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About daa84

  • Birthday 12/25/1984

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Kannapolis Intimidators (Low-A)
  • Favorite Sox player
    Mark Buerhle
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Paul Moviel
  • Favorite Sox moment
    This used to be hard to decide.....
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Frank Thomas

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  1. Lot of people on social saying they are happy for Benetti. I Dunno man. I guess I get it but that’s def not how I feel.
  2. Maldonado is awful. Offensively and defensively. No real reason for him to be on the team
  3. There have been alot of Sox killers over the years since I’ve been following - but I don’t think any bigger in my lifetime than Ramirez
  4. Man that was some pure trash. There were some good questions asked, but all were predictable. From what we know Getz has had at minimum for a week to prepare for this. His answers were terrible. “I understand why you are skeptical, but I’ll try to be different but I can’t tell you how. I dunno what the vision is - we will just look at stuff to try to make sure it gets better.” Jerry : “Chris was the right choice because he knows the system and won’t have to do an evaluation of everyone”. Getz : “I can’t give any concrete answers as to how I’ll get better, I’ll just have to sit down and meet with everyone to understand how things are run and evaluate them” also , they keep saying the clubhouse stuff got fixed with the moves. So who was the problem - Giolito? Lynn?
  5. Stunned at the number of people who don’t recognize burgers limitations. His power is great. He also has a .279 obp and can’t play defense. Relatively low probability of his body holding up for several years.
  6. Both those guys have pretty impressive K:ip. There’s some upside , for two old expensive and bad pitchers that’s about all you can expect
  7. Damn I really thought Adam haseley and Hanser Alberto would come through for the Sox with the game on The line there
  8. Bad time to mention Reese McGuire posting .394/.429/.521 with the Red Sox ?
  9. "our biggest trade deadline deals are getting a healthy Eloy, Grandal and Lynn down the stretch"
  10. can't wait for the post deadline press conference where Hahn ensures us "sometimes, its about moves you don't make"
  11. Words can’t describe how happy I am to see UT bounced. Certainly one of the best regular season teams I’ve ever seen, but without a doubt the most obnoxious, classless team I’ve ever witnessed. From a personal standpoint I want nothing to do with Drew Gilbert in the Sox system
  12. Who is calling pitches here. How many hanging sliders does he have to throw
  13. What in the world is happening here
  14. When has Aaron bummer actually been good with games on the line ?
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