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Everything posted by Mplssoxfan

  1. SoxBadger and Jenksismyb****, You two obviously have better knowledge of Con Law than I do, since you've been to Law School and the only Bar exam I've ever passed involved booze. I guess I still don't know (and no one does, really) what would have happened if the sign had said "Bong Hits for Ted Stevens!". Maybe some accomplished student should try something along those lines, just to humor me.
  2. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jun 27, 2007 -> 12:08 AM) I guess I dont think that jackassery is a constitutionally protected speech. While I agree that the kid was just trying to draw attention to himself and wasn't being overtly political, I have problems with this line of reasoning. My sister was a nanny for a couple of families in DC in the late 70's-early 80's. One of the kids she nannied got a job as a bike messenger. One day (mid 80's) he was wearing a t-shirt that read, "Experts agree: Meese is a pig!" Sure enough, he had to bring a packet of documents to the Department of Justice, a delivery that he needed a signature for. The guards at the door wouldn't let him in. Is the statement on the t-shirt jackassery or political? If the kid in Alaska had held up a banner that said, "Bong hits for Ted Stevens!", would that be jackassery or political? The more exceptions we carve out of the Bill of Rights, the leerier I get of Government.
  3. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jun 25, 2007 -> 07:48 AM) Being out after 2am is just an invitation to bored cops to be pulled over anyway. Nothing good happens after 2am. Seriously though, why even have a DUI limit if they can charge you even if you are under it. "being impaired to the slightest degree"? WTF, this is just one step away from police state. They tried this crap on me once many years ago. I had had ONE beer, 2 hours BEFORE I was pulled over, but was wearing several beers due to a barfight that I happened to be in the way of. The cop was the biggest ass I have met, had cuffed me, hard, left my car on the side of the road unlocked, and kept me in the station for 3 hours. Oh, it was also 2:30 am. After blowing low enough to aalmost not even register three times, they finally let me go with a fake speeding ticket (I also wasn't speeding, positive of it), claiming to be acting 'nice' by not giving me a 'slightly impared' ticket. On a different note, be carefull out there people, thanks to MADD, Illinois is doing a huge DUI push the next two weeks, with random roadside safety checks (yeah, safety. sure). It would be interesting to note if anyone here gets stopped by a nazi patrol or not. Living not too far from the Jooliet riverboats, I see the stops alot. I'm not sure if it's been changed, but Washington, DC has a zero-tolerance DUI policy. That's right, if you blow a .01, you can be charged with DUI. MADD has gone from an anti-drunken driving organization to a neo-prohibitionist group. Their next step will be a .04 limit, passed in the same extortionist manner as nationwide .08 and 21 year old age limit. If a state doesn't pass it, they get no highway funds. Get a couple of taxi companies on speed dial -- you'll save lots of money.
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 22, 2007 -> 11:56 AM) An awful lot of Reagan policies helped in the matter. SDI, whether effective or not, played a big part in potentially eliminating the Russian ICBM stockpile's usefulness. Reagan's arms buildup left the Soviets unable to keep pace without destroying their economy. The U.S. support of the Afghan fighters, esp. with the Stinger, bled the Russians just like Vietnam bled the U.S. And turning around and negotiating after all the buildup, without making the mistake of war, gave the Russians a way out that helped crack everything. I wouldn't underestimate at all the effectiveness of 40 years of the containment system outlined by Truman, or the actions of any number of presidents, but I also wouldn't underestimate the job of the Reagan admin. in actually pulling the coup de gras and finishing the job. All of this is true. You can also add the moral presence of Pope John Paul II if you like. The downward pressure on oil prices in the mid-to-late 1980s helped a great deal as well.
  5. People who get all hung up about "corporate greed" should be manning the barricades for this one. Seriously.
  6. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 6, 2007 -> 07:47 AM) That's what I was thinking as well. I remember watching unfold live on CNN like it was yesterday. I remember thinking, "Maybe Marshall McLuhan was right about the 'global village' stuff". Now, of course, he's undeniably correct, it's just that he didn't anticipate the medium.
  7. Mplssoxfan

    Funny Tshirts?

    squidfire.com Not sure if they're funny, but they sure are cool.
  8. Here's a report about a break in the case. It's a shame, really. By all accounts, he was making a positive impact in lots of lives.
  9. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ May 30, 2007 -> 09:29 PM) I only put this here since there isn't an independent candidate thread, and she SUED to be a Dem. McKinney for Pres in '08! http://video1.washingtontimes.com/fishwrap...inney_08_1.html That would be fantastic. She is insane. "I have a Green Party button from 2000." Classic! Now I'm waiting for Katherine Harris to enter the race for a fringe party from the other side. Batty vs. Batty!
  10. QUOTE(whitesox07champs @ Jun 1, 2007 -> 11:23 PM) With the recent stupid managerial decisions by Ozzie guillen I am left wondering if changing managers wouldnt be the worst move for the white sox at this moment! If we were to get a new manager who could it be? I know many people are going to be mad for this but Dusty is a name that comes to mind. He just left a cursed cubs team which couldnt win if they had the 1927 yankees roster. Dusty did a bad job with the cubs but I believe that bringing him with the white sox would give this team the lift it needs! Welcome to Soxtalk, Mr. Baker!
  11. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 29, 2007 -> 05:12 PM) A Little Charlie Nelson Reily trivia for you: Oh, yeah, I think he also might have been a little gay. Oh, sure. Next you'll tell me that Paul Lynde was gay, too.
  12. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ May 29, 2007 -> 03:32 AM) If you thought watching yesterday's game on TV sucked, you should have watched it surrounded by 27,000 fans wearing Morneau and Mauer jersey shirts like I did. That sure blew. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BTW, I have it on very good authority that Ozzie and the Umps were eating in the same restaurant, and that they were sending each other drinks. So I doubt the Umps have it in for anyone.
  13. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 28, 2007 -> 10:52 PM) It's that giant milk carton.It's not there any more! I don't know what happened to it. Anyway, yesterday was my first time seeing this team in person, and they made so many mental errors it was mindboggling. Throwing to the wrong bases, not covering for each other -- it was frustrating to watch. Sure, you can pin some of the blame for the way these guys are playing on Ozzie, but when you are a Major League ballplayer and you don't execute the fundamentals of the game, it's not the skipper's fault.
  14. It's a beautiful day in Minneapolis, mid to upper 70's and mostly sunny, and I'm on my way inside to see a baseball game. Oh, the pity. Go Sox! Get on top of Johan early.
  15. Hey, Dubya needs all the good luck he can get.
  16. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 27, 2007 -> 08:27 AM) Jim's old. I've got him covered. Happy, happy Flaxx!
  17. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ May 25, 2007 -> 11:20 AM) Is it still pending? Or is it charged to your account? Sometimes this happens to me when it's pending for the reason mentioned above...open tab is one and then final is the other. When it finally goes through, only the final is charged. If that's not the case...call the bar first, then bank. It's extremely possible that the extra $20 charge is pending. What happens in that case is that your server or bartender accidentally swiped your card twice and the extra swipe will be dropped in a few days. If they are indeed charging you twice, call the establishment and have them fix it. 98% of places won't want to treat a customer like that, and, if you act reasonable about it, you might get a gift card out of it, too.
  18. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 21, 2007 -> 12:55 PM) Ouch. He's here through Thursday, folks. Be sure to tip your waitress. Try the Veal, and enjoy the Starland Vocal Band!
  19. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ May 21, 2007 -> 08:57 AM) Hell, lately I can't tell the difference between Mariotti and a SoxTalk poster. Heh.
  20. Just change the spelling of "gay" to "ghey" when you mean "that's stupid". In other words, turn it into a homophone!
  21. I love how easy it is to manage a Major League ballclub from behind a keyboard.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ May 8, 2007 -> 08:47 PM) Well done Crede...a liner! Hate to say something bad, but Hawk saying Ozzie called for a hit-and-run with 2 outs, 2 strikes is quite stupid. Um, excuse me?
  23. I like Spurs' chances of playing in Europe next year. Big win tonight, two left, both at WHL. Rovers and City.
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