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Everything posted by kwill

  1. This is finally where the White Sox can get some leverage. This is the first news I heard where the players offered are at least in the ball park of what it will take to get Sale. 2 Top 15 Prospects with others involved. I do think the Nats are the team that gets Sale. Also, Mark Melancon just got the richest deal ever. Rumor is Janson could get upwards 80 million. Robertson's contact is looking like a major trade asset. Too bad he decided to have a down year. I can still see the Nats or Yankees have some serious interest.
  2. What do the Dodgers think of Urius and De Leon to sign a 35 year who has a list of injuries to this kind of deal? Do you think it opens up the possibility of both De Leon and Urias being in the same package? You are not getting Chris Sale for depth. You are getting him for being another ace behind Kershaw. Does this mean those Dodger payroll concerns have been vastly dramatized?
  3. I would not non-tender Brett Lawrie. I think after the dust settles in Free Agency there will be a market to trade him to contender that did not fill a need. He will be on an expiring probably 6 million dollar contract. He can play both 2B and 3B. Worst case scenario we hold onto him and play him at third base after we trade Frazier.
  4. What is weird is the Pirates interest in Robles. I thought the reason they want to move McCutchen is to make room for Austin Meadows. I would love to see the Pirates get into the bidding war as they have some fantastic young talent and could use an ace to anchor their rotation. Sale+Cole would be as good as any in the national league.
  5. I have to to be honest, I am just glad he had a second half like this. I thought the league figured him out. It is great to see leading into next season that he is still a middle of the order bat. I just think its start transitioning him into a DH. It happens to many 1st baseman when they get older. He does not need to be a full time DH as I do believe it is a transition to mentally stay in the game as a DH. But, the Sox would be wise either to have Mrorneau play more 1st base next year or sign a true 1st baseman. Players do have tough years hitting. Certainly McCutchen has gone through it this year. You can point to our own Konerko. I don't think you can blame Jose for the failure of this team. Certainly, you can blame Frazier for not only developing an upper cut home happy swing but his fielding was league average as well. Going forward, I am pretty optimistic for the Sox. I know that is strange for this board but they have several things working for them. -Tim Anderson seems like a quality major league shortstop. This is the first position player developed in awhile. -They seemed to have a great draft so far. Probably the best in the big leagues. - Both Quintana and Sale stayed healthy and pitched like aces - Miguel Gonzalez seems like a quality back end of arm of the rotation to replace Danks. -Adam Eaton has turned into the best right fielder in the game. I am torn between going for it next year and rebuilding. I still lean toward trading Sale. Next years Free Agent crop is not very good. I think it would be hard to add the necessary pieces to put this team over the top. Plus, I think the Sox could probably get a good bidding war going between the Dodgers, Yankees and Red Sox.
  6. I wonder what the report said" yeah, he is good". "Seems to be able to strikeout guys"
  7. Hey guys, Thanks so much for the information. It is super interesting. I think it would be hard for me to go to games in the minors. It seems like individual success is way more important than any kind of team success.
  8. Hey Guys, I am wondering if some of you guys can shed some light on this issue. Do the White Sox own all of the affiliates or just a partial stake? Do the affiliate have any control of which guys get sent up or down? If not, Do the other investors ever get upset that their team is a bad product on the field? How much money do the minor league teams bring in? Sorry, if some of this is obvious. I just always kind of interest me on how the revenue stream worked in the minors? Seem like the White Sox lucked out on getting to fairly large markets in Charlotte and Birmingham.
  9. 1. I would not trade for Brian McCann. He has not been good for 3 years. Robertson at least has a chance to be a difference maker in the backend of the bullpen even if he is overpaid. 2. I totally think the White Sox would put a waiver request out for Puig. I just don't think there is a chance in hell that every team in the National League passed on putting a claim for him.
  10. You would think the Pirates would be in on Sale. They have enough pieces in the minor leagues to make a really solid offer and they are in need of a true ace. You put Sale and Cole at the front end of the rotation and they are serious contenders for the next three seasons.
  11. I saw this idea floated out there a few times today. I can see the reasoning behind it. What do you guys think of Sale for McCutchen and Glasnow or Tallion? Pirates have Meadows waiting. We still get a young pitching prospect and a legit star. Only problem is McCutchen is controlled only though 2018.
  12. If a package for Sale from Red Sox includes Jackie Bradley Jr. and Yoan Moncado with a few other pieces than you just take it. Moncado is my mind is the best prospect in the game and Bradley Jr. could play an above average outfield hitting with an OPS of 850 or higher. The front end of that package would probably be the best out there.
  13. I think the larger takeaway is Austin Jackson is going to be out longer than they thought. If they thought Jackson was coming back in the 6-8 week timetable, I don't think they are looking for a centerfielder. Consider The Bust In FA: Jackson ( no fault of White Sox injuries happen) Rollins Latos That is probably 10 million dollars that could have gone to a useful player.
  14. The problem is that they are really short on decent position players. I would like to see Coats more. Rodon would have been lit up by a good hitting team today. His fastball command is so bad some days .
  15. Here is what I hope Ray or Rutherford The two hitter in the draft that have high floors. What I don't want: Underslot college pitcher that throws 90-92.
  16. They need to patient. I am not able to watch the game but just following along online.. He has no control. Drives me crazy why swing 2-0 when he just walked the guy before you.
  17. So what is plan B. I would hope it would be to add a player like Jackson and another starting pitcher without giving up a pick. I know our rotation is stacked with lefties but Cliff Lee is a very intriguing option to me. I would like to see an improved outfield defense. I hope the White Sox would think about 2017 payroll flexibility as well.
  18. Sorry Guys, I have been tuning out a lttile bit more on the season. Is Hawk gone from the booth next year?
  19. My problems with Sanchez: 1. He does not walk at a good rate. 2. He does not steal any bases 3. He does not hit for any power. If Micah is healthy than he has to play. If he can bring that bat to the majors, the fielding will come with more reps.
  20. What do you think Jeff Samardzija value at this point? 3/36? It would not surprise me if he accepts arbitration and tries to pitch better next year.
  21. If anything it shows a different mentality of how the White Sox front office operates. I think a couple of years ago they make a splash. Now they have spent so much time improving their farm system they do not want to risk pieces for a rental. I would love them to go out and get a controlled asset but I am glad they didnt buy a rental.
  22. I really like us to see if we can get Carlos Gonzalez. I really think he will be the best bat available this upcoming offseason. We might as well make a run at him now.
  23. Clearly didn't have it today. Robin should of taken him out after the first two runners got on that inning.
  24. If Shark stays then here is what I would do. Also, I would not be mad if White Sox traded him for a quality return if they feel they can't win a wild card. 1. Put Danks into the pen. Bring up Erik Johnson. If you go for it you should bring up your best players. EJ is probably an upgrade over Danks at this point. They should not DFA Danks just in case Johnson has a similar problem adjusting like 2014. 2. I would do this trade. Spencer Adams, Montas and Garcia for Cargo. I know most people think this is a ton but they also overvalue their own prospects as well. Montas is probably a future closer. It remains to be seen if he will develop the command to pitch in the majors. Adams is the hard piece to let go as he could be a future number 2 in a rotation. That future still is a ways off and things can happen in the few years. The truth is you have 3 pitchers who you plan to have till 2019. If the plan is to sign Shark long term than that leaves one rotation spot. The White Sox would figure to put both Fullmer and Johnson ahead of Montas or Spencer at this point. I would miss Spencer but I just don't see them doing a deal without him in it. Gonzalez would give the Sox something that have not had in awhile which is a left handed bat that can be in the middle of the order. The fact is this team still has a lack of quality position players both on the current roster and minor leagues. 3. I love Carlos Sanchez as I think he really does give you a major league at bat. I believe he could hit .300 one day and is a solid defender. I would consider bringing up Micah but only if you saw positive improvement on the defensive end. 4. Just a general comment. This team will not go anywhere unless Alexi improves his play.
  25. I know everybody is talking about adding another bat but one quick fix would be bring up Erik Johnson up and putting Danks in the pen. Danks will probably not average a 4.50 ERA the rest of the way. Lets see if Johnson can give us something better out of the 5th slot.
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