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Posts posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. The amazing thing to me is that not only is he probably going to fade Jack (a great golfer in his own right) by 2011, he's on pace to easily fade Sam Snead with 88 Tour wins. That's a record I didn't foresee being broken, but Tiger's goal is to win every event, regardless if it's a major or not.


    When all is said and done, he'll be regarded as the all time best by most people, if not everyone.

  2. Some say the world will end in fire,

    Some say in ice.

    From what I've tasted of desire

    I hold with those who favor fire.

    But if it had to perish twice,

    I think I know enough of hate

    To say that for destruction ice

    Is also great

    And would suffice.


    Thank you, Robert Frost.

  3. It's cold, naked greed, but it could be worse. I remember a station that charged about 45-50 percent more than the place right across the street, but got away with it because the price on the pump was listed in $ per liter. Since nobody knew how to convert liters to gallons, they paid the price (literally).

  4. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Aug 30, 2007 -> 06:57 PM)
    Actually, I am thinking about selling some carbon credits. I live close to work and ride my bike there. Sooooo, I figure I can sell the amount of carbon I would have created if I lived 40 miles from work and drove. I should send Mr.Edwards an email telling him I can sell him some Mr_g carbon credits. Then we can both go on Good Morning America and brag about how great we are, even though we haven't really accomplished anything. :headbang

    Well, you might be able to buy a nicer bike.

  5. Also from Slate, Mickey Kaus riffs on the issue.


    Smoking Gun from the Future:


    Filed: 8/27/08 at 8:57:26 AM


    On 8/26 at about 1200 hours I was working a plainclothes detail involving deviant conduct in the men's room at the Pepsi Center during the Democratic Convention. We had received civilian complaints of disorderly persons using this particular facility and had made several arrests.


    I entered the men's restroom and proceeded to an unoccupied stall in the back of the restroom. Other people were using the restroom for its intended purposes.While seated in the stall, I was the third stall from the wall (which was to the East). I observed suspect, a middle aged white male, enter the stall to my left and place his roller bag against the front of the stall door.


    At 1216 hours suspect tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal often used by persons wishing to criticize teachers' unions. Suspect tapped his toes several times and moved his foot closer to my foot. I moved my foot up and down slowly.


    At 1217 hours, I saw suspect swipe his hand under the divider for a few seconds, a possible sign of support for charter schools. Suspect repeated this motion again, from the front towards the back, and I could see more of his hand. Suspect then swiped his hand in the same motion for a third time. My experience has shown that this suggests an openness to publicly funded private school vouchers. While this was occurring, the male in the stall to my right was still present. This did not seem to deter the suspect. He began to whistle. Means-testing! I knew I had to take action. I slid my party credential under the divider and pointed to the exit. When suspect tried to leave I handcuffed him and placed him against the wall.


    Suspect denied all charges and claimed he was really soliciting homosexual sex. He was immediately released.

  6. They arrested 41 guys, and all of them probably just took their punishment and were grateful it wasn't any worse. Unfortunately for Craig, someone at the courthouse that day recognized his name, looked into it, and tipped off Roll Call.


    Were the airport cops a little overzealous? Perhaps, but I figure that they had received many complaints about things going on in that particular restroom, and they decided to do something about it.


    I have a feeling that any such behavior won't be happening there anymore

  7. Here's a funny bit from a discussion on Slate.


    Jack Shafer: I'm all for sex. Straight. Gay. Solo outings. Orgies. But I can understand why there are laws against "lewd conduct" in public places such as bathrooms and why they're enforced. I'm not going to stick up for Craig.


    Plotz, my cubicle-mate, asked why Craig would want to have sex in an airport. Then, channeling Saletan, he said, "Oh, it was a layover."

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