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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. Kap, even though the first line I wrote was a gentle rip on you, I didn't mean the rest of the post to be. If you took it as a personal attack, I guarantee it wasn't. I just get tired of 22 year olds gushing about their support of the war while ordering another Jag Bomb and generally making jerks of themselves. Those are the scoundrels I mean to rip on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hypocrite is almost as loaded a word as racist and I darn sure didn't mean to tar you with it, friend.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 30, 2007 -> 02:55 PM) Just like the pro-war folks should grab a gun and go fight? No, Tex, it's always different, don't you see. The Goracle can't lecture us about the environment because he doesn't live in a solar powered cave and Edwards can't lecture us about income inequality because he's got loads of money (and he got it by chasing ambulances). But all the folks who are gung ho for the war, including the college students who support it, they don't have to go and fight. They can just talk and write about it. After all, their op-ed pieces in their campus newspapers do more for Iraq than them joining up would do any day.
  3. First of all, it was a curious decision by Greg Ryan. The squad hadn't lost in 51 matches and you switch keepers? Dumb. Second, it was an incredibly stupid thing to say by Hope Solo. I can't believe she could be such a poor teammate to do something that idiotic. Throw one of your teammates under the bus? Two weeks after you let in a soft goal of your own against North Korea? She might have made a save on one of those goals, maybe two -- and I stress might have. The US got their butts kicked by Brazil, pure and simple. Greg Ryan will lose his job and the new coach will have to find a new keeper. Scurry is too old and Solo is radioactive.
  4. I guess my biggest nagging question about Iraq is: when can the US decide that enough is enough? I know that we're going to stand down when the Iraqis start to stand up. Since most of the Iraqis have shown no inclination to do so, when are we going to force them to do it? Sink or swim? Or do we keep forces there until 2042?
  5. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 27, 2007 -> 12:03 PM) /thread I wouldn't necessarily say that, but I would like to see a link, so I can put things in context.
  6. I'm not a fan, but did she make these comments during the Evening News or in another forum?
  7. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 26, 2007 -> 04:42 PM) With a name like "Meshbesher". . . He's got to be good.® Nice. Actually his brother is the part owner of a pretty successful dive bar in town. He got his piece because he represented the bar in a suit and equity was the only way to pay.
  8. Winters suspended for rest of season. If he truly said what Bradley, Meacham and Helton all have claimed he said to touch things off, he should be fired. Period.
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 26, 2007 -> 02:20 PM) And as if you guys hadn't had enough...he just won't go away. If he hired Meshbesher, he hired one of the best lawyers in town.
  10. QUOTE(knightni @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 05:02 PM) Boo-hoo, someone's firing back. No coach ever makes any public statements without making many calculations. After a barnburner of a game, he steps into the interview room and gives that performance? Well planned, I say.
  11. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 25, 2007 -> 02:12 PM) Ike is offended by this post. As is Grant. As is Washington. Washington is unassailable, so I'll leave him out of this. Ike was a better General than a President, although he wasn't horrible at the job in the White House. Grant was about 100 times better as a General than President.
  12. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 02:13 PM) I guarantee you I would NOT, so don't you go talking about something you know NOTHING about. I support the war because ultimately it's my opinion that some good will come out of it. I also think that there's a greater cause for this besides getting rid of Saddam Hussein, who openly supported terroristic activities and openly committed acts of war EVERY SINGLE DAY by shooting at our planes. I also choose not to politicize this (like you just did by making the statement you did). I DO choose to call out the hypocracy of those Democrats who want to have control of something that isn't theirs to control right now. I furthermore choose to try and beleive that ultimately we are doing the right thing and don't run around with cutesy little pansy ass saying like "Bush lied, people died" and "No blood for Oil" and stupid little s*** like that. I choose to remain respectful of those who serve and frankly I owe my lifestyle to those people. I don't forget that. I don't need you to tell me what tune to sing and negative bait people because of a stance that I choose to support rather then pour cold water over it every day (I like the "ohhh I told you so" crap about how "bad" Iraq was going to be). The fact is we are in it, and I support it based on the knowledge that I have (no, I do not blindly follow it - I make my educated decision on what to support or not). If I were chosen to go, I'd go because that's the way it works. Just because I have made other choices doesn't make it wrong to support the position. While I agree with you in some aspects of your argument, what's more hypocritical? College-age (and therefore military-eligible) men and women against the war protesting the war in accordance with their beliefs, or college-age kids who support the war, sometimes even to the point of counter-demonstrating, staying at home and not serving?
  13. When I read the thread title, I was thinking of juicer=boozehound. Then I realized I was in A&J, not SLaM.
  14. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 20, 2007 -> 09:01 AM) I was curious about this too - what these "cops" really were. I looked around, and it turns out that U of F does have an actual, state-trained police department, like any other municipal department. So, at least from an expectation of training and legal responsibility, I think they need to be held to the same standard as, say, the Gainsville PD. I wondered about that, too, since in my experience here in Minneapolis, the University has their own PD with all the same responsibilities that the Minneapolis PD or the St. Paul PD. In fact, I know someone who got popped for DUI by the U of MN PD. I would figure that most large state universities have their own PD, subject to the same standards as any other PD in the state.
  15. When I let my hair grow long, I get this a lot: I have to reply, from the waist up, only.
  16. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Sep 17, 2007 -> 03:12 PM) Amazing Athlete! So I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in SLaM. Sue me.
  17. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 15, 2007 -> 12:00 PM) You can extend 'Pats fan' to the entire ESPN network. I loved watching the introduction to Sportscenter last week, one day after the news broke, when they led with "Did Mangini break an unwritten code of football?" Who gives a f***?! Amazing that people are so willing to defend New England that they'd rather criticize a coach for "ratting' rather than another coach for using a system to steal an opponents plays. Oh, that's right, others team we're probabgly doing it too so that somehow that makes it easier to accept. I loved Belichick's statement, "I misinterpreted the rule against videotaping". Yeah, I misinterpreted the fact that I had to send a check to the IRS by the 15th of April. I thought that "Speed Limit 70" meant I could travel at 85 mph. What do you mean, I have to pay for those drinks? What a douche.
  18. When you consider that McLaren got fined $100 Million for spying in Formula One racing, and Wade Wilson (a coach) got suspended for using HGH to treat diabetes-related ED, Belichick got off easy. He won't be paying any of his fine, really, and they lose what will probably be a below 30th pick. BTW, if another Pats fan expresses the opinion that Mangini is the true villain here, I am gonna scream.
  19. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 13, 2007 -> 10:36 PM) I agree with most of your sentiment here - and I've said that before. However, I think the Democrats are 100% worse then W. on a bad day, only because they politicize EVERYTHING that W. stands for just on the principle of it. Even with all of the stupidity, gaffes, etc. I think W. was/is a better choice then either the Goracle or John F. Kerry... which tells me that the office of the president is so far tainted in the respect department that it's hard to even feel good about it anymore. It's just sad. I will give Obama some points for that - he seems much more interested in a positive image then any other candidate out there right now. (This probably belongs in the candidate thread, but I wanted to echo NSS's sentiments here, because it has been a point in which I've been trying to talk about for a while now.). So only the Republicans are allowed to politicize everything?
  20. Problem is, for a strong dictator to manifest his strength, he has to crack some heads along the way. After all, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
  21. A baseball digression... My favorite baseball sign stealing story involves Sparky Anderson and Roger Craig when they were with the Tigers as Manager and Pitching Coach, respectively. People all around the league, including Joe Nossek, were driving themselves nuts trying to figure out the Tigers' pitchout sign. No one actually did figure it out, supposedly. Craig admitted in an interview that the sign was simple: if the was a runner on first and he was holding onto the pipe that ran across the top of the dugout, it was a pitchout. He held that pipe so often at other times, no one ever paid attention to it. Brilliant.
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