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Everything posted by RockRaines

  1. All presidents pardon criminals. These are just funny because its sending a clear message to the guys holding his bags
  2. This is the modem https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I5TJGSE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. The AARIS modem I just ditched was terrible and has a bad overheating issue. That would periodically cause outages. Just tested my internet speed from Orbi via their app, 364 download, 30.61 up
  4. Upgrading to a gigabit modem and a mesh system router improved my speeds from 30-40 to 300 mbps.
  5. I read that model has some issues that may be fixed by firmware. It actually had a lot of bad feedback from several publications because of reliability. Supposedly the updates fixed those issues.
  6. Why increase the cost of goods like cars? Seems weird
  7. When he was a slumlord mistreating both black applicants and black residents he was beloved? Ok.
  8. You would be correct. He's now pardoning alt-right conspiracy theorists. This one actually pled guilty because he is.
  9. RockRaines

    2018 catch-all

    Totally not set up at all!!
  10. He doesn’t. I’ll be shocked if the outcome isn’t privatizing prisons. That’s really on message for him. Locking up less black and brown people would be a 180
  11. Fixed your post so it actually has meaning. I agree with you entirely. Letting the money decide policy across the board needs to stop, but its only getting worse. I do not suspect it will ever be reformed regardless of who is in office. There is too much pull towards getting paid instead of doing the right thing.
  12. MS-13 was founded in the 80's, can we just stop talking about that BS narrative? Its tired
  13. Neither capitalism nor federalism are perfect. Prisons should not be run as a for profit organization. Thats a complete failure in policy. Marijuana should not be illegal. Besides those opinions, our legal system is fairly broken. We are putting people away for long periods of time for non violent offenses while turning violent criminals back onto the streets. There is no standard. Changing that would be nice reform. Mr.Profit himself wont go that direction though.
  14. If you took the red pill, its just ambien. Thats not reality
  15. Imprisoning less black men and loosening regulations on marijuana arent exactly in his platform. My guess is out of these meetings we will hear about how we need privatization of the prison system. But if somehow he goes against everything hes ever said and shown, sure, Ill give him his due. Ill drive to washington to congratulate him myself.
  16. When was an employee of ABC racist towards Trump?
  17. You want someone fired because they dont believe that an evangelical hears a voice from a magic man in the sky? Ok
  18. I finally figured that out, but luckily there was a woman who was incredibly helpful. She literally told me the registration thing fails a bunch of times and usually people dont keep trying, they just transfer you.
  19. People dont understand this isnt the first tweet that she sent out that was fucked up. Shes been doing this for months.
  20. She's deep down the Reddit/4chan conspiracy rabbit hole. None of it ever makes sense no matter who is spouting the nonsense.
  21. Fox never seems to understand the first amendment.
  22. They got real tight and showed it. Good team on the rise but still one of the worst conference finals teams in awhile
  23. He was ice cold. I didn’t think Lebron was going to let Cle lose though. No matter who was hitting from Boston
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