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Everything posted by kwill

  1. i was just wondering why Phillups is never consider a top prospect or even as a legit prospect for the major leagues. He has really good stats down in the minors. Does he not have great stuff, i think he is only 25.
  2. I have a feeling if we do get Soriano we will flip him again. Kenny is very good at filling holes and Soriano would create one, no matter how good he is with the bat. I think if he gets him he controls the market taking the Tigers or for that matter any other contender out of the market. I hear Seattle is very interested in Soriano, i wouldnt mind getting Rafeal Soriano and a couple good prospects for Soriano.
  3. Seems like a good fit since he is struggling as a Dodger but could thrive back in the American league. The Dodgers have a couple good prospects down in the minors. Freddy for Baez and impact prospect seems very logical.
  4. Hey, I was just wondering they are selling standing room only tickets?
  5. Yeah, I want the best team.. In fact, I want the cards when they are healthy so we can clealy show we are the best team!!!
  6. kwill


    Does anyone know the weather is going to be on friday and do you guys think that wind can actually play a factor on where the ball could go?
  7. First, they would never shell out all that money. Rowand is fine in centerfield, he plays great defense and is so-so on offense. But for 3 million you definitly could do worse. I think we could use another second basemen and another bat. I think Konerko is gone so trade for Overbay makes some sense. Bringing back Frank would be Great cause he really helped the offense while he was in there. Maybe we could trade for Rameriez or Bonds. Kenny loves thinking big and so do I.
  8. Is it wrong to want both the Red Sox and Yankees to get in cause we know they will bring in a large television audiance and thus making the post season be all that much special around the nation with the Whitesox being part of that talk. I mean we would have the 5 biggest media markets if the Astros get in then.
  9. I think now more than ever we need to be positive. ALso, i think we all know its going to come down to those 7 games against the indians. It will be close but we go 4-3 against them i think we have the division. Also, Look at our record against them, its pretty damn good. And they have a young team, which sometimes can fold when the pressure is on.
  10. It says that the tickets will go onsale next thursday, for the division series but what time do they open the box office. They say you only can get them online or by phone, so can somebody explain to me what time they will open ticket master. I hope this question wasent already asked? Thanks
  11. I hope he has an amazing year. So we can get good value for his ass in a trade and kick him in the ass and give him the finger ont he way out :finger I am glad that the man is having a great this season, but his ass is not worth 6 million dollars. We could get great value for him if he has a 15 win season.
  12. I dont know if you know this or not guys but San Fran park is massive and one of the biggest ballparks in the league. It plays huge and is very spacious and only one other player has hti the ball into the water
  13. You know how about a trade that would be a three way trade that would send garland, cotts, and borchard to the reds for willie mo pena, then send pena to the nationals to the nationals for L. Hernandez or Z. Day. Jim Bowden is in love with W. Pena. I dont know, just specualation on my part.
  14. This is kind of a report on how they think the sox will play too. Go Go Sox Start with Scotty Yesterday we discussed the Cubs, one very interesting team from a fantasy angle. You've got arguably the most interesting closer battle (Joe Borowski is the leader now), a dominating rotation with the potential for the best starter in the game (Mark Prior) and another who has won 15 games every year since Reagan's presidency (Greg Maddux). The leadoff batter could go 30-30 (Corey Patterson), and I'd bet at least two of the current bench players (Jerry Hairston, Jr. and Jason Dubois) finish the season with better stats than the current left fielder (Todd Hollandsworth). Of course, things are only a little less interesting on the south side of the Windy City. The majors' top home run team is now playing small ball? Ozzie, say it ain't so. But will it work, and more importantly for our purposes, what is the fantasy impact? I'd argue any potential lineup success lies in the leadoff hitter, in this case one Scott Podsednik. Fantasy owners don't know what to do with this guy. He led the majors in steals last year -- even more than Carl Crawford -- but was an otherwise ordinary player. Ah, but 70 steals! Two seasons ago as he was breaking out, Podsednik was a smarter player. He hit for average, took walks at a better rate and ultimately scored more runs. In 2004, it appears all he cared about was swiping bags, which as we all know is no guarantee to turn into a run. (Or a win.) Podsednik's on-base percentage dropped from .379 to .314. Think that doesn't matter? Among the 20 players who stole 22 or more bases, nobody had a lower OBP. Among 20 others who stole between 17 and 21 bases, Reggie Sanders, Jose Reyes and Tike Redman were the ones with lower OBPs. What's the significance? Get on base more, you can run more and score more. Dave Roberts, who essentially stopped playing at the trade deadline when the Dodgers dumped him on Boston, had 321 fewer at-bats than Podsednik, and 32 fewer steals. His OBP was 24 points higher. This year, I'm not so sure Roberts isn't the better value for where these guys are getting drafted, unless Scotty plays a different kind of baseball. Check out ESPN's Average Live Draft Results (you've all been asking me for it, here it is). So far, Podsednik is being drafted on average 63rd, making him an early sixth round pick. Too early? Unless you think he's going to steal that many bases again, it is. With ChiSox manager Guillen stressing the run and bunt game, I think Podsednik, despite a sketchy minor league track record, will actually be more like the 2003 version. That means he'll bunt more, hit more balls on the ground and try to beat them out. He'll swing less for the fences. And he'll probably run a little less, steal more like 50 bags. Overall, a .280 average, 50 steals and 100 runs (a far more normal rate of steals to runs is 1-to-2, not the 70-to-85 rate of last year) is more valuable than last year, trust me. And well worth the sixth round pick. Why draft Juan Pierre in round three if Podsednik's available an hour later? For that matter, unless you think Crawford's triples turn into homers fast, how can Crawford be a first-rounder? I love steals, and love Crawford, but there's no way I take him in round one. You get your power early. Teams only win with Crawford if they steal all the power late. After Podsednik on the White Sox, you'll want Juan Uribe, the No. 2 hitter. Expect less power, but double digit steals. And of course you know he's eligible at second, short and third. The White Sox could bat Aaron Rowand second, but I think he's really more of a three hitter. Paul Konerko ended up with 41 homers and 117 RBI, but Rowand had a higher slugging percentage, a lot more doubles and he has speed. Despite Rowand's better fit, I think the middle of the lineup will go Konerko, Jermaine Dye and then Rowand, but all could be 30-100 players. Don't forget about Dye; he always manages to knock in runs. With Frank Thomas still hurt, Carl Everett plays DH and should knock in runs. What happens to Japanese import Tadahito Iguchi? I think the team is putting him in the nine hole just so he can avoid pressure. He's got good speed, and will probably play a better small ball than Uribe or Rowand, making him a good No. 2 hitter. But not in April, I'd guess. Will the White Sox hit fewer home runs? They should. But they should also win more with a better focus. But it all starts at the top. posted: March 4, 2005 11:19:43 AM PST | Feedback
  15. i predict that jose contrereas fullfills his expectations and becomes one of the most dominating pitchers in the league. He most definitly has the stuff to do it too.
  16. i dont understand why anyone will boo him. Yes he did say some things about management, but the fact the matter is that he provided us with many great years of service. I would like to think that white sox fans would be appreciative of that fact adn applaud what he has done for our organization..
  17. I was wondering if anyone else read that article on espn.com about the 2006 free agents. We obviously have some of our own like Frank( we wont pick up his option) and Paul. I imagine Paul we will resign for somewhere 9 million dollar per season, but i really dont think we would resign Frank. We would probably have about 10 million to spend next offseason. I was wondering what guys do you think we should be intrested in. One guy i think we could go after is Aramis Rameriez if Crede doent produce this year. Here is a list of guys that are 2006 free agents: Mike Piazza Sammy Sosa Bernie Williams Nomar Garciaparra Rafeal Furcal Jonny Damon Tim Hudson Billy Wagner Lance Berkman Carlos Lee Brian Giles Aramis Rameriez Bret Boone That is just to name a few. I can see us going after a closer since shingo contract is up also. I dont believe we would even try for any outfielder. Hudson is going to get a truck load of money.What do you guys think?
  18. i dont konw about you guys but for some reason i am still hoping for kenny to pull off one more trade just to take the headlines away from the sosa deal. I believe that the sox dominated the headlines in chicago this offseason, and i would like to see kenny make a trade just to keep the momentum going in our favor. It doesnt sound to logical but i was wondering if anyone else felt this way. I think we still have major pawns to play either now or at the deadline. I think we should keep willie for now and see how crede plays in the first half. IF he doesnt produce we could ship him out at the deadline, iguchi to ss, and put willie back in. I believe the sox could get alot for crede in return. Anyone have these thoughts or am i the only who thinks this way?? By the way who here wants to just kick the s*** out of all the critics who are nto giving kenny credit for remaking the club. He has done a terrific job this offseason but no one gives him props.
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