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Everything posted by RockRaines

  1. He’s echoing talking points. Kelly and Miller are quoted that they put this policy in place. It wasn’t in place before trump was in office. It has nothing to do with any laws.
  2. My post had nothing to do with you, didn’t quote you and wasn’t an argument about anything you said. Stop stalking me.
  3. Shocking I tell ya. Shocking. They are all so smart.
  4. He also has 7 DUI's. He sucks as a person.
  5. I didnt quote you and I dont want to engage with you. Argue with someone else.
  6. I am particularly interested what the Ingram's of the world who backed the policy do when Trump flip flops on them.
  7. Wait until the real atrocities come out from this. I believe Its still a mystery where all the young girls are. Either way, its going to be those pesky democrats who have zero control over any branch of the government. Or Obama, who isnt currently in office, or Hillary who was never in office, or Bill Clinton who was president in the 90's
  8. He's going to try and get credit for putting out a fire that he started. The pizzagate morons will probably praise him as a humanitarian.
  9. So Nielsen is drafting an executive order to stop the policy that she said doesnt exist. This administration in a nutshell.
  10. No, hes definitely yelling at you.
  11. Matt Gaetz killed a guy. That alcoholic idiot can stfu
  12. But the Maga bros told me the babies have oxygen so it’s cool.
  13. I've moved some to real estate investments that are pretty consistent with a rental base around here. Anything to keep it stable.
  14. In the process of moving my money to safer avenues than the market. Not excited about the future fall.
  15. Pathetic alt right fucks should be eaten alive by actual conservatives. Let me know when they grow a spine.
  16. Tax plan isnt going over as well as they wanted, immigration stuff is next, whoops. Next, the ACA. Keeps trying to energize his bullshit base.
  17. I thought this administration wanted to undo everything Obama did? What a joke.
  18. It still doesnt explain separating kids from their families. Kids young enough to be in diapers. Even anti-immigration people have zero legs to stand on with this policy. Zero.
  19. Do Maga guys get together and say "what are we supporting today? Oh kids in cages? Really? Ok then. KIDS IN CAGES GRRR"
  20. Lets let her contradict herself, shall we
  21. Kelly and Miller are quoted saying its their policy they enacted. But yes, show me Nielsen lying about it. Or the day before when she said a law didnt exist.
  22. You guys are aware literally everything she said was proven to be a lie right?
  23. The only thing I can think of is people without children dont get it. Thats the only rationale I can come up with.
  24. Thats fine. Turn them away, close up shop. Detain them together and then release them. For those people who dont want immigrants in this country, even these are better options than whats going on.
  25. Both Kelly and MIller were BOTH quoted as saying this is THEIR policy and its meant as a deterrent.
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