influence of crack cocaine and is now at a rehab center. True or false, prayers for CC Come on, really? I do know a few guys that dabble first hand, but this would surprise me.
  20. Seriously, is there any politician that you guys like? Someone that you really identify with and want to succeed? IMO these guys are all scum. I dont see one guy that I think really has our interests in his/her heart.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 19, 2018 -> 01:54 PM) It's a memo written by Devin Nunes, who had already had to partially recuse himself (but didn't really) and has been carrying water for Trump from day 1. He's also the guy who made up the "Susan Rice unmasking!" stuff that turned out to be bs. So there's pretty good reason to be skeptical. Some reporters have talked to sources who have seen the memo, and they did not describe it in flattering terms. That hashtag is also being promoted heavily by Russian Twitter bots, for whatever that's worth. It's worth mentioning that the guys in Congress making a huge deal about this could release the memo themselves of they wanted to. Glen Greenwald, whom I know you've respected in the past, had been harshly critical of them. https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/95438...46%7Ctwterm%5E3 Russian bots are pushing it like crazy. Usually means distraction from something else. http://www.businessinsider.com/release-the...accounts-2018-1
  22. Evangelicals praising trump is so hypocritical it’s hilarious.
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